chinense The best tasting non-hot C.chinense ever - The Aji jobito

I am jealous of your llaneron.  I have only had success with the Jobito, the Margariteno and the Rosita Rojo.  Nothing else is germinating for me...
I'll be growing the Jobito and Margariteño this year, if I had the space I'd have grow the others too. Until then I'm expecting you lot to post pictures to make me jealous! 
Hello friends, I want to again thank you for all your kindness and the great demonstration of generosity to my family, and I would try to answer some questions you have to either do about aji Jobito, I think someone asked about that size can get to have the plant, well I have some plants reaching measure approximately 1.5m, with regard to the longevity of the plant, in my house I have a plant that has more than 2 years, and I've known people who have much more time with his, I welcome your questions, remember I'm using a translator to understand me better. Greetings from Cumana, Venezuela



bpiela said:
I am jealous of your llaneron.  I have only had success with the Jobito, the Margariteno and the Rosita Rojo.  Nothing else is germinating for me...
My Llanerons did not germinate either. I highly recommend a one or two day soak with a hydrogen peroxide solution; I had mold/fungus issues on almost half of the seeds that did sprout. Many of them had a hard time shedding their seed shell. I think a nice soak prior to germination will help drastically. Probably a good practice anyway...
I only paid $25 and was glad to do it. I got three pretty rare strains and helped a family man in need. I wouldn't expect to see a lot of these seeds circulating this year at all. All the new growers would have to isolate their pods to ensure no cross breeding. You're better off just paying the money if it's something you really want. 