Hi Chilliheads
As most of the members who have read my post with know i have been experiencing some problems with fruit not setting in my GrowRoom. I was getting really good vegetative growth last season and some of my plants were absolutely loaded with flowers but NONE set any fruit in the GrowRoom, so as you can presume i was gutted and really dejected that i didn't get any chillis - the only chillis i did get were from the plants in my house. Here are some pics from last season
So after alot of thinking and reading information, both on the web and books, i decided to 're-think' my approach and went back to the drawing board.
As most of the members who have read my post with know i have been experiencing some problems with fruit not setting in my GrowRoom. I was getting really good vegetative growth last season and some of my plants were absolutely loaded with flowers but NONE set any fruit in the GrowRoom, so as you can presume i was gutted and really dejected that i didn't get any chillis - the only chillis i did get were from the plants in my house. Here are some pics from last season

So after alot of thinking and reading information, both on the web and books, i decided to 're-think' my approach and went back to the drawing board.