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Stomach, UGH!

I'm not a stranger to extremely hot food. I'm quite use to hot sauces 1 million + scovilles, and using habanero powder as a seasoning. But, about 8 hours ago I ate a some fresh habs on chips (tasted great), but I can feel them sitting in my stomach. Tried TUMS, nothing, another anti-acid and nothing, so I drank some egg nog and ate bread and feel 50% better. Does anyone know how to get rid of that? I would like to eat the rest of the habs I bought.
I view eating pepper the same as I do consuming alcohol.
There is a very fine line between feeling great and felling like hell :lol:

I would try some milk or icecream.
You might have overloaded....too much too soon if you will. ;) Next time try eating them with a bit more food than just chips. Also, it'll have a HUGE impact on your system what is ALREADY in your stomach before you consume spicy things.

Had you eaten anything else lately, or was your stomach empty?
The alcohol analogy is perfect. If you want the burn, you must suffer the aftereffects I'm afraid. The advice given will help though. Having some food in your stomach helps a lot. Afterward milk will work somewhat, but I find it doesn't mix well with beer. Try rubbing your eye. That may take you mind off it :lol:. Just kidding. I hope it doesn't get you too bad. Oh and welcome to THP.
HOw do you get rid of it? My experience has usually been sit on the can, bite your lip and grunt it out. Just be sure not to blow out your o-ring while doing so.
the secret is never eat chillies on an empty stomach, eat something at least a 1/2hour before & you should be ok.milk or yoghurt to cool the mouth afterwards if too hot, or doughy bread which will lift the capsaicin from the palate.
My 2 cents, oil based things like cheeze, penut butter, milk (including non cow milks like almand, soy, penut) seem to work well for our house. also tosted bread works better for us than fresh bread. if you are really hurting really toast the bread. (charcole was an old remidy for antiacid relife.)
I use a fresh hot cup of strong tea and it seems to do the trick. I don't like hot tea, I am a coffee drinker. but like others have said eat a meal 1/2 hr before hitting the peppers.

Looks like fried ice cream. Never seen them do it at the tabel though. Of course I have only ate it at the less expensive Mexican Restaurants.

I can't eat habs without my guts getting ripped up... even if I prep my stomach I still get owned. Other peppers don't really bother me for some reason.