• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

The Dollar Menu Dare!

The goods are in the mail to the contestants, When's Liftoff? or Deadline? I saw something mentioned about Feb1st....you guys gonna make us wait that long???? :mope:

I said Feb 1st because I wasn't sure how long it would take to round up some contestents, but I'm hoping it won't take that long to see the vids. There is also still room for 1 more member to join in. Once/if that spot is filled we could push it up a bit as long as contestents are fine with it.

edit: And yes, I agree that a seperate video thread posting all the vids at the same time is a good idea.
might be worth pinging The Boss at this point to see if he might give this a headline banner on the site...this competition is certainly worthy of helping to promote THP, so he might be in on the hype train?

Just a thought.
It'd be great if THP were willing to host X # of such events a year. Probably should go on the suggestions forum, but it's a great opportunity for
1. Bringing positive and fun attention to THP
2. Vendors to sponsor such events with prizes (as has happened the last couple ad hoc events)
3. The company donating the powders to get some publicity
4. Crazy pepperheads to flock here to compete with other crazy pepperheads.

Just occurs to me now, because this one's come together in a much more organized fashion than the last few - I feel like we're collectively getting better at this. To the point we could make it an asset to the community in addition to our own amusement. :cheers:
It'd be great if THP were willing to host X # of such events a year. Probably should go on the suggestions forum, but it's a great opportunity for
1. Bringing positive and fun attention to THP
2. Vendors to sponsor such events with prizes (as has happened the last couple ad hoc events)
3. The company donating the powders to get some publicity
4. Crazy pepperheads to flock here to compete with other crazy pepperheads.

Just occurs to me now, because this one's come together in a much more organized fashion than the last few - I feel like we're collectively getting better at this. To the point we could make it an asset to the community in addition to our own amusement. :cheers:

Mostly ammusement I'm thinking :)

Hey LDHS, you outta likes yet?? :lol:
I may work in a crazy hospital but 15 years of it has not made me this crazy. Imma have to put money in Charlie since ive seen him already do stuff like this. HH. U one crazy mofo. Who's gonna take care of the bitterhalf?!

Good luck y'all. Can't wait to see
I was for a second thinking of entering this but after my memory of eating a whole raw super hot (TS butch T) gave me a swift kick in the nuts, I have come to my senses and decided to pray that god will be with you all who is going to attempt this...

There is no way to fit that much powder on the burger even if you mix it into condiments. It will make a really nasty paste and I hope that the rules include licking up the left over paste that squeezes out of the burger. That only makes sense as the plate will be covered in the paste. Good luck again and I can't wait for the first video to come online.
For anyone who hasn't been following this thread from the beginning, the official rules and prizes are edited into the first post on page 1.