People forget that snow is really just crystals of ice. They think of snow as somehow mysteriously drifting from the sky, and use terms like "soft" and "powder." But driven by a harsh wind, it feels like so many mini X-acto knives plunging into your skin. It was that kind of day.
Yet there he stood, Mr. Magnanamous.... The JayT, in shorts and a thin yellow button-down with his spatula held at the ready, toes lightly gripping his flip-flops. We huddled inside the house, not willing to brave the elements in such a bold manner. Even with the lid down and the wall of the house between us, though, the grill in front of JayT managed to entice us with its smokey aroma.
Sum finally said "I can't stand it any more!" and went outside. Only... we saw him leave, but we didn't see him outside through the window. JayT was still standing out there, by himself, patiently waiting for the food to be ready, while the snow sliced through the air. I really couldn't figure out how he managed to stand so still without so much as a coat on, and puzzled over what happened to Sum.
Then, seemingly from nowhere, a tear appeared. No, not a tear like might come from your eye, but a tear like happens to a piece of paper. Our minds couldn't comprehend it for a moment... a tear? Then we had to stop and laugh at ourselves, for Sum was tearing down a huge photo of JayT's avatar just outside the window! He popped inside and called "come on out, y'all!"
There on the porch we found JayT with six cast iron dutch ovens simmering on their coals. Sum had fixed stuffed poblanos and turtle-head boliche, but reserved the largest DO for JayT's specialty - microwaved hot dogs. Sum turned off the snow machine in front of the window, and we all gathered 'round and shared some prize-winning grub.
True Story!