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The Dollar Menu Dare!

I'm real close to saying fug it and opening my video up on youtube

If you did, I'd vote to disqualify you. :dance:

Deadline is end of the month.

Ball busting is fine but don't cry like a little girl with a skinned knee just 'cuz you did yours early.

Come on now Biz - this is al in the name of fun. Be a trooper.
Maybe he is afraid his lord will get jealous if he starts praying to the porcelain god?

NOTE: I am way too much of a wuss to ever attempt something like this. Rock on with your bad selves.
Wow I can't wait to see video results, I can only image the mouth experience not being that much harder then having one or two superhots, but the ... belly experience, that just sounds like an even more cruel form of harakiri. :-)