• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

The Dollar Menu Dare!

habbyheat....any chance I could bribe a blackmarket copy of that vid before official release? I promise to only share it with the NW Pack, only my FB friends, Extreme THP members and the FB Chileheads group. That's all...I Promise!!!
I keep thinking, "Man, I wish I would have jumped aboard this crazy train."

Then I remember how much powder is involved. Getting it down doesn't sound too terrible, but there's a whole lot of discomfort to follow.
There are a few people I strongly dislike and I wouldn't wish what follows on them....... just sayin'

Seriously 10 days left...... a week and a half.... JCR in all seriousness I hope you are ok dude.

Hey Musky are you going to post vids on 2/1? That is your plan, right?
I am starting to agree that the deadline is more a courtesy - and since no courtesy of even a post has been reciprocated, it's probably time to call it. Or to call "48 hours" as the new deadline. Send JCR a PM and email (if possible) and get it over with.

We shouldn't have to wait another 10 days. Sucks, but it is what it is.
Musky musky MUSKY , oh sorry just makin sure ya heard me hahahaha lmao. Can you contact JCR and guve him a whats whats so we can do this already?
This is BS. God bless if anything is truly happening with someone's family/friends. BUT C'mon, with technology these days who can't post to say, "hey I have a family/personal emergency and I can't post or participate any longer".