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Super Thrive?

Has anyone used a product called SUPERthrive? I bought a small bottle last weekend and applied it along with my Alaska Fish Fert and Jack's 20-20-20, I can definately see a growth difference. The directions say it is to be added with ferts instead of in place of, kinda like a suppliment. The dilution is 1 DROP per gallon. If you dont know about it, it is a growth hormone with vitamins for plants.
Yeah I bought a bottle a while ago. Check out my grow log for a few of the rosponses I got. It doesn't sound too good but every time I use it, a couple of days later my chillies boom!!


Here's just one good thread on the topic

Haha - good stuff in that thread. Pam had a couple of classic quotes "I want my plants to grow, not stretch." and "Tomatoes, now tomatoes benefit from being coddled and fussed over, but peppers? Get out of the way and let those bad boys do their thing." I know AJ used to be a big Superthrive user - does he still use it?
I got a small bottle of it as well. Don't use it much, just to give a stubborn plant a kick in the butt so to speak. I had a C. Galapagoense seedling that I tore the tap root on during the first pot up. After sitting there for nearly 3 months and not growing even the slightest, but not dying either, I bought the Superthrive and decided to see if it would help. Only watered with it once, but at a higher concentration than 1 drop per gallon. Closer to 1/4 tsp to a gallon. Well, the plant now looks better than the one I didn't damage. Still smaller, but looks healthier. It did help that one a lot, but since it is growing quite well on its own now, I don't need to use more.

Well I gave it to all my plants at a little more than recommended dosage cause I dont have an eye dropper to do exactly 1 drop per gallon and my watering can is about 2+ gallons, not sure, never really checked exact size. But I tell you what, I swear they have grown! Especially my Jersey Devil tomato but that could also be because I potted it up saturday, but then again it is a good 6" above the stake that it was level with saturday.

Pics to follow, gotta run to town for another bag of potting soil so I can get more hotties out of the back room and into their backyard pits. I scored another dozen 3 gallon pots from the local nursery for 5 bucks, gonna try to get more friday too...
I ran some tests with it a few years back with some potted Maters and Jalapeno's. There was a definite difference in the Superthrived Vs Non- Superthrived plants.
Stressed plants bounce back quicker, transplanted ones took off and recovered quicker. The biggest difference I saw, and the most helpful for where I live is the superthrived plants did a lot better with the heat than the others.
Superthrive has never caused stretching for me either. Poor lighting does, but not superthrive. In fact, I noticed the opposite effect from it with tighter node spacing and heavier branching.

I also use more than "A drop a gallon". The instructions say 1/4tsp per gallon, or one drop per cupful of water. I use between 1/4tsp per gallon in my Tea, as well as in my friday waterings every week. Plants love it.

I avoided it for years thinking it was mumbo jumbo hocus pocus crap sold to the dumbest bidder. Oh, how I was wrong. I was given some by a customer of mine after saying it must be a scam product. My plants have never been happier.
I started using it at 1/4 tsp per gallon when my Bhut seedlings were about 10 days out of the dirt and had full seed leaves. This is my fourth and final week of using it. (Thanks AJ for the advice). So far I have the deepest greens I've ever had on peppers and they all look great. I dont see the "stretchy" or lanky growth others have and nodes look perfect. I'm also using Botanicare products so I dont know if is the Superthrive or the whole combination. Stuff is expensive, but super concentrated.
yeah, I've been using Super Thrive for the last two years. (well, schick, one bottle of this stuff should last a decade) and it SEEMS to help. I only bought it and started using it cuz others , on many web sites, had reccommended it Can't hurt right? (too much)
what really annoys me is the package and the promises it makes, its total Bull Caca and with all the talk of guarantees on the package, there actually isn't one.
if you read it all closely if you want to take them up on their " guarantee", you have to write them and tell them how you were growing things. I guess then they'll decide if you deserve your five bucks back if your a good enough gardener.
I think you might be better off saving eggshells to make some homemade Calcium phosphte.
or starting a compost pile.
Happy Gardening, you hot heads.
bigt AJ stopped using last year I believe.

I've never used it, had it in my hands a couple of times, but never pulled the trigger. I'm trying to stay away from growth hormones but to each their own.
I've used it about 6 years ago.. Trying a Veggie garden in Vancouver WA. Got impatient, used too much.. Wore my little plants out.
I asked AJ and he said he uses it for the first 30 days or so. I got the 4 oz bottle at Lowes for about 11 bucks. It's so concentrated, I think I have enough for the next decade.