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food The Last Great Pizza Thread

The key ingredients to a pie I made this afternoon.

210 g dough ball being... "worked over"................not too much work though............." the boss wants it kept alive"........... :lol:

Dough was stretched into an 11" disc, ....Squished drained San Marzanos, Anchovies, sliced Green Manzanilla Olives and some torn Fresh Motz were topped onto the dough.

Baked outdoors on pizza stone in BGE at 725 for 3 minutes.

Nice mix of  briny flavors along with the mild Cheese and sweet Tomatoes...
Ok, I was inspired by Essigi's post where he added pepper to the dough. 
I did the same, added chipotle and garlic powder to the dough and made mexican pizza with Taco seasoned beef, chorizzo, jalapenos, salsa, and mexican cheese blend.  Cooked it on the grill with some cherrywood in the smoker box.
It was good!
AM that is a good looking tex-mex pizza.
Too bad I don't eat much meat these days otherwise I'd Chairman Mao the hell out of it.
Pic 1 you sir had me at green olives and anchovies.
Those strong briny flavors and aroma get me going like Pepe Le Pew lookin' for a cat on Saturday night.
I'd hit that like Rocky at the meat plant.
Ok, Volcano pizza was funny and satisfying to make and eat and i continue experiments...
Inspired by Epic Meal Time (if you don't know check their video, laugh assured).
Turned out to be a flying disc. For sci fi lovers you could say a space battleship of dreadnought class!
Dough: i used the usual blah blah some more yeast, yada yada.

My homemades olives, Würstel (and a nice one), spreadable 'nduja, onions, mozzarella, pecorino, pepperoni, tomato puree and... Bacon strips!!!
Marinade: same treatment for onions and bacon strips! There's no racial bigotry here!
Evo oil+black pepper+salt for more or less 3 hours:


The most interesting ingredient. 'nduja!!!
This is maybe the most interesting italian chilehead stuff i know.

Basically pork+calabrese hot pepper.
Here it's in it spreadable form. There's also a salamii form that is higher regarded.
If done in true way not for commercial stuff it's very hot, enough to be too much for non chilehead.
Here is a commercial one, not very hot, but still tastes great. With onions is a killer combo.


Final stuff:




Cooked for more or less 25 mins at 275°C/527°F.
You say too much liquid? No prob, it tastes of onion and 'nduja and tastes well cooked!
Bacon was too weak on taste but very soft!
Yesterday pizzeria, Napoli style they claims. For sure they have waitress from Napoli.
It's Napoli style indeed and it's a very good pizza.
Here there are very few Napoli style pizzerie. And i've seen that pizzerie this last years only...

This with guanciale, tomato and scamorza.

Crust is soft and very good.
Those look rather sloppy and cheap on the toppings.
Only 2 basil leaves on the margherita?
If you say its goodern' hell I believe you.
Those crust's look beautiful!
texas blues said:
Those look rather sloppy and cheap on the toppings.
Only 2 basil leaves on the margherita?
If you say its goodern' hell I believe you.
Those crust's look beautiful!
Yeah, toppings were no way cheap. You can argue it's not filled with them, but it's the right balance. Incidentally being cheap for pizseria owners that makes small expensive pizzas, because they costs more than the norm, with not so much toppings. But quality is good.
Tomato they use is good. Mozz is great and you can taste it even if it's not filled. You don't need more than 2 basil leaves.
I have the impression that cooking could be a little improved. maybe a little more would have been good on one hand, and i'm not a fan of overcooking, bad for burn part on other. I suspect also that more toppings would impact cooking in a bad way here. They have also some special ingredients you don't see everyday.
They make fried pizza too, a not so common thing (and good, but normal pizza is better). Other Napoli stuff too (but i've always ate pizza here).
That pizzeria is called Rossopomodoro and should be also in USA, of course i have no idea about quality in USA of this chain...
I know another pizzeria from my city that makes similar pizze (of course pretty expensive this one too), i think they cook a bit better...
Essi I trust your word.
And from what you describe, I'm quite sure those pizza's are way better than what we American's can dream of.
Myself, I think it awesome that we have on THP a real Italian that knows what real pizza is.
Basil is more of a garnish than a topping on margherita, and those are small pizzas. About dinner plate size. On a large, maybe one per slice or less.
Looks like pizzas in my neighborhood. Looking good!
Right, garnish is the right word!
texas blues said:
Essi I trust your word.
And from what you describe, I'm quite sure those pizza's are way better than what we American's can dream of.
Myself, I think it awesome that we have on THP a real Italian that knows what real pizza is.
Oh well, once my fav pizzaiolo asked a guy that travels a lot where he ate best pizza. He replied at Las Vegas!:D
it's been a boring day and I'm tired of potting up the plants...so I thought I'd use up some 7 day old dough...

Dough, Red Onion, Crushed Tomatoes, Sweet Peppadew, Red Habaneros and some part skim Mozzarella.

Delt the ingredients on like dealing a deck of cards...... 

400 deg on the pizza stone................12 minutes

Just to clarify things..........In Chicago most of the cracker and thin crust pizzas are cut into squares not wedges (pizza pie). The thicker deep dish and stuffed are cut into wedges.........theres also the "pizza by the slice"...joints.   
Enjoy the rest of the weekend..............I'm starting too........where's the Rum !
As usual salumi based: salame + wurstel+ 'nduja, + asiago + mozzarella + red onion (marinated a bit with evo oil, salt and black pepper) + my homemade olives, tomato puree.
Heat part is form 'nduja and my olives...
Forgot to take a pic before cooking...
On top tomato puree and 4 little slices of culatello salami (strange thing and excellent).





A kind of middle between cheesecake and ice cream. Not bad.
A good thing is that this is enough for 3 peoples (or 2 that eat a lot).
First of all, Essegi, I applaud your mastery of proper English, clearly not the language you were born speaking.
But, pardon my French, Fuckin A dude...you make the best food!!!!
You don't even need words on your posts. 
Just put up the pictures to show us all how inferior we are!!!!!!!!!!! 
Nice job, amigo.
frydad4 said:
First of all, Essegi, I applaud your mastery of proper English, clearly not the language you were born speaking.
But, pardon my French, f**kin A dude...you make the best food!!!!
You don't even need words on your posts. 
Just put up the pictures to show us all how inferior we are!!!!!!!!!!! 
Nice job, amigo.
Wow very appreciated praises for written English (my problem is that i have huge difficulties to understand spoken one...). ;)
Thanks also for other kind words, to tell the truth that dish it's true that looks spectacular but it's not difficult to cook (really no skill required here, just cover your pizza, set temp high and job is done. :D And i didn't made the cake)... ;)