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The Fluorescent Grow Challange...

Mine are flying along, I'll get up a pic, was out at the coast for the holidays, glad to see my neighbor came and watered, so there alive. I'm still in, not puter at the condo, and the wife has the camera, so I'll post an update in a lil while... :beer:

There movin along... I am guessing there the small thai hot ornamental. I have some growing with similar leaves, but I know that dosen't mean anything. There even startin to branch at the nodes, but my cam sucks. On a side note, was metal detecting new Smyrna Beach and tried to get a shot of the Mars Mission launch, but it was over cast... on the bright side, I was out swimming in the ocean and it's still 73 or so. Startin to get chilli.

Kirk Out... :beer:
Heres my Nov. 26th update...sorry its late...been BUSY at the nursery :)




I took the pics yesterday on the 26th but just didnt get to post them till today :) notice the date stamp :)
Man, S.S. yours are looking fantastic! I wish mine looked like that. Well, after a busy weekend with friends and family, fighting aphids and finishing a knife for an auction, I finally got a picture taken. The aphids had managed to infest my challenge seedlings but I took them to my laundry room and put each one under the tap spray while holding them so the stems wouldn't break. I saw one this morning but nothing since. I also made up some garlic oil and sprayed the rest of my plants. Hopefully I can keep them in check.


So they aren't bad, I moved them to a better position and moved a light down to cut down the stretch in the stem, let's see it in a week.
Good looking plants guys! SS I think my plants and your plants are pretty close to being equal in size. I too have growth starting at the nodes. Starting to get interesting
Okay loaded my new pics to share. Also I believe it was asked at least every 5 days and several of us have added pics more often or a day or so early each time. I last posted pics on the 24th for example and so did others before they left for the weekend. It kind of gives us teasers in the in between days.
DWC seedlings running a .75 ec bloom solution and a ph of 6.5


Soil based seedlings given .75 ec bloom solution and a ph of 6.5 at each watering.They are a little harder to see and I may need to pull them out from the ligh for future pics.


I do not think it is worth trying to guess the strain as I am seeing traits not seen in the parent plant the seed came from so am thinking crossed seed.
Mine in the DWC went slow, til the roots developed enough, then it was suckin down half the nutes by the end of the week. You could almost watch it grow... I might play around with it a lil more but I will more then likely put it up til I pic 3-4 lucky strains to go in them but to be grown outdoors.
Lookin good guys :) I will havemine up tonightas well....seeing you guys with your plants so far along makes me wish i had the "Official" seeds for this...lol Lookin good!
Sorry about a day late for the update....

Update #5... day 25..or so! LOL



They are coming along ok i guess...i know they would be much bigger under the T5's instead of these T8's
Well heres mine, they are really takin off now. Not a bad pace for 25 days so far... i have been watering them with left over DWC Nute water, watered down to 500 or so.

They have made good strides since last weeks report...

I still have some in the tray i started in, and there much smaller. I love these airpots, they sure do work. I undid a fatalii in a one gallon smart pot, the roots were perfect, even though the container the roots were not circling or nothing. The increased mass with the dirt, made it a lil tough to get out. I have most of the ones i want to keep for next year in them, and there doing great, I'm still getting flowers on them and pickin peppers.

I would like to sincerely apologize for the late update guys. I have been really tied up with school yesterday and today and just got a chance to update. My plants are looking really good besides the leaf curl I have that I need to take care of. And ideas? Maybe too close to the lights?


Also I cut down one of my plants. It was shorter than the other two so was getting blocked from the light and was growing at a slower rate. Survival of the fittest here!
Okay here are my guys as they were on the 1st. Sorry I have been on a rush job with work so not home much.



So all following this thread do not have to keep going back and checking can we all post each time we add pics what florescent system we are using. I think I am starting to see a pattern with the T5 seedlings out growing the T8 ones quickly.

So I will remind all here I am using a six bulb T8 set up.
I'm using a t-8 from home depot... my grow area/box is out side on the back porch, so when it's lights off, no more heat. Luckily it's 57-75 right now, and going to warm a lil this week. :beer:
Here's my update. I'm using 2 32W Full Spectrum T8 bulbs. They're coming along pretty well. I have them in a spare bedroom where the temp ranges from about 58-70 depending on the temp outside and the amount of sunshine coming through the skylights. The challenge seeds are definitely moving along much faster than the Chinenses around them (which are about 10 days older too).


As I was pushing the light fixture back to make it not as bright for the picture I was taking, the nail that was supporting it loosened, the figure flew off, and smashed the pot the Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon was in. It also hit the first challenge plant, but didn't seem to damage it. I guess the only positive is I got to repot the bhut and mix in some Zoom brand plant food that I got from Lowe's the other day. The NPK on it is 4-3-2 with 9% calcium and cost 6.99 for a 5 lb bag. It's organic and comes from composted chicken waste. I was surprised how much the stuff stunk when I opened it though. I'm curious to see how it works. Last year I used a combination of diluted Miracle Grow Tomato, Calcium Nitrate, and Epsom salt with good results.

Okay I took new pics tonight as the roots in the DWC have now grown through the bottom of their pots and growth is starting to finally speed up.
So only 3 days since the last pics.



I also did a calmag dose with my last watering.
Ok, so Im late for the last check in but early for the next :lol: Anyway, I am about to repot the bigger ones but not until I clean up the plants around them. I have almost taken care of all the aphids but to be sure, I am going to change the soil and wash the pants down. I even went so far as to plant some garlic in with my jalapeno. Also, I threw in a pic of the Devils tongue that Spongey sent me after my ebay issue, they are about 3 weeks in I think.


As you can see, I lost two seedlings, not really sure what happened except maybe the aphids? Or just my rough handling.


Hows everyone else after a month? Oh did I mention that I am just using 100w cfls 6000k, I have one directly over the lid.
Lookin good... I know everyone wants huge plants under CFL but I like the fact a lil more red in the tubes, the more compact the growth. I find i grow a shorty sporty til i put it out in the sun then it becomes the hammer of Thor. So it lets me get a larger root system to help wit the high heat and humidity here. I'd rather 30 tight lil starts than 10 Charley brown Christmas trees... LOL. :beer: