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hot-sauce Stillmanz Devils Tongue Jerk Sauce

A Jerk sauce made with Devils Tongue by our own dynamic & intrepid Mr. Stillmanz. My apologies firstly to the Man(z) himself - I tried, I tried so very hard to keep my nose out of this bottle but by the time it came down to the big day...

{I know it's sideways, I'm trying to distract}

I had to make a trip out to Wynnum today, a suburb on the coast of Moreton Bay just east of Brisbane. A few easily visible islands away from the deep sea of the Pacific. The seafood around here is amazing. I have a specific mission. To find some aquatic beasts at the fish market, smother them with Stillmanz new Devils Tongue Jerk Sauce, BBQ it & well, eat the lot while I've still got some of the sauce left.

I ended up with:

10 large green (raw) prawns
600 grams (1.3 lb) Australian Goldband Snapper fillets
10" fresh squid tube

I ripped the legs of the prawns and made a small incision through the shell underneath to let the sauce soak in, cut & scored the squid.
Pocketed it in alfoil inside a big foil baking dish. Poured all of the sauce over the top. It looked something like this when stuffed into a 45 cm x 25 cm (18" x 10")baking tray:

I covered it over & cooked it on the rack of the Q with the lid 3/4 down at about 180 for 15 mins then a blast at 220 for another 10 mins. (356 F & 430F)

It came out looking like:


I threw the calamari on the grill for a few minutes to give it some color.

The first think you notice is the smell. Citrus smell - sweet pineapple & lime. Crisp and fresh and of inarguable quality.

This Devil does have a forked tongue though, the moment it hits your toungue you're hit with tandem spikes of sweet citrus & sharp heat. I can feel the burn sliding down my throat, go for another big scoop of fish. Wow! lips tingling tip of my tongue is begging for beer. My throat gets warm all the way down. Hey, I can still taste the fish. The citrus has formed a cooling oasis across most of my tongue. The heat & aroma is making me sniff.
It's hard to explain, it's such a 'clean & crisp' taste...more...gimme more.. I'm starting to sweat.

The prawns were even better, where I'd torn the legs off they got a little singed. The sauce got in like I'd hoped & dissipated nicely into the flesh trapped within the shell. The prawns with there stronger saltier flavor really matched up the two spikes well, the little smokey singed bits were just icing on the cake.

Scoff, chew, gorge, munch munch munch Oh yeah the calamari worked well too...munch munch mabfdh hahfsdu...*Gulp* Gone :(

Wait theres still sauce at the bottom of the tray...off to get a spoon>>

Well thats about as I saw (tasted) it. A blinding rush of feeding frenzy. I even drank the last dram straight from the bottle.

I'm thinking great for chicken, pork definitely, even lamb. Hell I'm also thinking it'd be a great topping for pavlova. I know in my house though...it's a seafood's champion.

Heat 8/10
Flavor 9/10
Originality: 7/10
Quality: 10/10

Great work Stillmanz.
It was truly a privilege.
Thank you very much good Sir for the positive review.
I'm not entirely happy with this batch it was a little hotter than normal. (just much hotter pods than normal don't know why)

Its interesting to note this sauce and the ones Cajohn does are the only Fatalii/ devils tongue hot sauce on the market that I am aware of.
I need my own Jim Campbel damnit lol.

Seriously though I've found this stuff is best on Pork and LAmb, or on steamed fish its great too, we do it that way on the menu at our shop.... some of us crazies use it as a salad dressing too.

Thanks again for the right up.

I crave this stuff when ever I smell chicken cooking, we have roast chicken here at least once a week and this sauce compliments it splendidly. I love the small chunks of pineapple that come out, the mustard seeds(is that what they are?) which I like to crunch on between my front teeth, its intense distinctive aroma, like you just sliced open a big fat Fatalii, and the burn after is all fantastic.

