The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

Just thinking aloud....

A year or 2 ago a service started in the states sending packages from Amazon etc to places that the seller didn't send. A halfway house of sorts, I think nz post (bless their incompetence) even dabbled in a system similar.

Product mailed to local US address which is then repackaged and sent on.

FireFlyNZ said:
How does pepperlovers send their stuff by default? i didn't think to ask... argh fingers crossed.
Padded envelope. While I hope it doean't it will most likely get stopped I would say.  When did you order?  As a guide I just got a package from her, 12 days from order to receipt.  My offer stands if I can sort you out any seeds.
I have 4 big black mama seeds inbound I am so anxious to get, fingers crossed.
I have asked Judy to send seeds in a plain envelope as person to person mail with no paperwork and got the parcel. The next parcel was for quite a few seeds and i asked for the same system to be used again and the seed order split over two envelopes to avoid suspicious looking bulky envelopes. The order does not seem to have been split so i got a nasty letter threatening me last week from MAF. Obviously they check all abnormal size plain envelopes as well....$40 USD down the drain....
Robisburning said:
Padded envelope. While I hope it doean't it will most likely get stopped I would say.  When did you order?  As a guide I just got a package from her, 12 days from order to receipt.  My offer stands if I can sort you out any seeds.
I have 4 big black mama seeds inbound I am so anxious to get, fingers crossed.
 It was the 17th/18th, did the order late at night with the encouragement of booze and nigel carter vids. forgot to include datil to main order so asked to add them to the first order. Hopefully if they are stopped i at least receive notification.
Good luck with your big black mama's. ;)
Rush35 said:
I have asked Judy to send seeds in a plain envelope as person to person mail with no paperwork and got the parcel. The next parcel was for quite a few seeds and i asked for the same system to be used again and the seed order split over two envelopes to avoid suspicious looking bulky envelopes. The order does not seem to have been split so i got a nasty letter threatening me last week from MAF. Obviously they check all abnormal size plain envelopes as well....$40 USD down the drai
i thought u.s. government was corrupt, you can't order seeds! why is this?
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
i thought u.s. government was corrupt, you can't order seeds! why is this?
There is a disease that biosecurity doesn't want to get into the country that affects tomatoes and peppers so certain seeds are now not allowed to be imported without proper certs.
Swampy_NZ said:
There is a disease that biosecurity doesn't want to get into the country that affects tomatoes and peppers so certain seeds are now not allowed to be imported without proper certs.
i guess that might be a good reason!? still, sounds mad that they stop seeds from getting shipped. if i can't get my seeds then i want a refund. i got to look into this bio security
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
i guess that might be a good reason!? still, sounds mad that they stop seeds from getting shipped. if i can't get my seeds then i want a refund. i got to look into this bio security
It wont affect you if you buy from within the US
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
i guess that might be a good reason!? still, sounds mad that they stop seeds from getting shipped. if i can't get my seeds then i want a refund. i got to look into this bio security
They don't stop them getting shipped, its our customs who catches them when they enter the country.
Its not the sellers fault that our customs seizes the packages on entry, so the seller cant and should not be held responsible. 
Most of us *now* know its a gamble to order seeds. We go into it knowing we may never get them. A few beers makes clicking the place order button easier lol 
Just harvested a few pods that were ripe for a while, kept all the seeds from them: Dorset Naga, JAFSH red, Peter Pepper and Yellow Fatalii

And my wife helped me make a gift pack for my mate's bday, she did all the labels and all that, it ended up looking pretty gay being this tidy and clean but oh well. I had no ripe reapers so had to add a green one in there, hopefully it'll ripen up.
SentencedToBurn said:
Just harvested a few pods that were ripe for a while, kept all the seeds from them: Dorset Naga, JAFSH red, Peter Pepper and Yellow Fatalii

And my wife helped me make a gift pack for my mate's bday, she did all the labels and all that, it ended up looking pretty gay being this tidy and clean but oh well. I had no ripe reapers so had to add a green one in there, hopefully it'll ripen up.
What a gift!
I hope they appreciate those!
I just took some pictures for my glog and while wandering about I noticed this moruga which had a brainstrain like appearance

My first few pods are coloring up now.  I am a little worried they were forced by the dry weather but I guess the test will be in the eating.
Thanks so much for having me guys, it was great to meet you both.   The test was really interestng.  It was awesome to have a look at both your grows as there were some great looking plants and pods around. If there was a map of capsacin concentration round auckland you guys would be well lit up. 
Robisburning said:
Thanks so much for having me guys, it was great to meet you both.   The test was really interestng.  It was awesome to have a look at both your grows as there were some great looking plants and pods around. If there was a map of capsacin concentration round auckland you guys would be well lit up. 
Always a pleasure to meet another chillihead ! Hope to see you this weekend for another round.
Awesome, will be great to catch up.  I tried the white bhut and the infinity left over from my visit.
The white bhut had no visible oil and almost no placenta.  It looked pretty tame so I tried a good size bit of it and wasn't very impressed.  Very little flavour and little heat.  I would say less than hab heat.  I am not quite sure what is up with my first few pods but I think I might have just picked them too early and they would have benifited from longer on the plant.  The one saving grace is it smells really nice if not very strong so I am hoping they taste a little like they smell when fully mature.  The burn came and went in about 4 mins.
The infinity was a different matter.  Lots of oil.  Strong smell of pain.  I was ready not to like the taste but was kind of suprised.  It was slightly sweet initially and had a slightly fruity taste.  It did get a little bitter at the end but I think that is the capsaicin taste.  I wouldn't say it was delicious but cerrtainly not too bad.  It was very very hot and smashed the back of my throat.  I would say it was comparible to the jonahs I grew last year in terms of heat although the back of the throat burn is pretty uncomfortable.   Burn lasted ages too
Robisburning said:
Awesome, will be great to catch up.  I tried the white bhut and the infinity left over from my visit.
The white bhut had no visible oil and almost no placenta.  It looked pretty tame so I tried a good size bit of it and wasn't very impressed.  Very little flavour and little heat.  I would say less than hab heat.  I am not quite sure what is up with my first few pods but I think I might have just picked them too early and they would have benifited from longer on the plant.  The one saving grace is it smells really nice if not very strong so I am hoping they taste a little like they smell when fully mature.  The burn came and went in about 4 mins.
The infinity was a different matter.  Lots of oil.  Strong smell of pain.  I was ready not to like the taste but was kind of suprised.  It was slightly sweet initially and had a slightly fruity taste.  It did get a little bitter at the end but I think that is the capsaicin taste.  I wouldn't say it was delicious but cerrtainly not too bad.  It was very very hot and smashed the back of my throat.  I would say it was comparible to the jonahs I grew last year in terms of heat although the back of the throat burn is pretty uncomfortable.   Burn lasted ages too
I thought the main issue with the Infinity flavour was the bitterness which is something i don't like in pods. Normally it comes from the capsaicin oil but there are hotter pods out there that are not not sure what it is. The white Bhut is milder than the other versions but should be hotter than Habanero's with a lovely fruity,citrus,light clean flavour....perhaps yours was not ripe...the white ones are difficult to decide on whether they are ripe or not.