The Hot Pepper on Facebook!

I'd like to "like" you Boss, 
but I'm allergic to FB!!!!!!
I break out in mass confusion!
(Sum's close to talking me into it tho)
Someone tagged it "an underwire situation."
Scovie, just get it over with and open an account.  If my grandmother can do it, you can.  Then we can continue the shenanigans there as well.

I just posted your FB profile pic for you

You are all WAAAAAAAAY off topic. This is THP on Facebook, not "Let's get Scovie on FB!"

So how do I sign up? :rofl:
Use the name Scoville DeVille. Set your privacy settings so only friends can see your profile. Only "friend" your chilihead friends. Then, it's just like an extension of here. Wait. Why am I chasing people from here? Maybe this wasn't such a bight idea.  :lol:
The Hot Pepper said:
Wait. Why am I chasing people from here? Maybe this wasn't such a bight idea.  :lol:
:lightbulb: once i join FB, you'll never see me around these parts again! lol (maybe that was your plan all along) :rofl:

Thanks for the tip THP, Darth and Sum pretty much told me the same thing. So I guess i will be the very last person to join, then EVERYBODY will be on FB. :lol:
FB is very iPoop friendly. It's okay. :lol: