• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TBG's First Chilli Blitz! (2017-18)

G'day G'day!
Welcome to my very first glog, I hope you like it: ;)
This is my first time growing peppers seriously. Last season was my first; I grew 3 Jalapenos, 3 Habaneros,  a Naga Viper, Thai Hot, Cap Mushroom Red and an Ebony Fire, all bought from the store at various maturities.
And then I found TheHotPepper around March this year, and if my grow last year sparked my interest, THP nuked it! I've been super keen for this season, and now its started!
I started a few seeds of Aji Amarillo for the SHGDTD on the 22nd June, and currently have 2 seedlings, awaiting the third and final to pop.
This year, I'm thinking that I'm attempting to kinda try to limit my grow to roughly three dozen plants (even I'm not convinced), but we'll see what happens.
I don't really have much of a grow list, just a list of varieties that I have at the moment and I'd like to grow. 
So here's something that resembles a Grow List, its not set in stone; I'll end up not growing some on here, and I'll end up growing some that aren't on here.
-- The Grow List --
- Aji Amarillo
- Carolina Reaper
- Naga Viper Purple
- Aji Lemon
- Brazilian Starfish
- Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
- MoA Scotch Bonnet
- Scotch Brain
- Aji Jobito X BBG7 Choc (Shorerider's)
- Choc 7 Pot
- Malih-helow
- Peter Pepper Yellow
- Rocoto
- Bahamian Goat Pepper
- Cayenne X Bhut (Shorerider's)
- Red/Green Bell
- Habanero Mix (Red Savina & Tiger Paw)
- Prik Kee Nu Suan
- Bhut Jolokia Red
- Corno Di Toro Rosso
- Aji Pineapple
- Trinidad Scorpion CARDI
- Jalapeno
- Trinidad Perfume
- Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
- Tabasco
- 7 Pot Jonah Red
- Bishop's Hat
- Cap Mushroom Red
- Sugar Rush Peach
- Yellow Bell
- Goat's Weed
- Rocoto Aji Largo
- Trinidad Scorpion Butch-T
So yeah, that 36 plant limit is very dubious.
But before I go on, I'd like to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to Blitz527, as well as everyone who got on board the Aussie Seed Train, my grow is substantially due to your generosity!
So THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now its time to get down to business, The Grow!
I started 9 varieties on Saturday (1st July), giving them a chamomile bath and then into the paper towel in the incubator (which only fits 9 varieties)
The Bath Tub:

The Incubator:


So the first batch for this season is:
- Naga Viper Purple
- Scotch Brain
- Aji Jobito X BBG7 Choc 
- Choc 7 Pot
- Carolina Reaper
- Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
- MoA Scotch Bonnet
- Bahamian Goat Pepper
- Bhut Jolokia Red
And not forgetting the Aji Amarillo that have already started.

You'll notice a few other seedlings in the background, they're from seed I kept from last season's grow, but they all got mixed up. So I decided to sow some of the mixed up stuff back in April to make sure that they were all okay and would actually grow. Three of them have purple foliage, so they must be Ebony Fire. The rest are either Jalapeno or Thai Hot. (There's 6 all up)
I've had them slowly growing on a windowsill since April, but I got my growbox set up yesterday (writing this on the 4th July) and chucked them into it. They're looking happier already!

But anyway,
When this lot pops, I'll start the next, and so on and so forth till I declare that I have sufficient Varieties!
Here's to hoping for a great season and a great glog, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I will!!!
Thanks for stopping by, I'm looking forward  to sharing my progress with you, I'm aiming for at least weekly.
4/7/17 EDIT: Replaced the dodgy photo links, and added some info about some seedlings I've already started.
Seriously awesome Glog, seeing the weather there makes me incredibly envious as I gear up for the coldest winter days to come.
We have a high of 39 F (3.9C) today .. and much more cold to come.
Anyways, can't wait to see the after photo of your progression. The amount of plants you're trying to grow is inspiring, I hope to be up in those numbers my upcoming season!
Teaks said:
Seriously awesome Glog, seeing the weather there makes me incredibly envious as I gear up for the coldest winter days to come.
We have a high of 39 F (3.9C) today .. and much more cold to come.
Anyways, can't wait to see the after photo of your progression. The amount of plants you're trying to grow is inspiring, I hope to be up in those numbers my upcoming season!
Thanks for stopping by!
I'm always fascinated by the fact that southern and northern hemispheres are 180 degrees out of sync. I guess the guys on the equator get the best of both worlds...

