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The Dollar Menu Dare!

DP... I am wondering, WTF???? Now I am Bitter? Or is HH going to be bitter after this......

Cuz I am not bitter....... damnit!!!!

KD please come clarify.... I am confuseled

DP... I am wondering, WTF???? Now I am Bitter? Or is HH going to be bitter after this......

Cuz I am not bitter....... damnit!!!!

KD please come clarify.... I am confuseled


think its implied your going to be the bitter one when you have to look after your hubby screaming in the fetal position.
[sup]and that HAD to be posted....[/sup]


OH! and BetterHalf should have all the bath mats and area rugs nice and clean, since we KNOW HH81's gonna be laid out on one or all of them..

I think THAT'S what they were referring to.... and have all the vidcam batteries fully charged, and have all the memory downloaded off the SIM cards so they can be erased to have maximum memory....


Nope like I said after this contest thingy he better suck it up and be able to resume our crazy schedule as usual....... No sympathy here..... He is planning on doing this on his day off which I happen to work on his days off and go to school...... so that being said we have no time for crybabies we already have two kids.....

I am not nice....... I am just honest.
I'm expecting pain.

If not from the event, the digestive aftermath is going to be really, really unpleasant.

What goes in must go out. The aftermath is not gonna be pretty.

I feel the worst for HH81 - HHBH is gonna make him do chores.

As for the bathroom floor mats, I'm thinking the nice cool floor much be preferred while he lays there in the fetal position curled around the terlet.

Second SL again - HHBH, have a camera charged & ready.

That's a lot of powder. I cannot imaging trying to pass a log made mostly of superhots, but I'm thinking "log" might be wishful thinking.

I don't want to get too graphic, but "ring sting" or "bung burn" may be the understatements of the year. We may need to come up with an entirely new term for what this event is going to inflict upon the collective anuses (ani?) of the victim-er, contestants. It's possible one or more of them will experience the most painful crap of their lives.

Of course that's after the 8 hour "prayer curl" - a long time to contemplate how easy it would have been to say, not eat that much capsaicin on purpose. :dance:
I'm expecting pain.

If not from the event, the digestive aftermath is going to be really, really unpleasant.

What goes in must go out. The aftermath is not gonna be pretty.

I feel the worst for HH81 - HHBH is gonna make him do chores.

As for the bathroom floor mats, I'm thinking the nice cool floor much be preferred while he lays there in the fetal position curled around the terlet.

Second SL again - HHBH, have a camera charged & ready.

That's a lot of powder. I cannot imaging trying to pass a log made mostly of superhots, but I'm thinking "log" might be wishful thinking.

I don't want to get too graphic, but "ring sting" or "bung burn" may be the understatements of the year. We may need to come up with an entirely new term for what this event is going to inflict upon the collective anuses (ani?) of the victim-er, contestants. It's possible one or more of them will experience the most painful crap of their lives.

Of course that's after the 8 hour "prayer curl" - a long time to contemplate how easy it would have been to say, not eat that much capsaicin on purpose. :dance:

i think the what goes in must come out will start happening sooner rather that later, which end it will comes out of though i haven't got a clue.
Not like I expect him to mow the lawn or anything (mainly cuz its Washington and its January), he just has to take care of the kids while I am at work and doing school.

That is all.