heat The hottest small pepper?

Last year I grew a Peri Peri which is a C. Frutescens. I don't think it had quite habanero heat, but it was a different kind of burn. Very prickly on the tongue and lips. They would be great in a stir fry. But they are a PITA to harvest because they are so abundant. Another thing is they are really seedy.
Have grown the cumari every year and it's one of my favorites. I was wondering how the wild brazil is and how to tell the difference between the two.
I like the wild brazil slightly better. Both are good though. There's a good flavor difference. Hard to describe. Some have described it as hot ass fruit loops. Not sure that's really that far off. 

Jackson13 said:
Have grown the cumari every year and it's one of my favorites. I was wondering how the wild brazil is and how to tell the difference between the two.
appearance wise they are pretty darn close. I wouldn't be able to tell the two pods apart most likely. I'll go pick one of each and take a picture. 
Top to bottom
Cumari do para
Wild brazil
Orange wild brazil
Aji Charapita
hogleg said:
One of those lil' round orange buggers in the box you sent me really lit me up, I think it was the orange wild brazil. Caught me off guard big time!
Lol, yea they got a good bite. I like the taste of the yellow wild brazil better. I didn't have any ripe yet to send u
I have a Carolina Reaper x U/K... they grow about a quarter the aize of a reaper but pack about 75% of there heat... I also have a Moruga x FIrecracker that grows about the size of your fingertip that is about twice as hot as a habanero.. And I also have a Yellow Moruga x Brazilian starfish that grown about the size of a pea there very hot too.. But I cant say I have any standard hot varieties.
not sure exactly how small your looking for but wiri wiri are fairly small  .    I see them listed most places ranging from 100k-350k  shu. comparable to scotch bonnet or ordinary habs but in truth  I generally find them to have slightly less heat than either of those. 
Prik kee nu suan is a small Thai pepper and very hot but not much of a flavour other than a good burn. Prolific and easy to grow.
D3monic said:
I like the wild brazil slightly better. Both are good though. There's a good flavor difference. Hard to describe. Some have described it as hot ass fruit loops. Not sure that's really that far off. 

appearance wise they are pretty darn close. I wouldn't be able to tell the two pods apart most likely. I'll go pick one of each and take a picture. Top to bottom
Cumari do para
Wild brazil
Orange wild brazil

Those look so good!