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The Dollar Menu Dare!


Copied from post #884
You know when it comes right down to it this is pretty childish. Someone got their feelings hurt by a couple of people so they decide to punish the rest of us. In the end who is it really going to hurt?

I'm not one to step on toes, so I've purposefully decided not to include myself in this banter of whether JCR will be participating in this challenge. But I feel I have to say this since its still going on. The only reason I did the challenge when I did is so I could get it done and over with so we could all watch the video. But as I was able to man up and get the challenge done and go to work merely 8 hours later, not everyone is me. I get there is just 3 days before the videos need to be done and all the other contestants have theirs done, JCR has other things going on. He still has 3 days, let him get it done on his own accord. This is a forum, we can only go by what he tells us. If he tells us he'll do it, we can take his word that he will.

In the mean time let us all remember the days that BIZ was on top, until I knocked him down :)
Way I see it...JCR didn't set the deadline, Musky did. JCR may have decided to sit it out...or not. He's a preacher and is probably not thrilled with the direction some folks took on here. The vids will still be funny on Friday! So chillax errybody!
The "direction" was humor.

Obviously so.

There was also some concern - both for JCR's well being, and the fact that he rec'd something if value & DISAPPEARED.

He owed it to this community to keep in touch. It takes 2 seconds to check in & say "ill be out if touch for a week". He opted not to & caught some crap for it. And rightly so IMO.

Some people need to toughen up.
Remind me to never enter a contest with you guys where there's a set deadline, you guys are brutal.

So you have to check in huh? Never done that in anything I entered. You just make the deadline, and done.

Okay back to your fun. Hope it all goes well.
If you're gonna disappear from something as active as this was? Yeah - that would be courteous.

None of this is the end of the world - but the overreaction to a little chop busting was a little over the top.
Put it in your rules, don't expect it as a courtesy. Lesson learned. This is why Throwdowns have rules, and the first ones were a bit looser.

You guys can still save this. Just have patience. There is a deadline and he did say he may wait until the last second.
Heh. Trust me I know to (at least try to) cover all bases on TDs. And the next one of these I am sure there will be a check in rule. It's all good! Keep it going.
I know for my next one I'll keep the time frame short as I did for the pizza challenge. It is winter and there is not much else to do except watch seedlings grow and have fun in threads poking fun! I think many of us said this was over too long of a period but sticking to the rules is always I good thing.

Lesson learned
This first one is a test but just have patience and stick to the original terms... wait it out, have fun, and all will be good. Ribbing is cool too. Musky, shoot me a PM if you need poll help. You can do multiple questions if you want different voting categories And you can set votes public, that seems to keep it honest in thwarting suspicious activity since it would be seen.