The Leviathan Project - Photo's

Hi Chilliheads

As most of the members who have read my post with know i have been experiencing some problems with fruit not setting in my GrowRoom. I was getting really good vegetative growth last season and some of my plants were absolutely loaded with flowers but NONE set any fruit in the GrowRoom, so as you can presume i was gutted and really dejected that i didn't get any chillis - the only chillis i did get were from the plants in my house. Here are some pics from last season




So after alot of thinking and reading information, both on the web and books, i decided to 're-think' my approach and went back to the drawing board.
I have decided to replace my lighting system and go for HPS instead of the envirolites i was using last season; i think i was underlighting my area last season and also not using the correct spectrum as i was using both a blue and red for flowering when i should have been using purely reds. The light that i have got are made by canatronics, which are manufacturers of quality light systems and British too!, i have gone for 2 x 600w systems with Rising Sun Super Reflectors [ So the lights focused downwards] and the bulbs are sylvania growlux, so theres no need for a MH as the growlux can be used for both vegative and flowering. Both systems are powered by a contactor just to be on the safe side!



I have also installed an air exchange system, One fan [RVK 200] is for extracting stale air and the other fan [RVK 150] is for inputting fresh air from outside. Both have been wired to a controller so that the speed of the fans can be dialled down and the controller also has a thermostat, so when the heat in the GrowRoom gets above the temperature set both fans will switch on to full speed and cool the area. I have also installed a larger air circulating fan inorder to get air exhange at the 'leaves' and also strengthen the plant stems.

I have also decided that i am going to go purely hydro in the GrowRoom and have installed DWC systems in the area. I have dubbed it 'Sir Produce Alot' as im hoping thats what its going to do! Also the system is powered by an air compressor that i have dubbed the 'Juggernaut' because of the amount of air it produces, compared to the air pump i was using last season the Juggernaut is phenomenol. It like a mini whirlpool!


I am also using my DIY DWC systems from last season as they were quite good


i am going to add more to this post later, so come back to read more! :)
Wow nice setup NagaMad.
The only thing you could possibly need is co2 gas.
I bet you alot of potheads are jealous.

What peppers are you growing?

I love it, keep us posted on the progress.
habman said:
Wow nice setup NagaMad.
The only thing you could possibly need is co2 gas.
I bet you alot of potheads are jealous.

What peppers are you growing?

I love it, keep us posted on the progress.


Thanks for the comment. If you look at the last pic the cylinder beside the wall is Co2 with an electronic timer. So Co2 has been catered for in this project BUT i wont be adding Co2 just yet as i want to see how much the plants grow with good air exchange.

IGG, the walls are not tinfoil but mylar :lol: Mylar is better at reflecting light than tinfoil as tinfoil absorbs rather than reflects light.

The majority of the plants are naga's but there are also others in their. I'll get a list soon a post it up.

Until then happy growing

Hmm,I think white foil would reflect light better.An it makes the room look "clean" and easier to for the eyes to handle it.....
I too prefer the white reflective material. Much better looking, easier to clean and it won't create hot-spots like foil. Its also a lot easier to set up and easier on the eyes. Nice looking setup Nagamad, I guess you are back home now. Don't want to bum you out, but I got my first Naga pods starting and wow does one look really mean.
I too prefer the white reflective material. Much better looking, easier to clean and it won't create hot-spots like foil. Its also a lot easier to set up and easier on the eyes.

That isn't foil, its mylar. Mylar doesn't have the same hot-spotting problem that foil does, plus good mylar has 98% reflectivity white paint is somewhat less than that, unless you have certain types of paint. When you're paying for all that HID lighting, you want to get every lumen out of them you can.

But yeah, if you have to use foil, use the non-shiny side to avoid hot spots.
Don't use foil at all. Both sides are the same. The difference in the surface of aluminum foil is a result of the manufacturing process and has no bearing on heat/light retention or reflection.

Mylar is very good. White/black reflective material is only 80-85% reflective but easier to work with than mylar and lasts forever and is cheaper. Also easier to clean if you are spraying neem or soap products or anything. Easier to work with in the greenhouse too and can be used to cover hydroponic sytems and pots.