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TB's Tres Putas Pequin Sauce

Hey ya'll. I got it goin' on last eve in The Blues Kitchen with some pequin hot sauce. Long story short, ratholing my picked pequins for sauce is not a talent I have. I dig into the stash way to much. The other day I found some dried pequins at the local grocer and bought several packs to supplement my pequin lust. I was running low on hot sauce and a few hosky's and shot's of tequila influenced me to whip up a batch with the dried pequins. Comparing the store bought next to my home grown was easy. First the color. More brown streaks and earthy tones with some flash's of red whereas the homegrowns are a bright red...you'll see in the pic. Another big surprise was the aroma. Smokey Smokey! Much like chipotle's. Excellent! Popped several in my mouth and wow! Smokey sharp pequin flavor! CAN....YOU....DIG....IT....YA'LL!!


I started with 3 packs of the pequins, and began rehydrating in apple cider vin and heated in the mic. Stirred every 5 minutes or so for an hour until soft and plumpy!


Next into a sauce pan with carrot, shallot, garlic, a couple of chopped fresno's for extra color. Brought that to a simmer for half and hour, then added the pequins and vinegar and the juicy squeezin's of several limes. Whir and stir, toil and boil.


More to come ya'll...
chilehunter said:
thought you got the seeds or plant free from IGG ? doesnt matter anyway how ya got'em, you're growing them now.
if I was misinforumed about them not growing much pods the 1st year then I should really try them. kinda affraid of picking the pods, I thought picking thai pods was somewhat a headache :lol:

Correctamundo. The plants were from seed stock from Passow. Hybrids he says. I can't tell. All I know is they rock! PM IGGY for historic details.

Salute', TB.
origamiRN said:
TB, How much Vinegar, and H2O did you add to make the sauce?

I never measure anymore but let me recollect a spell and guesstimate......

1.5 oz dried pequins
1 to 1 1/4 cup cider vinegar or enough to cover the dried chiles until rehydrated

heapin' tablespoon of mince shallot. Sub onion of your choice.
2 chopped fresno's with seeds
juice of 3 limes
1 to 1 1/2 cups shredded carrots
heapin' tablespoon of minced garlic
1 to 1 1/2 cups HTeeO

Adjust vinegar and h2o as needed and season with seasalt and taste before whirring and stirring pre bottling. Keep in mind that the consistency will be much thicker cold than hot so leave it a touch on the runny side when hot before bottling.

Salute', TB.
chilehunter said:
thought you got the seeds or plant free from IGG ? doesnt matter anyway how ya got'em, you're growing them now.
if I was misinforumed about them not growing much pods the 1st year then I should really try them. kinda affraid of picking the pods, I thought picking thai pods was somewhat a headache :lol:
Yep, he got the seeds from me and they produce like MONSTERS the first year (albiet later in the season.

texas blues said:
Correctamundo. The plants were from seed stock from Passow. Hybrids he says. I can't tell. All I know is they rock! PM IGGY for historic details.

Salute', TB.
I yanked some pods from a hydroponic store that was growing them about 8 feet tall and I propigated them out. They are Piquins tho, not a hybrid.
N_FF said:
TB did you call your sauce the "Three Whores" sauce? oh wait tres is french.... but puta is whore in spanish/mexican uhh what am i saying again?

I was about to ask the same question. Tres is also spanish. Any case, I just wondering what the three Ho's are...
N_FF said:
TB did you call your sauce the "Three Whores" sauce? oh wait tres is french.... but puta is whore in spanish/mexican uhh what am i saying again?

Diablo said:
I was about to ask the same question. Tres is also spanish. Any case, I just wondering what the three Ho's are...

3 Ho's is correct. They would be Juanita Chingas, Manuelita Puneta, and one Jewish chick I knew in high school, Rosie Blosenfuchs.

In homage to one of my favorite albums...Tres Hombres.

Salute', TB.
texas blues said:
3 Ho's is correct. They would be Juanita Chingas, Manuelita Puneta, and one Jewish chick I knew in high school, Rosie Blosenfuchs.

In homage to one of my favorite albums...Tres Hombres.

Salute', TB.

Gahahahahaha pinche puneta. Blosenfuchs bhahahahaha.
Hey TB, good looking sauce there thought id jump on the congrats band wagon, hopefully going to be donning the chefs hat tomorrow for some sauce making myself, well inspired that man! Am complete Pequin novice, dont think ive ever seen on in the uk, will have to investigate pronto, o and yeh great name!
texas blues said:
Much obliged ya'll. Halfway through my second bottle of the Tres Putas. Might have to make up some more tomorrow or sunday.

Salute', TB.

You've inspired me to make a sauce out of dried pequins, I can get them by the boatload around here. I'm thinking of making a pequin bbq type sauce since their smoky flavor should really do well in that. I've done something similar before, using Ancho chiles reconstituted in cider vinegar, made a thick paste out and treated it like my tomato base for my sauce. Turned out really well.

I'll get to work Sunday afternoon if I'm not completely burned out on hot sauce after the festival:hell:
There's always some bottle of beer around when THP-people are cooking. Has anyone ever cooked a hot sauce with beer? I don't talk about drinking it while cooking but using it as an ingredient? Pequins might fit with that idea... I'll try that when I'm back home.
I reckon that chiltepins, tepins, and pequins are more or less the same chile. The tepins I have tried looked and tasted just like pequins. All I know is they're my favorite chile, so much so that I'm bagging all my other chile's for next year and growing only pequins.

Salute', TB.
TB, thanks for this recipe - on my second batch and it keeps on getting better. My version has some other peppers (guajillo and de arbol) thrown in w/ the pequin and is the go to sauce in my household.