Texas Question

For about 4 weeks now I've been frequenting a new Longhorn Steakhouse and it's not too bad. They have a pretty good filet, and the french onion soup is awesome.

The decor appears to be a Texas cowboy theme so I'm guessing it's supposed the a flavor of Texas. Well today I tried a bowl of there ( BEANLESS ) chili. I have never had chili without beans. Is this typical of chili in Texas..
yup..."there ain't no beans in real chile"
That joint is a chain I believe and there is nothing Texan about it. I doubt that the chili is made in house and the no beans version is just they're usual chili only no beans. The real deal stuff is made from real chile's, garlic, salt, and cooked down in oil or some type of fat. Early on the bowl of "red" didn't have meat. That came later and was called Chili con Carne. A great source for the real deal is Robb Walsh's The Tex-Mex Cookbook. Lots of info on the original Texas Chili Queens from San Antonio, and all 'thangs Tex-Mex.

Salute', TB.
can't say as I have Dick...If I am going to eat a steak, I am going to cook it at home...
This chili was not good, really lacking flavor even after I emptied half the pepper shaker into it, and a big splash of tobasco. They have a jalapeno cole slaw that was pretty good. !st for me
Beans means less meat.... FAIL!

I guess you guys like beans better than meat. Go figure!

Longhorn has a FREAKISHLY AWESOME fried shrimp and pepper apetizer.

DEAR GOD!! It is the fabled shit. No Joke.

I couldn't detect jalapenos in the slaw, but I gave them points for trying.
I'm sure some authentic Texas red is damn good, but I've never had it. All the beanless chili out here is like Hormel crap in a can. Or the kind that comes out of a big metal box when you press a button. Like for a 7-11 hot dogs kinda thing.

My wife's family are native Californians. Some one from Texas married in and we have a lot of fun driving her crazy by adding all the beans we can get. My wife put garbanzo beans in a batch one time that really sent her into a tailspin.
patrick said:
I take it you sampled the chilli at the Longhorn Steakhouse TB?

Oh yeah, I'm a bean guy.

I honestly can say I have not, however having cooked and eaten the real deal since I was fifteen, any chili I would eat at any chainlike restaurant would only be a disappointment. Therefore I don't even go there. AJ...can I get an amen?:lol:

Salute', TB.
yes sir...you sure can...chili without beans is the only way to make hot, red and richeous chili...and it has to have red grease on top of it too...I don't eat chili anywhere except home...