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food The Last Great Pizza Thread

Dammit Essi!
I have a 'bidness meeting on monday and have to fit into my size 32 pants.
You ain't making it easy.
I'm getting fatter just lookin' at the pics.
I need to make some pizza and post up in here later this week.
Thanks Jay and Penny!
texas blues said:
Dammit Essi!
I have a 'bidness meeting on monday and have to fit into my size 32 pants.
You ain't making it easy.
I'm getting fatter just lookin' at the pics.
I need to make some pizza and post up in here later this week.
So waiting for yours!
Just eat some margherita then. To tell the truth, often i eat pizza (homemade or from pizzeria) with my mom that wants margherita only. I find myself stealing a slice and often enoying it better than mine...
Ok, i did the most obvious thing: addind pepper powder to dough:
  • 150g flour
  • 90g water
  • 4g salt
  • 15g calabrese pepper powder

12 hour rise:


Quite easily, i was worried.
Margherita+fresh salami (little precooked)

Here the final thing:


Not bad at all!
Can't wait to try with superhot powder (and i must wait for looooong)!
TB, just remove salami, and you get a nice margherita without meat!:D
Lovin' that thin crust pie Essi.
I used to love thick focaccia style crusts but nowadays its either cracker style or super thin crust.
Yours looks thin but still looks like it retains a nice chew.
And I'm feelin' like Carlos Danger today.
Leave the salami on there.
Time to toss a pie or two this weekend...

Taleggio and fresh Scamorza cheeses, Shitake Mushrooms, Leek, Dough Ball (10 oz)

Slice up Shitake's and white parts of Leek, Salt and Pepper the mix then  saute briefly in Olive Oil until wilted.

Bake for 4 minutes on preheated stone on top oven shelf at 525+

This hit the spot, especially after all the IPA's today
more pies this weekend...
Fantastico!!! Scarmorza is great on pies with the delicate smoke.
Was that the lightly smoked version? I know some isn't.
The Hot Pepper said:
Was that the lightly smoked version? I know some isn't.
This was fresh...no smoke, but I know the one you're refering to. There's also a smoked "La Bufalata" that tears apart fairly easily. 
Dang, I had to click on this thread (again).  I like the idea of adding pepper to the dough.  I think I am going to have to give that a try.  Of course I think that means I will have to make two pizzas, one with, and one without.  I don't think my wife would appreciate ghost or habanero crust on her pizza.