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pests temporarily drown pot to drown bugs in dirt...would this work?

Hi guys. Lets say I took a pot and I dunked it in a sink so that the water completely covered the soil and I let it sit like that for like 10 minutes...could that or would that drown and maybe kill most bugs that would be in the soil like thrips or fungus gnats? I know more bugs can move in anyway but to kill whats already there, is this doable?
the fungus gnats would more than likely love that. just get some mosquito dunks from home de pot or lowes for the gnats, get some neem for the thrips. all organic, no chems, easy peasy.
mix neem with Ivory dish soap 1 teaspoon to the quart, if the neem don't get them the soap will. good luck with killing.
I often soak plants in soapy water. I don't think straight water will make any positive difference

So would just drop of soap be enough...I mean it doesnt have to really be heavily sudsy does it?
could pull them out spray the roots clean and re-pot all together with fresh soil and give the plant a neem spritz
Whenever I had fungus gnats, i would just let the surface of the potting mix dry out then they would go away. They seem to be attracted to peat based mixes more than anything else. If i want to get rid of them immediately, I water first (if the plant needs it), then i'll cover the surface with more mix just enough so that the surface is dry. This has always made the gnats go away almost immediately. It works for me indoors as well as my containers outdoors. As long as i don't overwater, usually the surface isn't wet for long enough to give the fungus gnats a chance to come back.