food The Last Great Pizza Thread

I have a 1/2" thick piece of carbon steel on the top shelf in the over pre-loading it w/ an hour or more of 500F ...
Eventually, I'm going to go into the kitchen, switch it to broil, assemble a pizza on a peel, and get it in there for a cook ...
I have a floating ball of burrata, but that looks a little bit different and I'm unfamiliar with it, so I'm going to use the ball of buffalo moz on mine ...
Can't decide between thinly sliced jamon or squares of that Benton's bacon from last night ... we'll see ...
I wanted to try the whole balsamic + carmelized shallot, but I'm not getting into all of that tonight, I'm afraid ...
30 more mins of work or so, and then it's on ...
This my TD pizza ... a little bit late ... dough is 7 or 8 days now, but doesn't smell too much of anything out of the ordinary, so it should be cool ...
pre-loaded the steel w/ a 500F oven for an hour or so ...

the steel is on a rack in the top position ...

pie one ...

sclafani tomato or whatever, some pieces of benton's bacon, some basil leaves, some sections of buf moz, and a drizzle of olive oil ...


the over got switched to broil (hi) ...





the dough was pretty good, the cheese and bacon were great, but unseasoned mater = sad trombone ...

pie two ...

bake only ... no broil ...

SEASONED tomato (duh), red pepper flakes, shredded moz, and some italian seasoning ...





this one rocked, best pie so far ... crust had a tiny bit of crisp, but then a nice chew too, and the seasoned mater of course, was a huge improvement ...

we did end up giving it 1-2 mins of broil (lo) at the end ...

best pie to date.
The edge of the second looks excellent! It seems quite thick in the middle too btw.
I think basil after cooking is better. Also burrata: put some just after cooking and i bet you'll not regret that!
Yes to all of those things!

That second one was in the ballpark of take-out, finally ...

I think our next round will be better, as usual, but we're inside the ballpark now ...
I tried a method from one of the best pizza in teglia maker i've seen.
I change flour, i use hands instead a kneader, i cooked with different temps (because i couldn't go higher). Result: absolute disaster. Balls very difficult to strecht and no cavities. Taste was ok. I must retry when ill buy a kneader, i've seen another guy that didn't use folding stuff but a kneader and had great results. Or maybe it's just that he's another great pizza in teglia maker...

Just... Ok? Or even not that...
Now with pepperoni, mushrooms, mozz, asiago, speck after cooking:


Some heat:

Disappointing, tasted... Meh. I should have cooked pizza alone for 10 minutes then top it.
I wrapped a pizza slice with 2 more speck slices:

This was better.
Dessert try. Chocolate, sugar, mozz and philadelphia:


Some icing sugar:

After 2 hours of cooling i eat a slice:

Idea is good, i must spread better philadelphia, cook less mozz, find the proper choco/philadelphia ratio... And try with a better dough. But more importantly chocolate wasn't burnt.
And the heat? I forgot all my serious stuff monday at a friend of mine home... We made 3 types of chili con carne, chicken, beef and pork. Pork rulez. No photos, i forgot the camera...
Usually i don't make teasers but that will be big (and i hope much better than TD pizzas).
Tried a new method no knead for friday. I don't want to fail since i have to feed... 15 people more or less. But i've followed step by step with videos a recipe from confraternita della pizza site.
The only downside is that i'm not going to use much heat. Also i hope to have back my treasure (all strong powders) that is still at my friend home.

Here is the recipe with viedos... The viedos are without speech so theyr'e good for all languages.
There's a recipe for 24 hours and one for 48.

