• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
randyp said:
       We are in the Mad Rush to get every last bit out of our bounty.Looks like your well on your way Rick.. ;)
S'right brother... you too?
Got my Takanotsume and all my Frutascens varieties cut down and hung up down cellar to finish ripening...




It actually only got down to 36 degrees last night, but it can only be a matter of days before it frosts here. Since we got a couple days reprieve, I think I'll cut and hang the Prik Leuang and Goat's Weed today as well. I pulled a quart of green Serranos that I have to figure out what to do with... probably make some more pepper jelly. Have a a great week all!
Devv said:
Sad to see the season come to a close Rick, but it was a good one!

Thanks Scott. :)  It was kind of a wild ride, but now that I've grown so many different types of hot chiles besides the Gochus, I've pretty much narrowed down the list to a few I'll grow each year and concentrate more on veggies. It's just insane what they're selling for up here... :eek:
ronniedeb said:
Plenty of pods there to pick as they ripen, Rick. Great season and a phenomenal glog. Hopefully you have a few more foodie shots left in you!
Thanks Ronan, and no worries... I'll probably shift to a foodie thread when I've finally put the peppers to bed for the season. ;)
     I go to a website that has the daily soil temps for Iowa.I am sitting at 55 degrees.The 10 day shows Saturday low coming in at 37,so I am still hanging for that long.Anything I get from here on out is just gravy on what was a great year Rick. ;)
Man, you had a great season there Rick and looks like you're going to have plenty of heat to keep the cold of winter at bay. Looking for ward to seeing your foodie posts and maybe a TD or 2? FYI, those peppers got to a nice orange before I began to get concerned about them setting out and put them into the freezer till I can get a mash ready to go.
randyp said:
     I go to a website that has the daily soil temps for Iowa.I am sitting at 55 degrees.The 10 day shows Saturday low coming in at 37,so I am still hanging for that long.Anything I get from here on out is just gravy on what was a great year Rick. ;)
Glad to year you had a productive year too Randy. :)
Penny said:
Love the pics....looks like you had a great season Rick!!
Thanks for dropping by and the good vibe miz Penny... how'd it go for you this season?
RocketMan said:
Man, you had a great season there Rick and looks like you're going to have plenty of heat to keep the cold of winter at bay. Looking for ward to seeing your foodie posts and maybe a TD or 2? FYI, those peppers got to a nice orange before I began to get concerned about them setting out and put them into the freezer till I can get a mash ready to go.
Thanks brother Bill! Glad to hear the Nabasco pods ripened up for you... I was sure they would. :dance: Now I'm just waiting with bated breath to see what wizardry you come up with using them... ;)  If they have any TDs that speak to me when I have more free time, I may take a stab at them... we'll see. :)
The quart jar of Frutascens mash has stopped fermenting, now it's time for it to age. I roasted a small pumpkin to get a bit over a quart of puree, and I have a bit over a quart of more Frutascens peppers... any suggestions for a hot sauce recipe using these ingredients?
Always something good happening here, Rick!  
I'll ask my friend about her stuffed manzano recipe.
Sorry to hear frost is imminent there.  You have had an awesome season, my friend!
I think we'll dodge that bullet for at least another two weeks if the weather forecast holds.  
Lowest temp. in the 10-day is 46.  Woot!
Hey Rick, it seems like only yesterday your plants were still small... I can't believe how quickly the frost has come knocking again. Damn, I hate that time of the year... you are just getting into a nice routine and then mother nature closes the blinds. I feel for ya buddy, but I think you have had an awesome season indeed as Paul said and I am sure that pantry is full of hot stuff. Please keep them awesome food pics and recipes going!
PaulG said:
Always something good happening here, Rick!  
I'll ask my friend about her stuffed manzano recipe.
Sorry to hear frost is imminent there.  You have had an awesome season, my friend!
I think we'll dodge that bullet for at least another two weeks if the weather forecast holds.  
Lowest temp. in the 10-day is 46.  Woot!
I appreciate your asking her Paul... thanks! Good deal that you'll get at least another 2 weeks grace before the fat lady sings. ;)  You've had an awesome season, and wish you the same next year. :)
PeriPeri said:
Hey Rick, it seems like only yesterday your plants were still small... I can't believe how quickly the frost has come knocking again. Damn, I hate that time of the year... you are just getting into a nice routine and then mother nature closes the blinds. I feel for ya buddy, but I think you have had an awesome season indeed as Paul said and I am sure that pantry is full of hot stuff. Please keep them awesome food pics and recipes going!
Not to worry Lourens... I've lived virtually my whole life here in western Massachusetts, and a short growing season is just the way it is. I'm actually looking forward to the break once I get all the peppers and other veggies processed. I hope to get in a little ice fishing this winter too... I've only been out a few times since we moved into our house in Greenfield. I'm sure you know that your free time tends to disappear when you're a homeowner, eh? ;)
