The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

first pepper of the season is showing some colour  :party:

Also had a devils horn sprout today. That's pretty quick for my methods...a couple of days soaking and 4 days in a pellet. 
A pic of my best Butch T I took a few days ago that I really like.
I've learnt more about growing chillis this last 4 months than I have my entire life.
Is it a terrible thing to say that "this year is good, but I can't wait until next year" before the year has really started?

My first yellow 7 pot below, if that's what it indeed turns out to be.
Rule #1 - "source the best genetic material you can" .......broken early on, lol.
I'll be buggered if I buy from Trademe next year, although this fellah looks relatively true, if you don't pay attention to the rest of the plant.
Man you guys with your massive pods!
I finally started getting some too although they only just popped through like 2-3 days ago, first one was Peter Pepper lol:

And my big as Dorset Naga bush that's been dropping flowers for the past month has finally got one pod coming through so hopefully there will be many more:
Dude! Holy crap man i hope my dorset naga goes off like that.
I have both chocolate fataliis flowering like mad at the moment so hopefully wil start seeing some pods there soon too but yeah I am definitely heating my greenhouse this winter.
Great looking plants guys!
Looks like everyone will have loads of pods.
Heres a few of mine;
Turbo pube;

Jonah :)

Brown Bhutlah pheno #1

And heres brown bhutlah pheno #2. First one is way more bhut like, and the second one is more douglah like.

and check out this guy...its a devils brain. looks like its two conjoined? 
Nice Mantis Swampy!
I love them to bits but I'm now doubting their lust for Aphid flesh. We've been flat out catching and relocating Ladybirds from the horse paddock to the houses, but we had to find all the Mantids new homes first after they instantly went to work on our first Ladybird release.
A mate just sent me the link to these guys a few days ago, anyone used them before?
100 ladybird eggs and 100 parasitic wasp eggs for $20, I might order some tonight.
Hey I think rush35 used bioforce (although I'm not completely sure if it was them specifically or someone else with the same product). I also have about 20 mantises hanging around my plants and theyve been there for at least 5-6 weeks, they started off relatively small and now they are pretty massive. Maybe that's why I don't have a single aphid or any other insects really? (I hope I haven't jinxed it just then)
Hehehehe i think we are having a Jonah tasting session at work on Friday
A few of the guys here like spicy food  :rofl:   :shh:   :hell:
Im waiting a couple more days to see if they turn the moment its looking like I may have orange jonah's lol  :rolleyes:
Im sure they went from green straight to red last year...not green, orange then red. 
Well me and my mate Dean tested the first ripe pepper of the season last night with a few cold beers to ease the burn. I needed to give it a try before I took it into work touting its power...cant make a fool of ourselves bringing a pepper that ain't hot now can we :)
Here's a pic of the pepper we tried.  It's supposed to be a Jonah but im not so sure its "true". I have a hunch its been crossed with a yellow 7. (planted from my own seeds)

Here's the inside, plenty of oil there;

Bon Appetit :)

and a short while later;  :onfire:

Ok, so how was it? It was pretty damn hot. Im still unsure if it was hotter then last years or the not. I don't think it smells quite as floral.
Dean had eaten half of one of last years Jonah's and he had a worse time of this one. 
I had previously said that this plant smells like watermelon..and now ill say it also tastes like watermelon.
Dean was trying to put his finger on the taste, when i said "i always thought it smelt like watermelon". Bingo Dean agreed that was the taste.
Im satisfied I will keep my dignity intact when I bring this one into work.
Was doing my usual leaf inspection today and pulled off 3 leaves that had about 20 Aphids on them.Spent the next 30 mins checking all the plants to make sure i got them all.
hopefully I have stop the invasion in its tracks 
I've been battling them for a couple of months now. One of my houses is pretty much sorted but in the other the aphids are making a last ditch counter attack. The floor is strewn with their fallen comrades and my ladybird allies are resisting well.
My parasitic wasps provide adequate air support and their numbers are swelling exponentially as every day passes.

My next mission is to make their populations permanent so next year they kick off as close to the aphid heathen hordes as possible.

Be vigilant Swampy.
G'day fellow NZ'ers, New here, good to see a few other kiwi's on this site. looking through this thread already have learned a thing or two, and regarding import law change, was completely in the dark about that although i seem to have gotten my last two orders through ok, (hippyseedco and junglerain). nice to meet you all.
FireFlyNZ said:
G'day fellow NZ'ers, New here, good to see a few other kiwi's on this site. looking through this thread already have learned a thing or two, and regarding import law change, was completely in the dark about that although i seem to have gotten my last two orders through ok, (hippyseedco and junglerain). nice to meet you all.
Welcome.Hope to see some pics of your plants soon  :)
Yeah mate, started abit late this year (end of october) and seem to be having a slow start in general, but the annuum varietys are caining now. been so cold the chinense don't like it.