My quantities:
2kg W350 Garofalo flour. W350 seems the minimum for 48 hours.
1,7kg water (neat 85% hydro).
5,3 g fresh beer yeast
43g salt
33g evo
Total near 3,8kg (8,3 pounds)

Here some progress of dough:

Curiously in half of procedure dough seemed less sticky (my fault for sure).
Here in the table after various folding:

At the end i had to split in half since i hadn't a big enough container:


I messed a bit things since it was still sticky and i didn't use enough flour at the beginnig with the result to use too much at the end... So you see some flour above dough that is not the best thing, but it's not a lot at least. Good thing is that i didn't lose nearly any dough cause of stickiness.
For sure i must try with half of that quantities since when i returned dough on bowl it was pouring down (85% hydro is not a joke).
And now some ingredients:

Beer is not an ingredient and i don't know if it will be good with pizza, but like San Miguel.
However: 1,875 kg of mozzarella di bufala campana dop, half kg of burrata.
THP, burrata after cooking will be the barrier for prosciutto (once i had that combo and it was freaking epic).
Yeah, I have a ball of burrata in my fridge and have no idea what to do w/ it ... I have some thinly sliced jamon, too, actually ... maybe I'll do something interesting tonight, we'll see ...
Looking forward to seeing your stuff bear out ... will probably twist my arm into doing something =)
grantmichaels said:
Yeah, I have a ball of burrata in my fridge and have no idea what to do w/ it ... I have some thinly sliced jamon, too, actually ... maybe I'll do something interesting tonight, we'll see ...
Well, both things are best eaten asap!:D
Teaser part 2:



That has not risen enough. I have to figure out if it's the fridge too cold or something else wrong.
I folded again once:


Don't know if that was right to do without a good rise.
After 3:30 hours of fridge:


A ball:

And now that on fridge:

Maybe i must pull out fridge sooner than expected if they don't grow enough.
first pie, very reasonable, very successful ...







get in there ...

second pie, ill advised (too big for beginner peel worker) ...


failure to launch ...

fold and score for a 'roni calzone ...



self-clean cycle imminent ...

every window open ...

high and low, but 5 mins apart ...


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Looks excellent Grant, every time your pizzas get better!
Rest of the story.
Here some ingredients:

Buffalo mozz, then burrata, then cut burrata, yellow bell peppers, pomodorini di Pachino, sausage, bacon, pepperoni, olives. At last i had to precook all dough. I had problems strechting last 2, but taste quality was the same.
Firs cooked:

Dessert pizza!
Philadelphia and sugar melt in milk, chocolate and buffalo mozz, some burrata. Icing sugar when cold. Taste is great, consistence on the edges after some hours (slices are from today, a day after) not so good.
First eaten:

Passata, buffalo mozz, pepperoni, bacon and sausage.
Forgot to take a pic of cooked stuff. It was really good! Also pepperoni was actually hot, not bad.

Passata, buffalo mozz, pomodorini di Pachino, yellow bell pepper.

Passata, buffalo mozz, tuna, olives, red onion marinated in evo, salt and bp.

Passata, buffalo mozz. After cooking burrata. After a while prosciutto crudo di Parma dop Leporati.
Could not look so elegant but that is one of the best topped pizza i ever had. So good! Really much better than photo say!
Clearly the winner of the day.
Last one, that is for JayT for amoeba form (may not seem in pics, but had definetly some amoeba in it)!
And there's heat!

Pizza with leftovers and pesto and moruga powder. Also leftover buffalo mozz after cooking. Surprisingly good. I rank that 2nd.
For sure something was wrong with rising since i am not satisfied of cavities. Apart that dough was excellent in taste and really light to digest.
Also that time i put some effort on toppig them and in that regard i'm satisfied. Probably the biggest difference was buffalo mozz that really enhanced taste, also with precooking i could use grill function on toppings cooking them faster and better.
I love that simple stuff CH!
grantmichaels said:
beautiful stuff ... whomever introduced the buf moz to the forum here is my hero ...

if it was you, take a bow ...
Thanks! Since thread has been opened long before my entering in the forum for sure it's not me.
Great stuff indded btw!
Excellent Essegi, excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Green olive pie is screaming my name!
And LOL. Prosciutto vulvas! :rofl: BRILLIANT!!!
Essegi said: