Tabasco Peppers

Anyone have experience with these? My friend in Texas had one plant and the peppers were hot little red bastards. The tag that came with my plant shows yellow pods.

Either way, I'm making my own version of the sauce this summer, but it won't take 3 years to make it!!
they are awesome peppers to grow! I had only a few plants a had a few thousand peppers. made more than enough sauce, and more than enough seasoning (for aboot 7 months that is).

The sauces I still have to get a Ph reader just to be safe.
I like to eat the red ones right off the plant! They are delicious!

They grew best for me in pots!
DevilDuck said:
Anyone have experience with these? My friend in Texas had one plant and the peppers were hot little red bastards. The tag that came with my plant shows yellow pods.

Either way, I'm making my own version of the sauce this summer, but it won't take 3 years to make it!!

Regular Tabasco peppers do ripen through a yellow stage on their way to red, and there is also a yellow Tabasco pepper.

I've grown them before, and they're beautiful plants. They look like giant candelabras with hundreds of tiny red, yellow, orange, and green lights. I did find that the fruit does not hold well. When it's ripe, it's ripe Right. Now.
They are great tasting little hot peppers! I grew 4 of these plants last year and I still have some of the peppers as I dried them and they make great seasoning for everything. The little things actually pack a powerful punch and one plant supplies a bunch of peppers.
sorry for repeating what others have already have said, but yea tabasco plants are prolific growers & they go from green to yellowish/orange to red, not very tall plants either.they're a worthy chile to grow
chilehunter said:
sorry for repeating what others have already have said, but yea tabasco plants are prolific growers & they go from green to yellowish/orange to red, not very tall plants either.they're a worthy chile to grow

Huh, maybe it was my longer season, but my plants got well over 3 feet tall.
there's a pic of a raging tabasco bush in a few of Dave Dewitt's books, it's probably on his website somewhere also. it's absolutely covered in pods of various colours and looks fantastic.

do they taste ok without vinegar? :)
They are pritty good and produce alot (mimiking what everyone esle has said so far). I grew them two years ago and got alot off of them. It didn't overwinter well, but I think trhat was due to my experience at the time.

Here's a Tabasco (c. frutescens) from last year. When they're ripe, the pods just pop off. They don't keep long, so freeze what you don't use right away if you don't like vinegar.
note: These had already been 'picked on' for about a month. We took them inside to ripen in buckets of water soon after this pic, and almost every green pod ripened within a week.
tabasco is on my list of plants this season and I'm pleased to see that they are nice to use, and can produce lots of fruit. I hope all the above will be the case for my tabasco plant ;-)
pam - mine only got about 12" high, but then again I didnt know alot about growing peppers at the time plus the containers I had them in weren't as big as what is shown in setzuanfire picture, I never knew they even grew about 3' tall (until I looked it up) I guess its all my fault for the lack of growth, but even being only 1' they still produced several peppers granted if it was 3' it would of been ALOT more, oh well just another learning experience I guess
chilehunter said:
pam - mine only got about 12" high, but then again I didnt know alot about growing peppers at the time plus the containers I had them in weren't as big as what is shown in setzuanfire picture, I never knew they even grew about 3' tall (until I looked it up) I guess its all my fault for the lack of growth, but even being only 1' they still produced several peppers granted if it was 3' it would of been ALOT more, oh well just another learning experience I guess

Yeah, mine were in the ground and had all the room in the world to grow, so I'm sure they did get bigger. I always recommend them as an ornamental to go in the back of a flower bed to people who ask me for suggestions of something different for their gardens.

Not that many of them listen. It has been my experience that people who say they want something different don't really.
thepodpiper said:
Can i grow these in a 10" pot and get good results? I have a couple of these plants but i am out of 12" pots


I've never tried to grow Tabasco peppers in a container, but I expect it will just stay a little bit smaller if it gets pot bound.
I had one in the yard of a rented house few years back - it was obviously quite old and by all purposes a climber. It had wrapped its way up a tree like a vine & we could pick them from a second storey window.
bentalphanerd said:
I had one in the yard of a rented house few years back - it was obviously quite old and by all purposes a climber. It had wrapped its way up a tree like a vine & we could pick them from a second storey window.

A pepper???

That is so cool!
thepodpiper said:
Can i grow these in a 10" pot and get good results? I have a couple of these plants but i am out of 12" pots


Oh yea it should do very well in a 10" pot. I forgot my Tabasco plant pic from last year, near end of September and this thing prolly had like 1,000+ peppers.... and in a 12" pot, I never did pick all the peppers off. and the plant was near death at this time last year due to 2 late frosts, it would of died if I didn't take it inside those nights, I cut back all the dying white leaves and left the one single fully healthy looking leaf and it got extremely bushy. A bug infestation ultimately killed it off during my first attempt at over wintering :P .... wait what am I blabbering aboot? Oh yea, 10" pot should be perfect!

imaguitargod said:
It didn't overwinter well, but I think trhat was due to my experience at the time.
Yer in CA.... I didn't think it got cold enough there....