Sorry 'bout the glitch... still learning how to use my new "smart" phone. Sometimes it seems like it's smarter than me... 

Devv said:
Wow Rick! We are on such different schedules. I sowed my Onion seeds September 15th, and they hit the dirt January 15th. Done by mid June. I use short day varieties here. My preference is the sweet onions. We grow so many that we use the food processor and freeze them, so when the ones we cured and kept in the bins play out we have some to fall back on.
Good luck with that Chuck, mine were in the Aerogarden for four weeks exactly before they started to hook up. I don't think the Aerogarden speeds germination, but it grows the sprouted seedlings faster.OCD Chilehead said:Congrats on the Galapagoense. I had both of mine pop this last week. I may start a couple more and pop in the aerogarden. We'll see how these do.
moruga welder said:Everything is looking great from my view , Rick !![]()
karoo said:Great looking plants , are the destined to go outside and when?
stettoman said:Those Kurtovska Kapijas, are those what Devv calls "Kurts"? He sent me some, haven't popped yet. You should tell him what they're called, he says he forgot...![]()
stettoman said:Absolutely Rick, I read up on them, they sound pretty nummy. Maybe I can wean the Missus of the dang bell peppers!
Devv said:Now isn't "Kurts" so much easier to remember than Kurtovska Kapijas? Say that 10 times fast. Names I'm bad with. Give me a number like and I can tell you what it resolves to in dns. I'm the guy you meet at a party and introduce yourself to and as you walk away; I'm like what was his name? It takes me several times to click a name to a face, but tell me your phone number? That will stick, if it's early in the evening...I did say we're at a party right?
Eric, those seeds should do well. I planted from the same batch and had to cull a few.
And Rick. I never get that many peppers from the Kurtovska Kapijas...there I said it! They must not like the heat here. But they are good!
The plants are looking really good Rick ! , especially with them there new shoes ,stickman said:Hi all! Having made lunch and a gallon of chicken stock in the pressure cooker, I'm sitting at home, bored, with a foot of snow on the ground and more coming down outside. I know, I'll repot the first-round plants! They probably need it anyway, or will soon.
Piment Cabri
Giant Yellow Cardi Scorpion
Randy's Bhut-Scorpion cross
a very dry Aji Oro
I moved them from 16 ounce cups to 1 liter air-pruning "Airpots" after fluffing the roots a bit. They were just starting to circle the bottom of the cups.