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The Fluorescent Grow Challange...

Nope, you can't back out, isn't that the whole idea- to see what happens? Im sure they will pop soon ad catch up within a week or so.
OH! ...nevermind....Found out what the deal was....lol Temps WAY TOO HIGH... I've been on top of a new heat mat and its got my soil temps around 101 Thats simply too hot. Hope I didn't fry em. Oh well. Easy mistake to make. :oops:
OH! ...nevermind....Found out what the deal was....lol Temps WAY TOO HIGH... I've been on top of a new heat mat and its got my soil temps around 101 Thats simply too hot. Hope I didn't fry em. Oh well. Easy mistake to make. :oops:

Glad to see this post actually. I've been contemplating buying a heat mat digital thermostat.. Looks like I'll be doing that tonight lol. Just think guru, atleast with your mistake your helping out others! :D

Good luck everyone
I know I have to add pics, I'll get to it. Might not get them posted, but I'll get them taken for sure. I'm totally winging it, wait 'til you see where my little beauties are hanging out.....

edit- OK, here's the goods-




I had the pots sitting on top of a plastic tray on top of some towels in a laundry basket on the floor. It just didn't seem warm enough, so I lifted the basket up on a chair and stuffed some more linens in the basket.... probably should have just turned the basket over.....(:doh:)
Update :)

Ok i think its day 10 maybe 11...lol someone correct me please :) Anyway...all 3 types have popped the surface with the leader being the Trinidad Scorpion Red with all 4 popped :) But all 3 types have at least one growing at this time...Moved them to under these T8's cus i needed the space up top for the Brain Strains i just got in :)


A bit futher away...


Their new home under the T8's...Just so you know, they will be a LOT slower under these lights now :(...


To Be Continued...
You just may be surprised... i use a 6 bulb 4 ft t-8 and it works wonders. i like a lil more red, keeps them smaller since space is a premium but once there out in the sun, they explode into huge bushes since the nodes are spaced closer together, and not tall and lanky. :beer:
3 of my 4 seeds have cracked the surface and are looking good. I don't know what the 4th one is doing! The trinidad scorpion behind seedling number 3 has some toadstool friends growing with him that I should probably yank out. The room is kind of cool (about 65 degrees) so I'm kind of curious how they'll grow compared to some of yours that are in a warmer environment. I wanted to grow some of the other plants slow so I could try and get them pretty big by the time I plant them outside in the spring.

Well no hydro grow for me... went outta town to the coast for 3 days, and the horticubes dried out and they are laying on their side, but the 6 others in soil are kickin ass...
Its update day! My three plants are looking good and happy. Might start a low dose of nutes in a week or two. I plan on keeping all three plants in the same pot by the way

Edit: a picture would be nice lol
5 Day Update #3


Not much of a change from last update, just starting the first set of real leaves. Hoping there's a lot more going on below the surface than above!

Indy :onfire:
Update#3 :beer:

There cruising right along... Ya can't see it, but there is the second pair of leaves starting on one.


I'm going to transplant 2 in AirPots, and 2 in an equivalent size pot... I was at the beach for a few days, and the wife wanted to leave Monday morn, but we usually leave and come back on Sunday, so there were the 2 in Horticubes that are casualties of this grow, they dried out. :( I'm kinda bummed not puttin one in hydro. i know i still can, but it is such a setback i won't bother. I'm sure there should be some good frowth by next update... Kirk Out. :beer:
Im dead in the water with these seeds. Germ mat was WAY too hot. I have two that made it.
I have wanted to ask you about doing your cutting you mention in one of your posts for this as the main reason of this is helping others when it comes time to start our plants. I think if you started a few for this challenge under the florescent lights it can show us a side beside of cutting grown/started this way vs seeds.
Here is my 3rd 5 day update. They have grown a bit I will start them on some nutrients and see if I can give them a kick. I am thinking of seeing just how hard I can push a couple and see what happens.


Here they are catching some rays with big brothers:)


These are pictures from day 15 :) Things look to be doing well...Everyone elses stuff looks good too :) Have some fun with this everyone..push the limits of what can be done with this little experiment :)


To Be Continued...

These are pictures from day 15 :) Things look to be doing well...Everyone elses stuff looks good too :) Have some fun with this everyone..push the limits of what can be done with this little experiment :)


To Be Continued...

scorps are looking good :)
but only one y7 poped up?
I usually find that they are one of the first to stick their head up...
Okay two in DWC set up and two in pots. Will be setting up the 2 in ebb & flow next after turkey day.


Here is a pic showing how far the lights are above them when not doing maintenance.
just found this site. looks like fun.

...Glad im in the southern hemisphere - Winter seems a looooong way away, no flouros needed here :)

anyways, just thought I'd say hi and a thanks for posting your photos for us to enjoy!
Welcome GazInSydney. I'm totally envying you south-of-the-equator folks now as we are in deep slushy mucky snow.

onefowl1, when I first saw your pics, I thought.."DOG FOOD??????" :lol: