food The big badass pasta thread

Thanks for dispelling the rumor that Italians never eat seafood with cheese!
Chicken would be great with that. Nope cant eat seafood of any kind, its not good when I do, so I avoid it, and it avoids me.... :rofl:
Oh well, there are plenty of ingredients out there so i suppose it's not an huge problem (and fish is expensive so...). :D
The Hot Pepper said:
Thanks for dispelling the rumor that Italians never eat seafood with cheese!
Lol i always hear no cheese with fish! :D And to tell the truth... I hate grated cheese in pasta fish....
But just a chance, there was that cheese in the table, there was fish... I just wanted to mix that! :D
Oohh! A very simple and good recipes comes to mind! Pasta with mozzarella. The hardest part is to avoid cut mozzarella stick wich itselves (butter should help), in general i fail at this lol. Then some anchovies are good to add flavour. Not to mention pizza margherita with anchovies, it's good...
The worst thing with fish/seafood (with rare exceptions, maybe baccalà) is red wine... Awful.
Ok, so i suppose you don't like this one too, but in my family we eat a lot pasta with anchovies. :P
Another dish from today's lunch. Just a variant of anchovies-pepper stuff:

  • anchovies
  • garlic (1 o 2 cloves)
  • pasta (spaghetti)
  • fennel leaves (dill is probably better)
  • roasted breadcrumbs
  • evo oil
  • hot peppers


i used my fire evo oil so no peppers.
  • put in the pan some evo oil with 1 o 2 cloves  I heathend a bit until you can smell something, but before frying.
  • in the meantime start cooking pasta
  • some minutes before pasta is ready add cut fennel leaves, heat pan until it fries then turn it off.
  • strain pasta al dente and pan fry a bit. Add continuosly stirring roasted breadcrumbs

The dish:

Onion too is good with anchovies.

SL3 said:
When I was a kid we made are own pasta. The one I always liked the most was the one we rolled by hand and cut in tiny "bullets". Us kids always called it "bullets", But later when we got older we would go to the Italian deli we would ask for fresh "Goo-a-til". Not sure how that's written in Italian. But I see in Tinnie's bowl those little white egg shaped pastas look similar (I think that is the 500 gr rice shaped pasta?), but we made pasta that looked like that just about a 1/4 inch longer. It was tender fresh and really complemented the sauce. Much more richer and filling than most the other pastas we made. Either way Essigi when you write I can smell grandmas kitchen! Please don't stop, your bringing the Italiano back out of me!
I've been to my fav pizzaiolo (one of disco volante on last great pizza thread) that is from Calabria but he doesn't remember his local name of that kind of gnocchi...
It does look amazing, and you're right, with the anchovies I couldn't eat it, but still looks pretty yummy!! ;)
I double like that dish !
My favorite pasta dishes are the no "sauce" type....Carbonara style.
Sauteed Anchovies just melt down nicely and bring out that nutty taste. Nice addition with the toasted breadcrumbs.

Your pasta looks like Bucatini...I haven't made it in awhile but what was popular here is a dish called "Bucatini all" Amatriciana". Yrs back I made that quite often, consists of pasta, ground black Peppercorn, dried Calabria flakes, Evo , Pancetta...and a shaving of Parm.

I'm starving now, even though it's breakfest time I'd dig into that aqua bowl of pasta right now !
PIC 1 said:
I double like that dish !
My favorite pasta dishes are the no "sauce" type....Carbonara style.
Sauteed Anchovies just melt down nicely and bring out that nutty taste. Nice addition with the toasted breadcrumbs.

Your pasta looks like Bucatini...I haven't made it in awhile but what was popular here is a dish called "Bucatini all" Amatriciana". Yrs back I made that quite often, consists of pasta, ground black Peppercorn, dried Calabria flakes, Evo , Pancetta...and a shaving of Parm.

I'm starving now, even though it's breakfest time I'd dig into that aqua bowl of pasta right now !
Amatriciana is a dish from near Rome (from Amatricia in Rieti).
Recently a roman (and i know they are very jealous about these dish) explained me gricia wich is similar to a carbonara without eggs. He called that, amatriciana, carbonara and gricia, the 3 classic dish with guanciale (this means that using pancetta, as i always do for carbonara, is blasphemous). Your pasta seems like gricia plus calabrese peppers...