Happy to hear you be been inspired, but I think we'll wait and see if it all works out.

In other news, I think today my first flower will have opened. I'm out of town for a couple of days, and the Cayenne X Bhut has had its bud getting closer and closer to flowering, until it was just starting to open when I left. So yeah, I reckon it'll be there to welcome me home...

Until next time, TBG.
Feels like its been a while since I last updated, or maybe its just that there's so much going on? I've been taking lots of pictures, too many to include them all here (unfortuntely), so these ones are highlights and a summary of what's been happening.
Okay, this is being written "live". After that line ^ ^ ^ I went and looked back to see what the last photo I put up was, so I know where-abouts in my camera roll to start.  And I was completely blown away by the difference between then and now! The comparison shot was taken on the 17th. Today is the 28th, so 11 days later. Less than two weeks, and this is the difference!

Okay, so hard to tell any difference between most of them, except Cayenne X Bhut. But it seems like the front row plants are starting to take off!
Here's the Cardi Scorpion before/now:

Don't have time for indivdual photos of each and every plant (:rofl:) But those are the two most noticeable.
Time for some more photos!
So I got the rest of D3's crosses into the rest of the middle bed, now there's 30/40 plants in the patch - 10 to go! (plus the beds & pots)
Also planted out the Cucumbers, Tomatoes and Purple Climbing Beans (they aren't in this photo)
Aji Amarillo #2 wanted bigger shoes
Seen here with her sister a few days ago.
FIRST FLOWER!!! :woohoo: :party: :dance:
Didn't look picture perfect because of split calyx
But 2nd flower took care of the aesthetics
And 1st flower set, so first pod is on its way! :woohoo:
Tagged in case I forgot that it's an iso pod.

Its that time of year for the big indoor "plant"
And my one and only Rocoto got a nice big pot to play in!
He was forking, so why not?
A glimpse of a Cayenne X Bhut looking good with its flowers :D
And that's a brief summary of the past 11 days! Had to rush a bit because got places to be..... Thanks for following and, as usual, comments and questions are more than welcome!

Shout out to KAOS for the image hosting advice, looks to be working!
If only I could open the picture links! Ugh. For some reason my work computer doesn't like whatever site you hosted the photos on lol. No worries I'll check back later.

I did have a question, a little late to the party considering how much further your plants have gotten.
I noticed again on perhaps your first post you were showing your germination methods, and what I suspect is a heating tray?

Is this a must have? I have had basically 0% seeds come through off pods I harvested on my ghost but I also had premature pods unfortunately which is why I thought it failed. Because the chocolate habs I had gotten from a friend popped up but took like 10 days or more to even show hooks.

In short, would you recommend me get one - especially if I'm going to be responsible for growing out the second gen of our crosses
Teaks said:
If only I could open the picture links! Ugh. For some reason my work computer doesn't like whatever site you hosted the photos on lol. No worries I'll check back later.

I did have a question, a little late to the party considering how much further your plants have gotten.
I noticed again on perhaps your first post you were showing your germination methods, and what I suspect is a heating tray?

Is this a must have? I have had basically 0% seeds come through off pods I harvested on my ghost but I also had premature pods unfortunately which is why I thought it failed. Because the chocolate habs I had gotten from a friend popped up but took like 10 days or more to even show hooks.

In short, would you recommend me get one - especially if I'm going to be responsible for growing out the second gen of our crosses

The optimum temperature for germination is about 25 degrees Celsius. Some people use a heating mat to achieve this, others sit the seeds in a warm place, such as windowsill, top of fridge, hot water unit, modem, anything that's warm! Humidity is also needed.

