Rocketman was stylin'! Check out those shoes.
Something about that blue suit by Rocketman...
That IS a Busch Light in my hand.
That IS a Busch Light in my hand.
1993's hottest babe, yours truly.
CaptionThis it what the world looked like when I was 5.....
JayT, don't wave your weinier at me!
So you can borrow it when you grow up and fill out? Because she is Nancy Sinatra?My caption should read:
Why the hell is my mother wearing a go-go dress?
Hey Marcie, are you aware of the fact you are in fact hot?My eyes are still super blue!
Edit: This pic is older than I thought it was. Check out that RAZR in the background. SO OLD SCHOOL.
How'd you get AWWWW YEAAAAH face?