Btw these are spaghetti alla chitarra from Molisana, 15B. They're thicker from standard spaghetti and if dry they have a squared section. They're good.
Penny said:
It does look amazing, and you're right, with the anchovies I couldn't eat it, but still looks pretty yummy!! ;)
Thinking about that you could simply skip at all anchovies, you could take my first recipe in that thread and add garlic, maybe fennel too... Different thing, but garlic and pepper is a classic! ;)
Another dish i make sometimes...
  • canned meat
  • onions
  • water
  • black pepper
  • hot pepper or hot sauce
  • pasta
Boil with some water cut onion, black pepper and hot stuff. Some cooking salt if you want.

I used mad dog 357 silver edition. BAD CHOICHE! Fresh pepper or another sauce is better. It's no good here. I have also the doubt that i have not shaken enough the bottle and now it's concentrate (i'm near the end)... Flavor is worse than usual and seems even stronger... Seriously, i put a teaspoon and it's way way hotter than a full sized superhot, maybe my superhots are not the strongest out there, but really there's no match. For the first time ever i felt a formication in my nose due to heat! Btw bad taste here. My bad cause i know that sauce is bad with pasta...
When onion is cooked and tender (10-15 min boiling, fire not strong, add other water if needed) add canned meat:

Crumble it and continue cooking for another 5-10 mins:

Some evo oil after cooking is good too, i didn't use it this time.

Simple and nothing spectacular, btw i like it. Garlic wouldn't hurt...
Just 2 random photos! This is a non hot pasta... But it's so good that deserves to be commented:
Bigoli co l'arna (bigoli al ragù d'anatra--->duck ragù bigoli). It's an ancient local recipe.
I dind't made the ragù. My mom di it and with minced duck, the best would be to start with a young duck, so it's somewhat a cheap version and not the best i've eaten but... It's still better than most of toppings!
Bigoli are like fresh ticker spaghetti with egg. Here are purchased and not house made.

Really, that is a pasta that tastes better than how it looks (seems a generic ragù but it isn't).
My dish:

Wine is a new barbera, grape harvest 2013 from my uncle... Great wine, this year it's his best! Last year tocai was his best and had been epic.
Btw really an awesome dish, when you hear bigoli all'anatra you know you'll eat something special, if well done it's one of the best pasta you can eat!
That was bought already minced... If i remeber well 15 €/kg (~9 usd/lb)... So you can't know if it is really all duck... You can even buy directly cooked ragù yourself sometimes, at least in my city.
But they say that if you mince duck yourself it's better....
Nice DTS! Interesting use of anchovies. I love cream, btw i hate it in carbonara and that is similar... Maybe cream+anchovies with egg is good, i must try this. Maybe i'd use pasta without egg for that.
Atm i have guanciale, eggs and pecorino romano, now i could make a perfect carbonara! I just can't make it for at least 2 or 3 days, i've eaten too much in that period!
Btw my dinner, i didn't made it. Maccheroni gratinati. With bacon, champignons, cream, butter:

I added some calabrese pepper powder and it fits very well!

Very good with barbera, really good dish!
Lookin' good on the rigaonti!
Let me test my pasta knowledge... I think you used De Cecco Mezzi Rigatoni 26 earlier, and switched to Barilla Rigatoni here.
Hah!!! Damn I'm good (unless I'm wrong).
I love the De Cecco. Not so much the Barilla.

DTS, nice play on carbonara!
Eh he nope THP. :P  I think this is one of the most overused pasta shapes...
First is mezzi rigatoni from  La Molisana 32B:
Second is elicoidali from La Molisana 37B:
(sry but english links don't work).
I like the ones called mezze maniche rigate from De Cecco even better:
Lol, mezzi rigatoni you mentioned are these:
same cooking time, i doubt i'd be able to distinguish them!
You are right with Barlila, it isn't the best. It's rather cheap.
De Cecco is very good!
La Molisana... Is good too, spagetti quadrati alla chitarra 15B are excellent!
Nice job with the Rigatoni. There's not a better way to taste the pasta, no need for a rich sauce.

DTS..that's a unique texture with the shaved Reggiano..doesn't look as dry as the norm.