Jackson13 said:Have grown the cumari every year and it's one of my favorites. I was wondering how the wild brazil is and how to tell the difference between the two.
D3monic said:I might have to put orange wild as hottest and aji charapita as mildest
Lol, yea they got a good bite. I like the taste of the yellow wild brazil better. I didn't have any ripe yet to send uhogleg said:
One of those lil' round orange buggers in the box you sent me really lit me up, I think it was the orange wild brazil. Caught me off guard big time!
Buzzman19 said:White Bullet Habanero is the hottest small pepper I have grown. THey pack quite a punch for such a small pepper.
D3monic said:I like the wild brazil slightly better. Both are good though. There's a good flavor difference. Hard to describe. Some have described it as hot ass fruit loops. Not sure that's really that far off.
appearance wise they are pretty darn close. I wouldn't be able to tell the two pods apart most likely. I'll go pick one of each and take a picture. Top to bottom
Cumari do para
Wild brazil
Orange wild brazil
Those look so good!