Well... you guys know me and i know you guys....
I was seriously planning on taking it easy this year, but somehow it happened again!
The past few years were crazy productive and my household is completely saturated with peppers.
Dried, frozen, canned, you name it we got it. Actually my house is starting to look like a spices warehouse of the VOC (east india company)
Wich makes sense, since i'm living in Middelburg wich played a major role in this part of Dutch history.
Even today my town still breaths the spirit of that time and so the need and greed for more is both genetic as well it is a product of my surroundings so it can't be blamed on me, right?
Middelburg skyline in 1615 (hasn't changed much actually!
As i was saying, i was going to grow only a few peppers this year. I did want to grow some different varieties of Jalapeno because i haven't got a good jalapeno in my inventory and i need a good tasting jala in my list of staples. Sadly some varieties i wanted weren't available at the time i went pepperseed shopping and i didn't want to have them shipped from the other side of the planet. (you see, we have changed!) I did order some classics from Fatalii seeds and some were generously given to me by THP members. So my quest for great jalapenos is partially saved. Up till here things would have been manageable, then came the seedtrain and things went down hill from there. I did manage to keep the number of Chinense down, cause i really have enough of them stored allready. I will grow some baccatum again, despite i am not a great fan of the Baccatum taste. Anyway my 2024 growlist is quite Annuum heavy and way longer than it should be!
Maybe i will be able to keep the numbers per variety down a bit?
Heres to another great season!

2024 grow list:
Peppapeach stripey
Aji Guyana
7pot yellow
Habanero Kukulkan
Bhut Jolokia
Yaki blue fawn
CGN 21500
Ot hiem
Tasmanian black
Kiss of the raven
Pimiento padron
Jalapeno M
Jalapeno Zapotec
Jalapeno el Jefe
Jalapeno "Tinkerbelle"
Jalapeno farmers market
Chilhuacle Amarillo
Feher ozon
Cayenne #1
Piment d'Espelette
Mallorca #6
Mallorca #7
I was seriously planning on taking it easy this year, but somehow it happened again!
The past few years were crazy productive and my household is completely saturated with peppers.
Dried, frozen, canned, you name it we got it. Actually my house is starting to look like a spices warehouse of the VOC (east india company)
Wich makes sense, since i'm living in Middelburg wich played a major role in this part of Dutch history.
Even today my town still breaths the spirit of that time and so the need and greed for more is both genetic as well it is a product of my surroundings so it can't be blamed on me, right?
Middelburg skyline in 1615 (hasn't changed much actually!

As i was saying, i was going to grow only a few peppers this year. I did want to grow some different varieties of Jalapeno because i haven't got a good jalapeno in my inventory and i need a good tasting jala in my list of staples. Sadly some varieties i wanted weren't available at the time i went pepperseed shopping and i didn't want to have them shipped from the other side of the planet. (you see, we have changed!) I did order some classics from Fatalii seeds and some were generously given to me by THP members. So my quest for great jalapenos is partially saved. Up till here things would have been manageable, then came the seedtrain and things went down hill from there. I did manage to keep the number of Chinense down, cause i really have enough of them stored allready. I will grow some baccatum again, despite i am not a great fan of the Baccatum taste. Anyway my 2024 growlist is quite Annuum heavy and way longer than it should be!
Maybe i will be able to keep the numbers per variety down a bit?

Heres to another great season!

2024 grow list:
Peppapeach stripey
Aji Guyana
7pot yellow
Habanero Kukulkan
Bhut Jolokia
Yaki blue fawn
CGN 21500
Ot hiem
Tasmanian black
Kiss of the raven
Pimiento padron
Jalapeno M
Jalapeno Zapotec
Jalapeno el Jefe
Jalapeno "Tinkerbelle"
Jalapeno farmers market
Chilhuacle Amarillo
Feher ozon
Cayenne #1
Piment d'Espelette
Mallorca #6
Mallorca #7
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