The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

nzchili said:
oh sweet that's quite gnarley looking  :onfire:
Have you tried the devils brain yet? what did you think?
Yeah man gave it a go a couple of weeks back - i tried a small slice fresh, straight heat, no delay, chinensy smell reminded me of morugas, no bitterness though, decent flavour.
My wife and I had half of one when she made some nachos, there was maybe about 300gm of mince between the two of us (plus whatever other veges that were in it), and I tell you that half of pod made it pretty intense. 
Hi All

I'm new and have got a single Carolina Reaper going this year that I bought probably a bit late in the season, any idea how to accelerate ripening? Any recipe ideas for hot sauce?

Hey mate nah sorry not sure if there are ways to speed up the ripening process. It normally takes about 5-6 weeks, sometimes longer. You ones look good as, give them a few more weeks they'll be ready.
Sauces - I played around heaps last year, ended up making straight reaper / moruga mash, with a few spices, boil it over for about 20 mins, add enough lemon juice and vinegar to drop pH to under 4, and bottle it. Came out pretty intense. but a bit too hot for most my mates that tried it. So probably you may want to use less peppers and add something else.
p.s. Chris here is another shot of my other Devil's Brain plant, they bunch up pretty well:
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey mate nah sorry not sure if there are ways to speed up the ripening process. It normally takes about 5-6 weeks, sometimes longer. You ones look good as, give them a few more weeks they'll be ready.
Sauces - I played around heaps last year, ended up making straight reaper / moruga mash, with a few spices, boil it over for about 20 mins, add enough lemon juice and vinegar to drop pH to under 4, and bottle it. Came out pretty intense. but a bit too hot for most my mates that tried it. So probably you may want to use less peppers and add something else.
p.s. Chris here is another shot of my other Devil's Brain plant, they bunch up pretty well:
yea man that looks pretty packed. i do have a devils brain going but its one of my late plants.. I think it just got its first open flower the other day so will probably only get a few pods off it. Nice looking poddage there though.
+1, madhatter, those reaper pods will ripen no probs before it gets too cold :)
I just wish I got it earlier because there are heaps of flower heads that just won't produce now. Guess I should thin out the flowering buds?
There might still be some time, i use Bloom type ferts which are higher in phosphorus (so your NPK ratio, its something like 3-12-4 or whatever), I reckon you easily have another month, so fruit can set and then another month to ripen, might be just enough time.
But seems a bit silly spending $20 on a bottle of nutes just for the last bit of the season though. there might be some cheaper way to up phosphorus levels but you'd need to look it up.
Madhatter123 said:
I just wish I got it earlier because there are heaps of flower heads that just won't produce now. Guess I should thin out the flowering buds?
I have the same issue with a couple of mine. Even just my standard Bhut is covered in flowers at the moment and nothing will come of it, especially once Wellingtons weather settles back to normal. Might bring them all inside and see how that goes.
Madhatter123 said:
Hi All

I'm new and have got a single Carolina Reaper going this year that I bought probably a bit late in the season, any idea how to accelerate ripening? Any recipe ideas for hot sauce?

Reapers take 10 weeks to ripen(Red) from pollination.If you cut the branch off with the Reapers on and put it into a container of water and put it in the shade they will ripen faster but you probably dont want to do that   :)

SentencedToBurn said:
Hey mate nah sorry not sure if there are ways to speed up the ripening process. It normally takes about 5-6 weeks, sometimes longer. You ones look good as, give them a few more weeks they'll be ready.
Sauces - I played around heaps last year, ended up making straight reaper / moruga mash, with a few spices, boil it over for about 20 mins, add enough lemon juice and vinegar to drop pH to under 4, and bottle it. Came out pretty intense. but a bit too hot for most my mates that tried it. So probably you may want to use less peppers and add something else.
p.s. Chris here is another shot of my other Devil's Brain plant, they bunch up pretty well:
My Devils brain got a very bad dose of curly leaf and then a massive aphid attack.I cut it righ back and only have about 5 pods on it.They look cool so next year I will have a big plant hopefully.
One of my pods plus some nice Reaper x Dorset Naga pods  

Madhatter123 said:
Swampy - Nah. Will probably swerve on that one for now but good to know for when winter starts, I reckon the last fruit will still be on the plant come then.
I was  bit lazy this year and didnt stake up a lot of my plants so when they got heavy from the fruit I lost a lot of branches with green pods.I ended up throwing them over the fence and a few days latter the pods were starting to colour up.I then started collecting all the broken branches and putting them in a bucket with some water.I saved a lot of pods and they all ripened faster than those still on the plants.
Last year I still had fruit ripening in may so you may be good for a while yet.
Madhatter123 said:
How were they?
Dropped (a small bit of) the reaper a couple of mins ago. Quite painful. IMO I don't think I would notice a difference between it and any of the other "really hot" ones though. Similar to brainstrains etc etc.

and the BP3..I ended up giving the whole pod to a guy at work to take home. so didn't try that particular one today..I think its hotter and more painful than that particular reaper though..heres a pic of the interior I took the other day. brutal.
