• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Super Hots Canada - Grow 2014-2015 (Starts on Page 12) - I have a greenhouse now! YAY! :D

I suppose rather than starting a new topic each time I update you all on my progress, it's better to stick to one...
So to begin with, I just have a small update for today:
My largest Cayenne (which I just pruned back in the past couple of weeks) is finally growing it's very first flowers. This is one of six Cayenne's that I originally bought as seedlings. This one has taken off the best. The rest seemed to have struggled to grow.

One of my young Jalapeño (I believe) plants is also starting to flower. This is one that I started from seed and it's showing a good many more flowers than the Cayenne, shown above, even though it is far smaller and younger.

Seeing them start to flower, I decided to add some more Tomato mix (5-7-7) to all my plants to hopefully help them along the way.
I water my plants with a 20-20-20 plant feed every couple of weeks, occasionally I'll spray them down with an epsom salt mix and if the roots start to show I'll add some 3-in-1 (or 4-in-1) soil blend to top them off.
How often ought a person add tomato mix/bone meal/soil to their planters (indoors) to keep them growing and healthy - any suggestions?
My Brown Naglah, at only around 2 1/2 months old, has it's very first pod growing! .. My Reaper is flowering again, but still not producing and the same with my Habs & Naga's.. And last night I had to top 5 of my Naga's -again- because the aphids got out of hand.
Check the nutes on the ones that don't have any pods. Also, the plants could be sick, so check for leaf spots or mites. Congrats on naglah, if I wasn't out of room I'd grow one.
cruzzfish said:
Check the nutes on the ones that don't have any pods. Also, the plants could be sick, so check for leaf spots or mites. Congrats on naglah, if I wasn't out of room I'd grow one.
I've fed them all more or less the same. I thought maybe it was just an issue with the Chinense's - since they were the only ones not producing. But now that the Naglah is starting to produce and the Bell's still aren't producing either, that rules out it that notion.
Can't say I've really noticed any leaf spots and I'm also checking them over because of the damn aphids and the only thing I've spotted have been the aphids and fungus gnats. :(
Seriously think there's something wrong with that one Cayenne plant, though.. Here's some of the pods I just harvested from it today:

.. this started after the plant had an infestation of the red aphids - which I took care of.
First up in this update - My very first Brown Naglah pod is doing great!

The Naglah is really branching out now and starting to push out a ton of buds and flowers that look pretty sturdy. Really hoping I end up with more than just the one pod!
Speaking of which, here is its' progression since January 2nd (it poked through the soil on December 31st, 2013):

.. When I measured him tonight he was around 29" in height! .. In the past 2 weeks or so he's grown around 18".
Up next - 3 out of 5 of my Cayenne plants:

The one of the left is my largest and it has a ton of pods growing on it at the moment. The one in the middle is my 2nd largest and the one that recently had pod issues (based on feedback on another topic I'm fairly certain it was blossom end rot, and at this point the pods still on the plant look quite healthy). The one at the end is around the 2nd-smallest but has pushed out a bunch of really healthy looking pods - just waiting for them to mature!
Next up is my best Jalapeno. It is the first to have produced pods and, even though the 2nd to produce has filled out much better, the one with the most pods. It's a small plant and right now it has around 12-15 pods growing on it and it's going great:

Lastly, I have 3 little bio-degradable cups with Coriander and Tomato ("Early Girl") seedlings - 3 seedlings in each. I have 3 more cups up in my bedroom on the heat pad. The three that have seedlings so far all poked up within around 3 days or so. It's now been around a week since I planted them all.
Here's one of the cups:
I apparently haven't updated in a bit, but now I have a shiny new computer (rather than having to share a sad, puny one)  :cool:
007 Red and 7 Pot Bubblegum:
A while back I finally got one of each to start growing (see previous posts) and they've been progressing rather slowly. The 007 Red seems to be starting to pick up some speed, but the 7 Pot Bubblegum seems like it's dead in its' tracks, sadly. The Bubblegum pulled this odd spiral thing right from the start and I've watered it the same as the 007 Red and the Gotrox mystery seeds that are growing beside it (4 out of 6 of those survived and are all doing better than the Bubblegum). Not sure why it's stagnating.
The 007 Red is on the left (with the Bubblegum in the background, on the right of the picture); the 7 Pot Bubblegum on the right.

