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Summer is Almost Over...

here in the upper mid-atlantic states. I don't think that it has hit 90 degrees since the very beginning of August. High temps are now dropping into the 70's and the night's will soon be in the 50's.

So...how long do you think my chili plants have left to produce? Another month?
Hopefully just the nigfht temps what really mess with the plants. I am out here in central and hoping for another two months before jack frost moves in.
It's been getting down into the 50's already at night time here too. Then some of the maple trees are starting to get some changes in color in them already too:(. However, I'm not all that sad. That just means bowseason is around the corner and I LOOOOOVE deer meat!:D
it got down to 4.5 celcius (40 fahrenheit) 2 nights ago here my peppers need to start ripening and growing fast :onfire:
OK...remember you guys last year when the temps started falling and the threads that talked about how to extend your growing season...I know Pam started a thread where she built a temporary green house out of PVC and some kind of plastic...can't remember the details but they are on here somewhere about the Oct/Nov timeframe last year...and others have posted ideas how to make night time mini-green houses for a single plant....there is a lot of information for you guys if you want to search for it...just trying to help you extend your growing season....

I bet our downunder friends have some new things that they tried for their winter that is just ending...
AlabamaJack said:
OK...remember you guys last year when the temps started falling and the threads that talked about how to extend your growing season...I know Pam started a thread where she built a temporary green house out of PVC and some kind of plastic...can't remember the details but they are on here somewhere about the Oct/Nov timeframe last year...and others have posted ideas how to make night time mini-green houses for a single plant....there is a lot of information for you guys if you want to search for it...just trying to help you extend your growing season....

I bet our downunder friends have some new things that they tried for their winter that is just ending...
I'll have peppers in January. Grow lights!!:D However, I won't have room for all my plants. I'll pick a select few. I can fit most of them, but not all of them.
Thats cool Rabbit...I hope to have a few too....depends on how much the wife lets me "redecorate" my garage....thinking about making a grow room in there that is 8' X 10'....

what Pam built last year was called a "Hoop House"
Wow I need to move up north. Screw a bunch of being in the moid 90s all the way through October, even though it has been mild this year.
Necrocannibal said:
Wow I need to move up north. Screw a bunch of being in the moid 90s all the way through October, even though it has been mild this year.

Dont like it to hot myself..in the u.k we have been having indian summers right into november and seeing how we haven't had a summer..we need another one desperately this year and hopefully extend the season for all those..like me who have a hell of a lot of plants still to ripen and some to fruit,having my greenhouse in november then i will overwinter and some will brought in and put under lights :)
Summer is About to start

It's only really a select few here in Australia that have to go to some of the extremes that some of you guys go to.

I have pic's on another thread of my chillis outside in the soil at the end of winter still fruiting. :)

I love it, I still got chillis all winter, But i must say it was only the habs that really kept producing...

I am about 30 kilo meters off the coast in New south wales and i can grow most of the year round.

It's great to go out to the back yard and pick a red hab and then come inside and see my new babies in the grow box, and it's still offically winter here...:P

Oh sorry......uummmm "yeah i'm with you guys, bloody winter bastard"
moyboy said:
It's only really a select few here in Australia that have to go to some of the extremes that some of you guys go to.

I have pic's on another thread of my chillis outside in the soil at the end of winter still fruiting. :)

I love it, I still got chillis all winter, But i must say it was only the habs that really kept producing...

I am about 30 kilo meters off the coast in New south wales and i can grow most of the year round.

It's great to go out to the back yard and pick a red hab and then come inside and see my new babies in the grow box, and it's still offically winter here...:P

Oh sorry......uummmm "yeah i'm with you guys, bloody winter bastard"

Hey dont rub it in ay my friend..its been bad enough :lol:
I can't afford to heat my greenhouse in the fall or winter, but it does keep the cool wind off the plants and extends my season by maybe a few weeks.
I loved the Photos of your polytunnel and how the plants had survived so well even with a a hell of amount of snow outside :)
AlabamaJack said:
Thats cool Rabbit...I hope to have a few too....depends on how much the wife lets me "redecorate" my garage....thinking about making a grow room in there that is 8' X 10'....

what Pam built last year was called a "Hoop House"
There were two important things with me when I got this apartment. 1- It had a southfacing patio. 2.- It has a nice storage closet. Yeah, I got the wife to agree to it being a growroom!!:D
Necrocannibal said:
Wow I need to move up north. Screw a bunch of being in the moid 90s all the way through October, even though it has been mild this year.

It's really nice up here. However, the winters are pretty cold!! I get used to that even too though.:)
moyboy said:
It's only really a select few here in Australia that have to go to some of the extremes that some of you guys go to.

I have pic's on another thread of my chillis outside in the soil at the end of winter still fruiting. :)

I love it, I still got chillis all winter, But i must say it was only the habs that really kept producing...

I am about 30 kilo meters off the coast in New south wales and i can grow most of the year round.

It's great to go out to the back yard and pick a red hab and then come inside and see my new babies in the grow box, and it's still offically winter here...:P

Oh sorry......uummmm "yeah i'm with you guys, bloody winter bastard"
That kind of reminds me of what I do at my Uncles house when I'm visiting him in San Diego. (Actually Chula Vista it's even closer to Mexico.) In February you walk out back and just grab an orange off of the tree to have with your breakfast. I wish he had habs too though:lol: