The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

Robisburning said:
Ninja edits.. :shh:
I wrote to Judy of Pepperlover.  I asked if she might do a phytosanitary cert if we cover the cost and her time and place a significant order. We should know by tomorrow.
Nice.I would be keen
Any word on the Lava yet?
Hahaha, no.  She must have missed my email.  I will ask again.
I have previously had good experiences at Palmers.  This time was terrible and not only were they not able to identify the culprit the suggested cure was more watering.  Apparently the dry pods have less resistance to keeping the pests out?  I am far from convinced.  Either way the guy could not stop handling the chilli after i told him not to repeatedly.  He was touching his face, nose, everything.  On my way out he said he didn't like spicy food - will be interesting to learn if he likes it all over his face.
I just tried my first Primo today.  It was a small pod about the length from the tip of my finger to the first knuckle.  I chopped it in half and could smell it and see the oil.  I thought since it was so small in might have been a bit less hot than a larger pod so chewed up half of it.  Nuclear hot, running nose, watering eyes, devastated.  I was in trouble after about 10 seconds and it kept getting worse.  Taste was slightly sweet, pretty standard with a touch of floral before I stopped functioning.  I have seen it described as delicious. I am not sure it is better any any other 7 pot in terms of taste but I think it is hotter than the jonahs. I wouldn't call them cramps but my stomach was pretty unimpressed with the whole operation and ached for a few hours afterwards.  A moruga is the hottest thing I have tasted and I wouldn't be surprised if this was hotter. 
Has anyone isolated using the teabag over flower bud method?  I was to do this to quite a few flowers this weekend to try and get some seeds for next year and swapping around.
Haha nice one dude, i havent tried one of those yet. I havent used the teabag method but I've heard of tons of people just putting a dot of superglue on a flower before it opens and apparently that technique works mint.
Growers also use the little gauze gift bags from the Dollar shop to cover the flowers. The Primo and Brainstrain have always seemed similar to me in heat in not flavour. I am hoping to have a couple of decent sized pods ont eh Primo this season and we can try them as well.

Robisburning said:
I just tried my first Primo today.  It was a small pod about the length from the tip of my finger to the first knuckle.  I chopped it in half and could smell it and see the oil.  I thought since it was so small in might have been a bit less hot than a larger pod so chewed up half of it.  Nuclear hot, running nose, watering eyes, devastated.  I was in trouble after about 10 seconds and it kept getting worse.  Taste was slightly sweet, pretty standard with a touch of floral before I stopped functioning.  I have seen it described as delicious. I am not sure it is better any any other 7 pot in terms of taste but I think it is hotter than the jonahs. I wouldn't call them cramps but my stomach was pretty unimpressed with the whole operation and ached for a few hours afterwards.  A moruga is the hottest thing I have tasted and I wouldn't be surprised if this was hotter. 
Has anyone isolated using the teabag over flower bud method?  I was to do this to quite a few flowers this weekend to try and get some seeds for next year and swapping around.
The guy you spoke to sounds clueless! You pick up more problems with disease and pests with over watered plants...not the other way around! I think a lot of the so called specialists at the plant places might be specialists when it comes to flowers, but have no interest in chilli plants.
Hey guys. I've been reading up on aquaponics for a while now and I think I'm finally ready to commit to doing that for this winter's grow. I've sussed all the bits and pieces, and instead of fish I'll be using freshwater crayfish - have already sussed it out from this guy who distributes them across NZ. I've kept quite a few tanks with fresh and saltwater fish/invertabrates before so I'm pretty sure I can handle fresh water crays. And am thinking about using a barrel method with gravel growbeds. Will only keep it relatively small since I don't want it taking up more than half of my greenhouse. But will also plant identical chillies into soil to compare. Thinking of just doing 4 plants in aquaponics and 4 plants in soil - and then do another proper comparison once we have ripe pods.
Actually I think maybe I'll do a small episode for our Youtube channel on this.
Very interested in how your system works out.
I looked into this a while ago.  Basically I wanted to use a native fish that I could eat but to do it legally required a lot of paperwork and licensing costs.  Both salmon and trout were out, I can't remember what else I looked at... maybe eels. I then looked at our freshwater cray - the Koura.  It was not going to be possible to keep a breeding population as apparently the males eat one another so I would have had to have a population of females and a male?  Not entirely sure as it was a while back but nothing came of it. 