I like the "devils tongue" too stillmanz:)
Did I mention BB is growing fatalii /devils tongue for me this comming season....... lol

....not to put you on the spot.

on the fatalii / devils tongue thingy if you go to Cajohns site he refers to his peppers as fatalii or as the indigenous of the region call them "devils tongue" Like I have said in other places I find there is a slight colour variance between the two, but I can't taste the difference.

oh and yes that is mustard seeds you can crunch
Nooooo way! Not that Mad Dog, I hate it, it's the smell, the chemical taste, it's sick. I've still got it in the back of the cupboard but I've screwed the lid on so tightly incase I ever come in after a night out and decide it might taste alright after all. Hopefully I wouldn't be able get the lid off. I can't bring myself to chuck it out as it's not the cheapest sauce ever. I thought of mixing some in with another sauce but would probably end up spoiling another bottle. Besides I don't think I could stand the smell. Any other sauce is fine as a salad dressing.
Hey stillz,

is this the yellow sauce I have? I love the taste, but don't have the knowledge to do a review.

(Like wine, if it tastes good, it's good.)

I did a review once for Stillmanz. Just say what you think of it RS, using the 10/10 ratings a simple but very useful way for others reading it. As you say it's just like wine (beer in my case) other people will say Stella is tramps p*ss but I like it and that's what matters, it's my mouth it's going into :)
rainbowberry said:
I did a review once for Stillmanz. Just say what you think of it RS, using the 10/10 ratings a simple but very useful way for others reading it. As you say it's just like wine (beer in my case) other people will say Stella is tramps p*ss but I like it and that's what matters, it's my mouth it's going into :)

Ditto. Say what comes naturally. Believe it or not, an honest opinion won't get you chastised. After all, we want your opinion.

Personally I like to read some Hunter S Thompson & get a skinfull of cheap liquor to get in the mood. Can you tell? :lol:
BTW Stillmanz. I saw the local butcher had some Ducks. Can I get another bottle through your paypal (it's not likely I'll be up there again for a few weeks).

Also thought rabbit. But can't find any sellers around here. Hmmm..Crocodile ??
I like honest to a point, after which I send out the search party... lol

Bent I think it would be fine on crock scewers I don't like rabbit but try red hill butcher he might have some, he sells fruit bat....
fruit bat :shocked: I can get them with a golf club from my veranda :lol:

Theres a guy at cnr Merthyr & Brunswick, New Farm. who stocks some true game food.

You don't like rabbit?
Thats not the real reason i don't like rabbit though, I just don't like the flavour its ok I just don't chase it.
I was thinking about growing some guinipigs, but it might spin the kids out and I don't know were I stand with the rspca....
aparently they taste like pork? but gamier and you can get the skin to crackle?
I'm deadly serious.
I don't know about rabbit skin. I do know its kind of fatty or oily meat, but gamey like pheasant...perfect for an open flame.
guinea pigs...Chihuahuas too?

hey now I've eaten a few snakes (don't look xgx) but they're real nice.

O.k getting offtrack a bit :lol: What I'm wanting to say is..

I'm outta jerk sauce & I want to try it with a lot of light game meat.

Even less subtle...where can I get more lol

hey did you sort out a label for it?
the labels will be ready next week I'll put a bottle aside for you. I gotta make a heap more....it seems like all I do is make sauce, 150 bottles on Tuesday another 200 on Monday I got this Bluewater festival at Easter and the wing thing and I got to research for the fieryfoods and BBQ article and the shops and the kids and the wife .....I'm on a roll and loving it.

try it on roast goat.
rub the peice of meat down with ground cinnamon allspice nutmeg salt pepper brown sugar cummin corriander and roast in oven like normal roast then use the Jerk sauce like mint sauce its majic like that. lots of sweet potato oh yeah....
Well you are a gastronomic machine....an inspiration to us all. But don't go getting yourself fried mate.
Your sauces are so clean & crisp, I'm not sure anyone knows what I mean when I say that. All your sauces are like that. Very fresh, distinctively sharp flavors.
I think I could pick what sauce you made out of a blind tasting.
You have a gift. Don't toast it. lol