Strange fatalii plant & my plants

dogshow said:
I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how it gets on - Thanks for sharing 
Jamison said:
Too weird!
ikeepfish said:
Looking great!  For a mutant it sure seems to be doing rather well
buto2010 said:
could You post pictures daily 
68MUDSTUD said:
Solinari619 said:
He can't update us it ate him....
I've been away for a week. I'm still alive for now! But maybe not for long this thing is getting ugly...



Thankfully my other plants are doing ok..
Looking good Paul!..I was contemplating a poly tunnel but most the ones here in the uk suffer from poorly designed covers with zips that break too easy.I have a 6ft walk in poly greenhouse and had three replacement covers due to zips breaking.Be interested on how you rate the one you have as the prices look good on their site and its an ideal size for me.How have you anchored it down?....
StuartH said:
Looking good Paul!..I was contemplating a poly tunnel but most the ones here in the uk suffer from poorly designed covers with zips that break too easy.I have a 6ft walk in poly greenhouse and had three replacement covers due to zips breaking.Be interested on how you rate the one you have as the prices look good on their site and its an ideal size for me.How have you anchored it down?....
Hi Stu
I'm really happy with it. I bought the 3x2x2m tent which I thought would be too big but it's turned out to be not big enough!
The cover seems really sturdy and the zips are good quality. I 've had it 3 months and its been great so far. I had to buy hot spot tape to go over the metal frame because it was getting really hot, there was no damage but better safe than sorry.
It's weighted down with an old fence post and it's up against a small wall so it doesn't move. there's 11 plants inside in 36 litre grow sacks and they fit nicely.
do you have any pictures of your poly tunnel? Where in the UK are you?
NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Thanks for that. It was interesting
Hi Paul thanks for the reply mate.I just have one of the 6ft walk in greenhouses that garden centers sell and argos..its doing the job but not enough space.Was toying with a bigger polytunnel or 8x6 greenhouse.I am based in Hertfordshire.
Heres mine

an older pic before it got overgrown lol!

also got one of these which holds 8 plants
StuartH said:
Hi Paul thanks for the reply mate.I just have one of the 6ft walk in greenhouses that garden centers sell and argos..its doing the job but not enough space.Was toying with a bigger polytunnel or 8x6 greenhouse.I am based in Hertfordshire.
Heres mine

an older pic before it got overgrown lol!

also got one of these which holds 8 plants
That looks really good. I think you should go for a bigger one!
Video update!
StuartH said:
Cheers was it kms direct you got yours again?
Yes thats right. I am pretty sure the ones on amazon are the same though.
Make sure you get Hotspot tape. For the 3x 2x2m we used 3 rolls.   
Of course Paul happy to do that mate..where are you based?..and as for the other 2 posts I didnt understand them either????
Thought i was going to lose the greenhouses in the winds last night but luckily had them anchored down pretty well
StuartH said:
Of course Paul happy to do that mate..where are you based?..and as for the other 2 posts I didnt understand them either????
Thought i was going to lose the greenhouses in the winds last night but luckily had them anchored down pretty well
I'm in Dorset, There is a list of seeds that I have on my profile page. Just send me a pm if you want any.
Google was my friend in helping to understand those other messages.  
Sorry, it's from the H.P. Lovecraft story "Call of Cthulhu".  It's something the followers of the evil Elder God Cthulhu chant.  Translation is "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."  Old school weird fiction / horror stuff.  I posted it because that plant looks like something out of a Lovecraft story.