I'll certainly be cooking with the chiles this winter... I think they're perfect food for cold and flu season, as an excellent provider of vitamins C and A... they keep the upper respiratory system clear and open, warm you up after coming in from the cold, and the endorphin rush helps keep the "shack nasties" at bay when winter's gone on for just too #$%&ing long... :P
Hiya Rick....lets see this season was Ok, my tomatoes really struggled this season, but we also had a cool wet summer, but I did manage to save some seeds from those. ;)
As to my peppers, every plant that I gave to someone to grow, no one saved me any seeds at all!!! :mope:
I guess its partly my fault, I should have kept on top of it better, but I had reminded them that I wanted some pods for seeds, and nothing....so some of what I wanted to save I am either way down on or totally out of :rolleyes:
stickman said:
I appreciate your asking her Paul... thanks! Good deal that you'll get at least another 2 weeks grace before the fat lady sings. ;)  You've had an awesome season, and wish you the same next year. :)
Not to worry Lourens... I've lived virtually my whole life here in western Massachusetts, and a short growing season is just the way it is. I'm actually looking forward to the break once I get all the peppers and other veggies processed. I hope to get in a little ice fishing this winter too... I've only been out a few times since we moved into our house in Greenfield. I'm sure you know that your free time tends to disappear when you're a homeowner, eh? ;)
I'll certainly be cooking with the chiles this winter... I think they're perfect food for cold and flu season, as an excellent provider of vitamins C and A... they keep the upper respiratory system clear and open, warm you up after coming in from the cold, and the endorphin rush helps keep the "shack nasties" at bay when winter's gone on for just too #$%&ing long... :P
Hear ya Rick. Now ice fishing sounds like good fun!
Penny said:
Hiya Rick....lets see this season was Ok, my tomatoes really struggled this season, but we also had a cool wet summer, but I did manage to save some seeds from those. ;)
As to my peppers, every plant that I gave to someone to grow, no one saved me any seeds at all!!! :mope:
I guess its partly my fault, I should have kept on top of it better, but I had reminded them that I wanted some pods for seeds, and nothing....so some of what I wanted to save I am either way down on or totally out of :rolleyes:
Hey Penny, sorry to hear this. That sucks! Please PM me a list of seeds you need and I will try and help where I can ;)
stickman said:
Thanks Scott. :)  It was kind of a wild ride, but now that I've grown so many different types of hot chiles besides the Gochus, I've pretty much narrowed down the list to a few I'll grow each year and concentrate more on veggies. It's just insane what they're selling for up here... :eek:
Veggies are out of this world, and the quality has declined so much. That's exactly what we strive for, NOT to buy veggies and fruits from the store.
@Penny: Same here, I haven't compiled a list yet, but I have plenty of seeds. So feel free to make a wish list.
PIC 1 said:
Rick you sure had a great season, did you take any cuttings or plan to overwinter any ?
I bet your root cellar  will be filled up mason jars soon.
Thanks Greg! :)  There'll be plenty O' heat this winter for sure. ;)  In order to save money, I won't be starting any Chinense or Frutascens peppers early this winter, and my Wife will only make room among her houseplants in front of the south-facing sliding glass door for one of my Chiles... so I'll OW my oldest Manzano. I farmed out a couple of my MoAs too, with the understanding that if the foster "parent" keeps them alive through the winter, He gets to keep one and I'll get the other one to plant out at my place in the spring.
Penny said:
Hiya Rick....lets see this season was Ok, my tomatoes really struggled this season, but we also had a cool wet summer, but I did manage to save some seeds from those. ;)
As to my peppers, every plant that I gave to someone to grow, no one saved me any seeds at all!!! :mope:
I guess its partly my fault, I should have kept on top of it better, but I had reminded them that I wanted some pods for seeds, and nothing....so some of what I wanted to save I am either way down on or totally out of :rolleyes:
It was pretty cold here too until the beginning of July. Glad you managed to save enough tomato seeds for next year.  If the folks you gave pepper plants to didn't save you any seeds, then next year you'll have to grow them yourself I guess. If you want any varieties I have, just drop me a pm and I'll hook you up. :)
PeriPeri said:
Hear ya Rick. Now ice fishing sounds like good fun!
 As long as you take the attitude that safety comes first and you dress for conditions, then it is Lourens, but I don't think everybody would agree with me... ;)
Devv said:
Veggies are out of this world, and the quality has declined so much. That's exactly what we strive for, NOT to buy veggies and fruits from the store.
Amen brother! Tonight I cooked carrots from the garden, and they're so much more flavorful! I also made Paprikás Csirke (Chicken-Paprika stew) with some of the Hungarian peppers from the garden. I got the recipe here...  http://www.saveur.com/article/recipes/Hungarian-Chicken-Paprikash
... and it looked like this when it was done...