My method was to soak them in Chamomile overnight (soaking speeds up germination, chamomile is an anti-fungal) and then sit on wet paper towel in a plastic container sitting on my internet modem. When the seeds popped out roots, I transferred them to Jiffy Pellets in a larger container, which sat on top of the incubator container, so it still got some warmth. When they germinated, the seedling grew up in the grow tent. I was pretty happy with my success rate, somewhere around 80-90%, including dud seeds. Average germination time was 13 days, with a range from 7 days to 38 days.

So, to answer your question, A heat may isn't always necessary, but if you don't have a suitable source of warmth, or don't have one you are willing to use, then a heat mat is a good idea.

Seeing as I forgot to mention it in the update, I might as well do so now. Teaks and I are looking at using our opposite growing seasons to our advantage, and collaborate on a crossing project. Rather than taking 8 years to get a stable cross, we can send seeds of each generation back and forth for each of our seasons, enabling us to reach f8 in half the time.
Hopefully it all works out!
Nice update TBG and good progress.
It amazes me looking back at photos of planting day and then a few weeks on.
You don't appreciate the amount of growth that has actually taken place until you compare.
Congrats on the first pod. What plant is that one?
KAOS said:
Nice update TBG and good progress.
It amazes me looking back at photos of planting day and then a few weeks on.
You don't appreciate the amount of growth that has actually taken place until you compare.
Congrats on the first pod. What plant is that one?
That pod would be from the Cayenne X Bhut we hear so much about :D Shoutout to Shorerider who supplied the seeds to the Aussie Seed Train '17!
Swamptrout said:
Hey TBG where you at? Havent heard squeak outta ya for nearly 2 weeks.
Sorry for the silence, I've been meaning to get around to updating this and catching up on everyone else, but somehow haven't gotten around to it, but you can expect some pictures in the next few days I think.

Until then, everything is still running smoothly, got flowers on 6 or 7 plants now.

Been quite busy of late, so haven't planted out any more plants yet. Everything survived 5 days of rainy stormy windy weather last week thankfully!

But yeah, cruising along, pods can't come soon enough!

Thanks for checking up, I appreciate it!
Here we go! :woohoo:
First of all, I apologise for the lengthy intermission - I can't believe my last update was 24 days ago! Its been quite busy & hectic at this end the last few weeks, but that;s no excuse for a repeat of Spetember slackness!
So, where to start?
Here's what the patch looked like on 28th November.

And here's what it looked like yesterday!

It's really taken off, I've got flowers on almost all of plants (plus more), and buds on all the rest, except for the Reaper. But more excitingly,

The Cayenne X Bhut has finally set some pods, after much not-setting-pods! :woohoo: :party: :dance:
Here's a shot that does more justice to the current size of the plants.

And a look at the Moruga Scorpion, a fine example of the branching that pretty much all of the plants are undergoing!

Yesterday was Midsummer's Day, AKA Summer Solstice, which means that today is exactly half a year since I sowed my first seeds of the season!
Amarillo No. 1 is the eldest, being 6 months since germination in 7 days, and Amarillo No.2 will be 6 months in 12 days.
Funnily enough, No. 1 doesn't have flowers yet (possibly due to the decapitation incident) but No. 2 does!

First flower opened 2 days ago!
Here's a look at them:

And No. 1 has healed from the decapitation perfectly fine!

And that will be all for now! Probably won't get a chance to update until after New Years!!!!! 
So if I don't, I wish all of you a very merry Christmas, and an extremely happy New Year!
All The Best, TBG. :dance:
P.S. Cucumbers are much faster than chillies.

But not half as fun! 
Looking great TBG. Amazing progress.
I love that flower shot of the Amarillo. It's almost worthy of a gardening mag photo-shot.
TBG - Totally Beautiful Garden
Walchit said:
Everybody loves pickles though!
I love pickles more than the next person, but have never tried my hand at them, not that I've thought to...
I just might give it a try this season!
Merry Christmas to everyone too, I think its still the 25th in some parts of the world... if not - its a late Christmas greeting! :dance: