• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2017 Minimalist Glog

stickman said:
Orange pheno Forbing Naga
It seems i have the same pheno in my garden Rick :)
I'm giving it more time to see if it turns to red at some point, did you already tasted one?

Datil said:
It seems i have the same pheno in my garden Rick :)
I'm giving it more time to see if it turns to red at some point, did you already tasted one?


I did Fabrizio... my impression was that it was not quite as hot as either parent but it still had a fair lick of heat. It also didn't have any of the floral taste and aroma of the Bhut. I liked it a lot... Gary and Jamie did a good job with this cross.
stickman said:
He didn't want me to keep the recipe to myself, so here's Greg's Cooked Salsa recipe...
10 pounds of plum tomatoes, blanched, peeled and chopped
3 large yellow onions, chopped
2 celery stalks, peeled and finely diced
2 green bell peppers, chopped into 1/4 inch dice
2 red bell peppers, chopped into 1/4 inch dice
6 jalapenos, finely diced
4 serranos, finely diced
1 bunch cilantro, finely chopped
1/4 c. cider vinegar
2 tbsp sugar
salt to taste, about 2 tbsp
a few grinds of black pepper
powdered citric acid or lemon juice to stabilize pH
Bring all ingredients less citric acid to a boil. Measure 1/4 tsp citric acid or 1 tsp lemon juice into each canning jar before filling. Fill each jar with hot salsa, leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Fit tops and process in a hot water bath canner for 15 minutes.
Cheers Paul! I think you're right. :)
I got the recipe for the Gochu Ketchup from a British cookbook, so I should probably not put it out here, but pm me and I'll share it with you... or you could ask Simmie. ;)
Tonight's supper was Jerk Chicken with the first of my Scotch Bonnets and Jamaican rice and "peas".
Hang in there folks... Friday's coming! :dance:
that chicken looks good mon

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MikeUSMC said:
Awesome! Thanks Rick (and Greg)! Ruck, that chicken looks fantastic too! :party:
Sinn said:
that chicken looks good mon

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Cheers guys! Not too much to report today but a few pics from the chile garden and I'll be making a cooked sauce with the first of my Forbing Naga chiles and a few Bhuts.
Have a great pre-Labor Day weekend!

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Looking great, Rick! I can't wait to try some MoA's next season...I'm assuming that's what the yellows are. I'm going to have a few different bonnets next year, thanks to MikeUSMC and P. Dreadies from Malarky. Speaking of the solar mulch in my glog: is yours a solid sheet or are there holes in it? Like pin holes throughout? Mine has holes to let water through and air out, I'm guessing. So I guess it's not solar mulch. It's called "Weed Proof" and I get rolls for around $16...75' x 3'. Maybe it's 100' x 3'.

Great looking pods! Is the Chocolate variety Alphanerdz Douglah? I might grow another Douglah next year for crossing. Awesome stuff!
tsurrie said:
Nice to see those heavy loaded plants Rick. Beautiful pods!
Cheers Uros! Things are starting to cool off here already, so I'm glad to see the colors. Hopefully our first frost will hold off at least until the middle of October but we'll just have to see. I may have to set up the low row cover over the chiles to stretch things that far.
Bhuter said:
Looking great, Rick! I can't wait to try some MoA's next season...I'm assuming that's what the yellows are. I'm going to have a few different bonnets next year, thanks to MikeUSMC and P. Dreadies from Malarky. Speaking of the solar mulch in my glog: is yours a solid sheet or are there holes in it? Like pin holes throughout? Mine has holes to let water through and air out, I'm guessing. So I guess it's not solar mulch. It's called "Weed Proof" and I get rolls for around $16...75' x 3'. Maybe it's 100' x 3'.

Great looking pods! Is the Chocolate variety Alphanerdz Douglah? I might grow another Douglah next year for crossing. Awesome stuff!
Cheers Adam! Most of my yellow pods are either MoA or P. Dreadie Scotch Bonnets, but I have one Scotch Brain, a yellow-pheno Forbing Naga and one yellow Trinidad Scorpion that's just starting to ripen. I like the yellow Chinense varieties for making fruity hot sauces and split the red varieties between tomato-based sauces and powder.
If you don't mind strong flavors you'll probably like the Douglahs. When I've grown them before, I noticed notes of earth and wood in them. Brother Jamie suggested smoking them with Cherry wood and that certainly improved the flavor. I powdered some, but used most of them in a tomato, onion and blueberry sauce with a touch of Maple syrup to iron out the rough spots... Those babies are :hot: [emoji6] Anyway, yes... The brown pods are Douglahs.
     The plastic mulch I use is called "solar mulch"... it's a solid infrared-transparent film that holds in moisture, warms the soil for a warmer microclimate and blocks weeds. Since it's a solid film without holes in it to let the water through, I run drip tubing underneath and hook it up to a hose timer. I love "fire and forget" whenever I can arrange it... :D   http://www.johnnyseeds.com/tools-supplies/mulches-and-landscape-fabric/solid-plastic-polyethylene-mulch/solar-mulch---4-x-50-9738.0.html?utm_source=froogle&utm_medium=CSE&utm_campaign=MerchantAdv&zmam=80483139&zmas=1&zmac=24&zmap=9738.0&source=google_johnny_seeds&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=NB_PLA_GOOG&utm_term=shopping&utm_content=sZLqOmgWX_dc|pcrid|71808251533|pkw||pmt||&&gclid=Cj0KCQjw24nNBRChARIsALldLD0UUhkbX8pBbERDnCJo4OdIPU7-CpiXzUVKVhZO020IRRaAv9qu2zEaAhooEALw_wcB

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Superhot Sim said:
So glad I grew your Gochu pepper this season Rick, it's a great pepper and makes a fantastic spicy ketchup as you know.
I will grow a few of these next season.