I'm still getting a few Chinense pods from the plants in the raised bed behind the house.  Here's the pull from the last 3 days.

Between the Fruts I hung up down cellar to finish ripening and the Nabasco out back, it looks like I may make another quart of mixed Fruts to use in sauces.
Have a great Friday Eve all!
randyp said:
    That stew looks great Rick. ;)
It sure is Randy! :drooling: It's really easy to make too... I just cut up 3 pounds of chicken, seasoned with salt and pepper and fried in batches for 8 minutes on medium high heat in a quarter cup of vegetable oil, flipping once to brown the meat. Then I took it out of the pot with a slotted spoon and fried a large chopped yellow onion for 8 more minutes to caramelize it. The unusual thing you do is to add 3 tablespoons of paprika to the onions and fry for 2 more minutes. This dissolves the paprika powder in the oil and "unlocks" the aroma, flavor and color. To finish it off, I add a couple of seeded, chopped plum tomatoes, a few seeded, chopped Banana peppers or Italian Frying peppers and 2 cups of chicken broth, reduce the heat to medium low and simmer for half an hour until the chicken is done. Garnish with sour cream or plain yogurt and dust with more paprika powder.
I think it's well worth planting the Hungarian peppers they use for paprika powder. I have seeds for a sweet heirloom variety from near Szeged that I've grown for a couple of years now. I got them from HabaneroHead, and he sent me seeds for an older variety called fűszerpaprika that's sweet if you remove the membrane and seeds before drying, and mildly hot if you leave them in. I'll probably grow at least a dozen of them next year in addition to the Almapaprika for pickling.
Today, I decided to try the "Louisiana-style Hot Sauce" recipe on the Joy of Cooking blog using the second quart-sized bag of mixed Frutascens pods and the closest thing to a local sweet white wine I could find. http://www.thejoykitchen.com/recipe/fermented-louisiana-style-hot-sauce
A bottle of Auslese Reisling would ;have been a dollar more expensive and less than half the volume... this one tastes more than adequate..

TGIF all!
    Hell yea Rick,luv the looks of that sauce.And I do use a heck of a lot of paprika in my cooking.I think I am adding it to my 2015 list.I buy so much of it,what was I thinking not growing it yet. :confused: