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The begining of the end

Bill s510 caught my attention some time ago and scared the shit out of me. Telling my Senator to vote "no" did absolutely no good. Since the language of the original bill s510 included spending it must be originated in the House and was therefore unconstitutional. The language of bill s510 was then summarily included into HR2751, passed by the House and Senate, then signed by Obama.

These bills are designed to keep you from from growing healthy food, taking healthy supplements and in general being healthy. If you try to be healthy or help you friends and neighbors be healthy you will be breaking the law and be fined and jailed. I'm not going to tell you what is in the law, it upsets me too much. You should read up about it. It will scare the shit out of you too. You can't even leave this country to get away from it.

Read up:
Bill s510
HR 2751
Codex Alimentarius (This is a real group that holds meetings not the secret group that wants to control the world)

Or don't...
I didnt read those. All I know is I wont quit doing what I do. If they send me to jail, then they send me to jail. There are WAY too many things in this world to worry about. Im not going to worry about getting into trouble about growing healthy food. They can do what they want, as will I.
Hey this shit ain't funny. I'll be damned if I can"t kill or grow food. This will never pass here in the heartland. Too much against the bible for all the bible thumpers around here to approve not to mention all the rednecks we have. We have too many bass fishing and deer shooting farmers here that would laugh those bills out holding a beer and gun in one hand and a bible in the other. God bless the heartland and raise that flag.
Snopes should be the first place people look to confirm these things are what they say they are, sadly it rarely is.
Seems to me it's going to be impossible to enforce this crap. Wording it way too broad. I'm not worried about it at all.
I don't see how it affects the home gardner OR small local farmers. The Legislation that came out several years ago re-defining "organic" seems like it is more problematic towards small farms.
I will weaponize my chilis and fight back! They will be doing surprise inspections of gardens for peppers of mass destruction.
another canadian first, we can't be satisfied with britian, france, italy or germany's leftist views, we have to have our own take on things. eggs of all things.(i remember as a boy my job was to go into the chicken coup and pull the eggs out from under the girls...damn that rooster hated me and i was scared sh#tless of him).

Fresh eggs are best. A few years ago had chickens for eggs here. Truth is I trusted their FAR more then I trusted the store bought. For one thing it took 3 months for one my eggs yolks to become pale and the whites as "loose" as the store bought. Which REALLY makes me suspect about the commercial eggs.
They have already made a closure for a lot of fish off shore... they take a lil at a time... but when push comes to shove this cracker WILL fight back...