A little while back I planted three tiny jiffy cups of tomato seeds and three of coriander. I put 3 seeds in each cup and the coriander didn't take very well, but every single one of the tomato seeds took. So instead of the three tomato seedlings I was hoping for, I've now got NINE. And the coriander.. well, I have about three seedlings and they're struggling. No clue how to grow those.  :lol:

My youngest kitty has been crying to get into my grow room lately. I thought she just wanted to eat my plants, but I took a chance the other day and let her in. I opened the door and she actually waited for me to signal that she could enter. She didn't bother any of the plants at all and, instead, she took to my HPS light. If it's off when she goes in the room she gets upset and looks all sad, but if it's on she starts purring up a storm and basking in the light. She even lets me hold her and keeps purring! Usually she hates being held. I've let her in a few times in the past week or so.  :D

My Brown Naglah
As of today, my baby is around four days short of 3 months old. It's tough to get a good photo in my rather crammed space, but hopefully you can make it out well enough. I measured him last night and at this point he's around 46" wide and 29" high! Is that good for his age? He's also got 2 pods growing and is flowering every which way:

.. And finally, my Carolina Reaper's first pod
This photo was taken a few days ago, actually. At this point my Reaper has 3 pods growing - all around the same size - and is growing some more flowers. I measured it tonight and it is around 40" tall now:
Devv said:
Looking good!
Congrats on getting indoor pods, the Reaper looks to be a true Reaper.
Thanks.. How about the Naglah? Is it doing good to be -that- size and producing at just under 3 months old? It's the first of my plants that was born and raised under the HPS and that -hasn't- been pruned back at any point, so I really have no basis of comparison to work with. lol
As for the Reapers - all 3 pods are around that shape. One is incredibly pimply at this point, though - so far - they're pretty small. They're all only around the width of a small grape. Hopefully they'll start filling out. My second Naglah pod stayed small for quite a few days and suddenly in the last couple it's nearly doubled in size. I'm very glad that they appear to be growing true-to-form given all the commotion regarding Pepper Joe. lol
More and more my Brown Naglah is proving to be my "prize" plant. In the last few days I've noticed that I've been having to over-water it and sometimes have to water it even more every couple of days. To me, that was a sign that he needed transplanted. He was already in one of the largest containers I have - a good-sized wash bucket (I find them for $3 each at a local dollar store) - and the only thing larger in the house is large, plastic storage bins.
So after searching around the house I found one I could empty and use. It's around three times the size of the bucket he was currently in - meaning he'll have plenty room to fill out. Hopefully it'll last him a good while. It took me around 5 litres to water him in his new home. I'm -hoping- that'll be enough starting out!
Sadly, he lost some of his roots while I was attempting to loosen him and remove him from the bucket. Unlike the smaller planters, I couldn't just squeeze the sides to loosen up the soil and roots. And when I finally got him out, he was nearly bone-dry - meaning he was sucking up over a litre of water a -day-. Guess I'll be using more water for now on. lol

Just before I went to transplant him, I spotted this little moth sitting on one of his yet-to-bloom flowers.. Not sure where he came from, but hopefully he won't be a bother:

Oh, and here's how it looked outside today.. In the past 24 hours we had high winds, hail, freezing rain and snow. Ugh.
Having recently discovered that a hydroponic shop actually exists in my little county, I stopped in today and spoke with the owner for a while. It's rather nice to find that I can actually get many of the products I see so many people using and posting about here on the forum without having to order online from somewhere on the other end of Canada or down in the US, etc. And in talking to him I discovered that he only just opened up shop back in November.
To that end, I found that I can get the exact same HPS light kit that I'm currently using for a lower price than ordering online from HydroShop.ca (where I got my kit) - and without being footed with a shipping bill. And I can get the soil mix I use (click here) without having to drive way out in the country (which requires a call in advance during the off-season). To say the least - I'm pretty happy with this discovery!
On that note, I picked up some Clonex tonight. I've wanted to try cloning for a little while now and I've seen Stim-Root in a few different stores but wasn't sure if that was the way to go. A 100ml bottle of Clonex just dug $20 out of my pocket, so I hope it works! .. I decided to go with a couple cutting of my Carolina Reaper and a couple of my Brown Naglah (the very first time I've cut my baby.. *cries a bit*):

