food The Last Great Pizza Thread

store cheese revival?
For me, homemade pizza is like hand grenades: close counts.



Pecans from the front yard; ají mochero from the back.  Yeast from the grains—white and whole wheats and flax—although they disappointingly left this crust more quick-bread cracker than yeast bread.  Sweet and savory from onion . . . and a slight nod toward pecan pie with a tablespoon of brown sugar.

So, some sweet, some heat, and an overall autumnal earthiness that paired brilliantly with Magic Hat's Pumpkin Ale.

late last night i decided it would be fun to experiment in the oven a little ...


i let it come up to temp, and then i let it sit there for 20-25 more mins assuming the stone would retain more heat to transfer to the dough ...


i made it really thin, too thin as it turns out ...

i'm mostly sacrificing some cheese just to use up this crappy store-bought sauce and the 5-min artisan dough we'd made earlier in the week ...

i don't bake, have never baked, and know NOThING of it - truth be told ...

D just pretty much bossed me around while I struggled w/ dough sticking to my fingers, LOL.


couple shreds of hard parm ...


trying much less cheese, after seeing people using much less than I'd like to imagine is right ...


this pizza doesn't really get eaten ... it's stuck to screen ... i had the cheese connected to the 'roni and decided to try another ...


used the rest of the dough on this one, and left it thick, like 3/8", and i put more cheese on it since i knew the crust would have to bake for a long time ...

i decided to try some fine corn meal in hopes of being able to slide it off the peel ...


this pizza wasn't awesome either, the dough was moist and just barely cooked enough ...

Danielle's pizzas that we posted here years ago were definitely better than mine (she bakes), rolling pins and all ...

still, i'll just leave these here to document my earliest attempts ...

making pizza is giving me just the kind of challenge I enjoy ...
FB does it again!
My new pizza hero!
That fresh cheese!
That melt!
That crust!
That... um
(caramelize those onions in balsamic) ;)

meee toooooo ...


made some dough monday night, AC '00' repack ...




i've used a little each night, to see how it changes through the days ...

three night's pies after i finish work =(

ended up making a better Mexizza ...


Mexizza's never tired and she's never alone
All Mexizza wants is a fellow with a room

i think out of respect for Booma and FB, I'll post the pies tomorrow ;)
JT's showing off his bottom ... how are you getting that awesome browning underneath in the oven?
I kinda miss the amoebas, but good job.
Preheated the VERY well seasoned stone  at 500F for about 40 minutes before sliding the pizza onto it.

Wow, yeah ... I couldn't tell if it was steel or stone it's so seasoned ...

It's no fun leaving the oven on at 550F (in Florida) for any longer than necessary ... but I might wait longer next time after seeing that!