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Glad to be of assistance Sim. [emoji106] now we've gotta get you making kimchi. [emoji6]

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The hot sauce and all those pods look great Rick.
And you were worried....see they're doing fine.
And I'm glad they're doing so well. ;)
Greg sure can make sauces, every bottle he sent was fantastic. I have that recipe from "back in the day". It's simply killer. I haven't seen him in a while; hopefully all is well with him and his family.
Devv said:
The hot sauce and all those pods look great Rick.
And you were worried....see they're doing fine.
And I'm glad they're doing so well. ;)
Greg sure can make sauces, every bottle he sent was fantastic. I have that recipe from "back in the day". It's simply killer. I haven't seen him in a while; hopefully all is well with him and his family.
Thanks Scott! It's certainly been a load off my (alleged) mind to have the chiles coloring up with about 6 more weeks left to the season.
So far I've made 2 batches of sauce... the Scotch Bonnet-mango sauce I call Caribbean Ketchup and a Ghost Pepper sauce with a red bell pepper/tomato/garlic base. My own recipe... I'd purely love to find some of Gregs!

I made some lamb Kofta kebabs for supper tonight with a grilled eggplant/yogurt/garlic sauce.

Also a peach salsa with one of my Bonnets.

Gonna be lots more to process after the county fair harvest. :)
I was having trouble with aphids when overwintering my chiles... (Especially the Pubes) so this year I kept my smallest plant inside to avoid the problem this winter... This Douglah was it. She wasn't doing much through May, June and July but finally seems to be catching up with the others.

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Walchit said:
Your salsas and sauces sound like they are really good

Cheers Wally. ;)  So far my most popular are a curried pumpkin sauce, a roasted pineapple/mango sauce and the ghost sauce pictured... as per the clientele at the lunch counter where I leave them. My Yellow Scorpions are starting to ripen up... I'm gonna have to give some thought to what to do with them. :think:

Happy Taco Tuesday all!
Kimchi, salsas/sauces, delicious looking food, beautiful pods...a complete glog! Too bad MA is so far away. I could use a crash course in not wasting my pods. Lol. I dry a lot and thanks to a new dehydrator, will dry even more. But I have been known to procrastinate and not get things done. Awesome stuff, Rick! I imagine the Ghost Pepper Sauce has a great burn. Very nice!
Bhuter said:
Kimchi, salsas/sauces, delicious looking food, beautiful pods...a complete glog! Too bad MA is so far away. I could use a crash course in not wasting my pods. Lol. I dry a lot and thanks to a new dehydrator, will dry even more. But I have been known to procrastinate and not get things done. Awesome stuff, Rick! I imagine the Ghost Pepper Sauce has a great burn. Very nice!
Cheers Adam... glad you like it. :)  I'm always up for ways of preserving my harvest that aren't energy-intensive, and I love to cook. I can and bottle as much as I can and use a passive solar dehydrator to handle the overflow when it's coming in too fast.

The Ghost sauce has a nice flavor with a good lick of heat, but it won't melt any faces. ;)  Flavor is a good seven tenths of my interest.
moruga welder said:
mmmmmmmm all looks Deish  , Rick !    Great to see your having a prosperous year ,   Heres to another good month of poddage  :cheers:
Cheers Frank, and right back atcha! :thumbsup:
Devv said:
Wow Rick!
You have been a busy boy ;)
All the goodies look great! And it's high time LB and I get back to work, and now we have a killer Pear crop to process...lol. We still haven't used all the frozen Peaches yet. But a 3 day coming up!
So glad your grow is making :P
Cheers Scott! Have you thought about peaches and barbecued pork for labor day? :)
I don't have as many peppers to display at the county fair this year, so I'm compensating by canning up 3 kinds of salsa and a chutney to enter as well as the onions and garlic I grew in the pepper beds in the community garden. My hope is that the Pepper Flies will have moved on and next year will be back to normal.
Finally! The last two of my chile plants have started to show some color! A King Naga in the raised bed

and a Forbing Naga in an airpot

The Rosemary Pepper is a real workhorse... I may plant several next year for pickling.

The night for putting the entries in at the Franklin County Fair is Wednesday after work, and I'm really looking forward to it.
TGIF all, and have a great Labor Day weekend! We'll be slow cooking a pork shoulder in the barrel grill on Saturday and using Scott's recipe. Cheers!