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey guys. I've been reading up on aquaponics for a while now and I think I'm finally ready to commit to doing that for this winter's grow. I've sussed all the bits and pieces, and instead of fish I'll be using freshwater crayfish - have already sussed it out from this guy who distributes them across NZ. I've kept quite a few tanks with fresh and saltwater fish/invertabrates before so I'm pretty sure I can handle fresh water crays. And am thinking about using a barrel method with gravel growbeds. Will only keep it relatively small since I don't want it taking up more than half of my greenhouse. But will also plant identical chillies into soil to compare. Thinking of just doing 4 plants in aquaponics and 4 plants in soil - and then do another proper comparison once we have ripe pods.
Actually I think maybe I'll do a small episode for our Youtube channel on this.
Sounds cool.Will be interesting to see the results.It cant be harder than keeping a marine tank.Had one for years.Now thats an expensive hobby ,lol
Brave move! I think getting balance right between fish/cray numbers and PPM needed to sustain the plants is tricky. PPM can be a tricky balance with just standard hydroponics so aquaponics it is even more so....and then PH as well. Good luck will be an interesting challenge!
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey guys. I've been reading up on aquaponics for a while now and I think I'm finally ready to commit to doing that for this winter's grow. I've sussed all the bits and pieces, and instead of fish I'll be using freshwater crayfish - have already sussed it out from this guy who distributes them across NZ. I've kept quite a few tanks with fresh and saltwater fish/invertabrates before so I'm pretty sure I can handle fresh water crays. And am thinking about using a barrel method with gravel growbeds. Will only keep it relatively small since I don't want it taking up more than half of my greenhouse. But will also plant identical chillies into soil to compare. Thinking of just doing 4 plants in aquaponics and 4 plants in soil - and then do another proper comparison once we have ripe pods.
Actually I think maybe I'll do a small episode for our Youtube channel on this.
Wow so you will have crawlys in the res? are you going to do a glog or explain in a vid? what are you feeding the koura? I know they like the taste of Dobermann haha seen my dog yelping his ass off as a pretty decent sized one had his pincer locked on his nose. A moari fella tought us to tie pine tree branchs with flax or whatever was around to make a little house for them and next day pull them out and heaps of "crawlys" were in there,crawly is what ive always known them as. lol
FireFlyNZ said:
Wow so you will have crawlys in the res? are you going to do a glog or explain in a vid? what are you feeding the koura? I know they like the taste of Dobermann haha seen my dog yelping his ass off as a pretty decent sized one had his pincer locked on his nose. A moari fella tought us to tie pine tree branchs with flax or whatever was around to make a little house for them and next day pull them out and heaps of "crawlys" were in there,crawly is what ive always known them as. lol
Yeah bro. I've just sussed out 200L drums that I'll use as growbeds as it seems a standard shape/size people use. And I didn't realise how many koura can live per square foot, its ridiculous, and they seem to be fine like that too i never knew. But yeah. Definitely doing a glog and will film all bits of the build so then I can compile it into one of our videos.
So far it's looking like a very cheap setup, ill keep list of all costs and will then include it with the glog/video too.
Ok cool I've started my glog - got most of the bits already, so should have it all running next weekend - without the crayfish or plants though. need to run it first to make sure the water is mint like with any aquarium. And then the seedlings will be ready in a months time maybe a bit longer will see how big they get.
Swampy, your pods are nuts.  I'd sell my soul to be able to grow pods like that. Is the chocolate bhut very productive, compared say to the red?
Robisburning said:
Swampy, your pods are nuts.  I'd sell my soul to be able to grow pods like that. Is the chocolate bhut very productive, compared say to the red?
Dunno.I only have the Choc fruiting right now.I have a yellow,peach and red but they are only small and wont see fruit for a good while and I have never grown them before so I have no comparison.
My choc in the 110L pot is my tallest plant.well over 6 foot and podding like crazy but my Dorset Nagas are far better producers
Looks like a not so burgundy 7 pod burgundy ive had from pepperlovers appearance wise, good to see the frequency of videos is well.. Frequent. Cool to see you getting involved Rob.