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hot-sauce Stillmanz Devils Tongue Jerk Sauce

bentalphanerd said:
I'll grab some chicken to have with my tree pumpkin tonight :cool:

There it is. BBQ baked. Delicious!


I gotta cook another meal with this stuff. Got more in your shop?

I used inferno like bent did in the foil with fish -- much better, well rounded flavours, so it must be my bad cooking that ruined the chook pasta.
Ive been making grilled sandwhiches with it.

Chicken, a slice of cheese, Black pepper and Jerk sauce. Grill it in the s/which press and hey presto...... lunch!

bloody nice too.

Did i find mustard seeds in my bottle. Im planning on making some jerk sauce with my chocolate habs.

I have a Devils tongue plant growing to mate...... thanks!
I have choc habs.... lots of them and they taste great...... not a sstrong as the orange habs. Now to work out the jerk sauce bit :)

PS..... Stillmanz...... the rocotto's, all ruined, fruit fly loved them! Didnt mater what i sprayed on them, they swarmed and ruined every one of them. I ripped the plant out and tossed it so no rocotto beer :rolleyes:

:)the Devils Tongue jerk,, the little exploding capsules of joy, was Mustard seeds ? it was Outstanding, from the tangy aroma of opening the bottle to the Fatali like burn, chopping and changing, and then the little popping thingys with the taste explosions giving the mouth orgasms. (Lucky i video'd it)

Yeaaa, Yeaaa 2 Thumbs uppppp (3 if i had another 1) But it was so nice i drank it all by dinner time. Oh well, ill have to get moreeeeeee

ill put the vid up soon, hahahaha i don't descibe it to well as its That nice, im too busy thinking (shit , how excellent is this, whooooo hoooo) and stuff like that, to get proper stuff out. lol

but yea get some if ya haven't yet..

take care
but i found out that i have built up a bit of tolerance, this arvo (bout 1/2 bottle left) 2 mates came over and i said "hey ya's have got to try some of this, its ~@$!$!@ beautiful" and gave them a teespoon(if that)
1st one, Yumm its really nice and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (run for drink)
2nd mate " !@$% , @$!$ , ~@$$ " (run for drink)

it is pretty hot, both said they'd like it again but to be warned next time, so i better throw a BBq and get some more and do it properly

theHippySeedCo said:
:)the Devils Tongue jerk,, the little exploding capsules of joy, was Mustard seeds ? it was Outstanding, from the tangy aroma of opening the bottle to the Fatali like burn, chopping and changing, and then the little popping thingys with the taste explosions giving the mouth orgasms. (Lucky i video'd it)

Yeaaa, Yeaaa 2 Thumbs uppppp (3 if i had another 1) But it was so nice i drank it all by dinner time. Oh well, ill have to get moreeeeeee

ill put the vid up soon, hahahaha i don't descibe it to well as its That nice, im too busy thinking (shit , how excellent is this, whooooo hoooo) and stuff like that, to get proper stuff out. lol

but yea get some if ya haven't yet..

take care

Can't wait to see the vid, Neil! :)
theHippySeedCo said:
but i found out that i have built up a bit of tolerance, this arvo (bout 1/2 bottle left) 2 mates came over and i said "hey ya's have got to try some of this, its ~@$!$!@ beautiful" and gave them a teespoon(if that)
1st one, Yumm its really nice and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (run for drink)
2nd mate " !@$% , @$!$ , ~@$$ " (run for drink)

it is pretty hot, both said they'd like it again but to be warned next time, so i better throw a BBq and get some more and do it properly


Hahaha, most excellent happenings bro. :D

Sometimes I forget my own apparently insane tolerance and then folks get a tad mad at me when I say 'Oh, it's fairly hot..'...and then get flambe'd...*cues vile cussing noises* ;)

Hot is good eh m8?

:), ok i just put up a Vid of some of my plants, and ill put this Vid up during Week, already craving more sauce tooo hahahaha

HOT IS GOOOD, extreme is GREAT,, But HOT and being able to taste it BetteR, And this sauce Rockssss..
here I am reading this thread thinking, how did I not see this thread before, and, have I tried this Fatalii Jerk Sauce???

YES, YES I HAVE!!! how could I have forgotten? I got a bottle of this liquid gold off stillmanz last year - a 'skin' - and marinaded chicken breasts with it which I then bbq'd - bloody beautiful!

it inspired me to try my hand at growing fataliis this season but unfortunately I have been struck down with a debilitating case of black thumb.
I think theb whole YouTube thing is a very clever angle for promoting hot sauce and the fiery food industry as a whole I think its the future (for real).
Awesome review HSC glad you like it, look forward to seeing more of your crazyness.
Incidently 10ml of DTJS would have messed me up lol.

Cheers again