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The Last Great Pizza Thread

'Bout time we had a thread for all those that make their own dough and sauce. Too many good cooks on THP to let something as magnificent as that king of foods, pizza go unnoticed on this forum. This thread however comes with some rules to post...

1) Make your own dough and post the recipe. Thin crust. Whole wheat. Foccacia. NY or Chicago style. Naan....your choice!

2) Make your own sauce and post the recipe. Red. White. Olive oil w/ garlic. Whatever gets your mojo workin'!

3) Mandatory that it brings teh heat. Habs. Serrano's. Bhut's. T-Scorps. Fatalli. Hot sauce's and puree's will qualify. Using wimp sauce's such as Tabasco Brand or Franks will
be ridiculed with extreme prejudice and boooooed heavily!

4) Toppings can be anything. Pepperoni. Avocado. Greek olives. Pulled pork. If it came out of the ground or walked, swam or crawled, its all cool and the gang!

5) Bake them in the oven on a sheet pan. In cast iron. A pizza stone. On the grill. Got a wood fired pizza oven? Have mercy!

6) Pics are mandatory! Anyone can talk smack about it but put up or shut up. No pics? It never happened and ridiculing and boooooing will follow. Capiche?

Alright ya'll, lets get it on.....
Believe it or not....I had a taste for Anchovies...

Here's the works for another pie. I'm using a pizza stone on the grill with this one......now that the swirling winds and rain have moved on.
Ingredients: Capers, Anchovies, Black Olives, Parrano and Goat Cheeses, Red Habanero's, Dough Ball and Medley of Cherry and Plum Tomatoes.

Stretch out dough to a rough 14" circle. Slice Tomatoes and scatter on top of dough. Add portions of Goat Cheese, sliced Red Habanero's, sliced Black Olives, Anchovies that were chopped in half. Grate the Parrano Cheese, scatter along with Capers. Place pizza on a pre-heated pizza stone at 750 deg..........12 minutes

Nice combo of flavors.............and I got my Anchovy fix...
Next pie will be a "Chicago Stuffed"..............in a few daze
Screw Chicago style!  :rofl:
Those anchovies look really fat.
What brand?
I got a boner for all thangs anchovie.
Paired with the goat cheese and capers....just WOW!
I'm balls deep on that!
texas blues said:
Screw Chicago style!  :rofl:
Those anchovies look really fat.
What brand?
I got a boner for all thangs anchovie.
Paired with the goat cheese and capers....just WOW!
I'm balls deep on that!
aHA.....maybe I'll skip the "stuffed", next time round. Not a low cal by no means. ...........cracker crust it'll bee
The Anchovies are from Spain..."Ortiz". ..No dressing necessary, right out of the jar into the pie hole.
PIC 1 said:
A little char is fine but a blackened skin can have a burnt taste.
There's a fine line when baking at higher temperatures.
Absolutely and it's a critical part... In general (with varoius exceptions) i prefer to cook lesser than optimal insead of cooking more than optimal if i am not sure. But pizza, like various other things, gains a lot from perfect cooking. Too little and is more dull, too much and coul be too dried and even bitter (nor to mention carcinogenic effetct of burnt). I'm saying something banal, but that mustn't be understimated...

I've read that many here cook at very high temps, my oven can't reach (max is between 250 an 300 °C) so i don't have experience with this. Speaking of pizza in pizza shops they cook for around 3min at 300-3200°C but they have the basement (where bakc of pizza touch) that is already hot.

I was a little short on the cheese.. Walmart sells fresh dough balls that taste pretty good. Ive tried making my own dough a few times but it takes forever and I cant get it quite right. For 88c I think its worth not taking a couple hours and getting back pains..!
The mozzarella is fresh, the sauce is just tomato sauce with salt pepper garlic and oregano, I havent learned to make a good sauce yet. Topped with seasoned pepper and red pepper flakes. Still WAY better than any frozen pizza you can buy.
Whoa that looks pretty dang guud. The browning of the fresh mozz shows a low fat content (part-skim?), but still looks good. Try whole milk fresh mozz or buffalo mozz. The buffalo... the shizz!
Also the fresher you buy mozz the better it melts. Most places here will make it daily. You can literally pull it apart and dollop it on like cream. The next day (or two) it's firmer, and it won't melt as well (if you cut rings it will keep the ring shape). If it's a week old fuggggetaboutit! Looks like plastic when it melts.
Still, it looks good!
There has been WAY too much activity up in this post lately. I'mma have to start making ARTISAN pies again. Y'all are gettin' me worked up and hungry with your shenanigans.
Thin, Crisp, Bubbly Dough
5 cups High gluten flour
1 tbsp Honey
2 tsp salt
1 tsp yeast
2 tbsp Olive oil
1 3/4 room temp water
Combined all ingredients, mixed, rest, mixed, rest, mixed, rest.

Divide into four equal balls, place into zip lock bags, rest at room temp for 15 minutes, then refrigerate overnight
