Hey ya'll. I got it goin' on last eve in The Blues Kitchen with some pequin hot sauce. Long story short, ratholing my picked pequins for sauce is not a talent I have. I dig into the stash way to much. The other day I found some dried pequins at the local grocer and bought several packs to supplement my pequin lust. I was running low on hot sauce and a few hosky's and shot's of tequila influenced me to whip up a batch with the dried pequins. Comparing the store bought next to my home grown was easy. First the color. More brown streaks and earthy tones with some flash's of red whereas the homegrowns are a bright red...you'll see in the pic. Another big surprise was the aroma. Smokey Smokey! Much like chipotle's. Excellent! Popped several in my mouth and wow! Smokey sharp pequin flavor! CAN....YOU....DIG....IT....YA'LL!!
I started with 3 packs of the pequins, and began rehydrating in apple cider vin and heated in the mic. Stirred every 5 minutes or so for an hour until soft and plumpy!
Next into a sauce pan with carrot, shallot, garlic, a couple of chopped fresno's for extra color. Brought that to a simmer for half and hour, then added the pequins and vinegar and the juicy squeezin's of several limes. Whir and stir, toil and boil.
More to come ya'll...

I started with 3 packs of the pequins, and began rehydrating in apple cider vin and heated in the mic. Stirred every 5 minutes or so for an hour until soft and plumpy!

Next into a sauce pan with carrot, shallot, garlic, a couple of chopped fresno's for extra color. Brought that to a simmer for half and hour, then added the pequins and vinegar and the juicy squeezin's of several limes. Whir and stir, toil and boil.

More to come ya'll...