I planted them some jiffy pellets with a bit of soil around the sides to fill in the gaps in the small cups.
Cross your fingers for me, if you don't mind! lol
.. Aaaand I failed already. *sigh*
I followed the instructions on the label of the bottle. I cut the stems at an angle and dipped them in the Clonex and right away stuck them in the jiffy pellets. I'm fairly certain I didn't over-water the pellets.
Any ideas what may have went wrong?

Shoutout to mx5inpa for being on chat and taking the time to discuss my total failure with me and giving me some good pointers!
Hopefully my next attempt will stand a chance.
Thanks dude!
Humidity? :)
High five for NS, all my relatives live in Greenwood. Enjoying the balmy weather? Hehehehe
Looking good man, took me awhile to browse through everything here and on FB, but it was time well spent.
miguelovic said:
Humidity? :)
High five for NS, all my relatives live in Greenwood. Enjoying the balmy weather? Hehehehe
Looking good man, took me awhile to browse through everything here and on FB, but it was time well spent.
I went through Greenwood a few years back. One and only time I've ever rented a car. Took an ex and her friend along (yeah, bad sign right from the start lol) for the weekend. My goal had been to travel down through the southern end of the province and take in some of the tourist spots - such as Oaklawn Zoo, Grand-Pré, etc - but after staying in Kentville for the night (the motel where I made reservations -almost- refused because I didn't have a credit card) it rained the whole damn weekend.. grrr
We made our stop in Greenwood on the last day - after all the rain. We went through just for the hell of it and to stop & get food. I flirted with the girl at the register some (to bad I never got her info lol), we ate, made fun of a PT Cruiser that was in the parking lot and then headed out. Well, as it turns out, the "heading out" part didn't go so smoothly - we went back the way we came and found the highway off-ramp we came in by, but then there was no on-ramp. We got lost for almost an hour - even after asking directions from a guy working at a video store who had no clue how to get out of the town either... And then, to top it all off - my ex and her friend both ended up with food poisoning and we had to crash at my brother's place in Halifax because it was closer than Pictou County.
BUT! Greenwood was rather pretty and welcoming. So there's that. *nod*
I happily stay inside as much as I can - that's what I think of our weather lol
Thanks! And thanks for taking the time to browse through it all! :)
Yesterday I transplanted my Carolina Reaper. Figured that if my Naglah was getting a nice, big home then it deserves one as well - especially since it's slowly starting to produce and was started last summer. lol
The photo below was taken before I topped it a small bit (in the hopes of letting some more light hit it so that it'll hopefully fill out some more):

..  And my couple Reaper clones appear to be surviving so far. *crosses his fingers*  I tried another clone of my Brown Naglah following the advice of mx5inpa, but it still failed. I think with my Naglah still being fairly young it's just not strong enough to be cloned yet - just my guess.
Around a month ago my first Brown Naglah pod started forming and not too long after so did a second one. At this point, the first one looks to be nearly fully matured and second I -think- is showing signs of starting to change color:

And, unrelated to my peppers, here is my two largest tomato plants.. They have both been living in our a couple of our basement windows since around early-Fall. Before that they lived in our porch where the temperature fluctuated pretty drastically between day and night time. These were a couple of the very first of all my plants:
miguelovic said:
Did the KD live up to the name? :D
Sadly, no..  
The package says it's made with Cayenne, but it only had the very vaguest hint of spice to it. And they would have done well to stick with their normal pasta - even that part was lacking in flavor.. even more than Kraft Dinner usually does. lol