tepin x lemon drop (new f3s in the dirt)


My little one. Had to clip the seed shell off and accidenally nipped the cotyhedrons, but it recovered. :)
I have one starting to turn and hopefully a few others on the way. Im going to let them ripen a couple days past ripe and hopefully get a few viable seeds! Soon as i get a nice little pile of dried seed i will be open to sharing but i have no clue how many i will have since they were grown indoor under a 400 watt hid but i will keep everyone posted!
Portuge said:
Sounds good, love to give your cross a go ahead and try to grow it myself... only when you have enough to share...
Yeah thats no problem. I'll have more than enough in a week or so if they ever ripen. I have so many different plants going at the moment i think I'll only be growing out a few seeds and work with that.
Hammerfall said:
have started some mike :)  will keep yopu update.  i have f1 and f2 seeds you sent me :) 
Did you end up sowing both david? I think your f2 were from the first pods so we got a good chance they're pure. I'll get you some of these out when i get them dry.
Little update...

The ripe pod is from the mother and the green is off the f2 that was op.. I plan to start more f2 from the iso seed later this evening.


The f2 seems to be quite prolific. I hope to get pods a little more like the mother plants soon. Just figured these aren't exact yet cause they are the first pods.


The f2 plant


Also its looking like i will have a few extra iso seeds from the desired pheyno and will except 5 sasbe if any of you would like to grow these out. The only thing I ask is that you have at least 500 posts and are an active member in the chilli community and post random updates.


Please post here to claim your spot and pm me for details.
neoguy said:
Nice offer but my plate is full for this year. Maybe next year.
I hear you bro.. So is mine! Just figure i didn't want them to go to waste since I put effort in isolating them.

Not that I'm not growing them of course