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The loss of a great friend.


Staff Member
It is with great sadness and teary eyes that I write these words about the recent passing of my dear friend and well respected THP member Andrew who was more commonly known here as Guatemalan Insanity Pepper, or GIP for short.
GIP and I met many years ago here on the forum, his presence here was larger than life as he was very well liked, always helpful, and generally just an awesome guy. We eventually organised a trade as is often the case here and I was fortunate enough to taste GIP's award winning jams and his fantastic hot sauces. I was also lucky enough to try some of his famous smoked Serrano powder which is, as many of you here already know, one of the best powders you could ever hope to get your hands on. We traded many times over the years sending each other all manner of items and delicacies from each others country. 
We spoke almost daily, telling each other about our day, the ups and downs and of course all the gossip from here on THP. 
Many of you may not know that GIP battled health issues for many years, he spent most of the time in a wheelchair due to having restricted use of his legs. However, with all that he had to deal with over the years he always remained positive and never burdened others with his problems. 
Although I never met GIP in person (I was hoping to one day) I thought of him as the brother I'd never had, being able to confide in him, ask him for advice, and always being able to share a laugh.
I'm sure many of you have had interactions with GIP over the years, I know he'd also made many other great friendships with members here at THP, he was a very likeable person to say the least.
So with that, may those who read this remember him for his kindness, generosity, sauces, jams, smoked Serrano powder, and of course his TD winning quesadilla sammich.
May you rest in peace my friend, your presence and friendship here will never be forgotten. 
Very sorry to hear of his passing. He was always helpful, loved his cooking. I had some good interactions and trades, wasnt aware of his physical challenges. RIP, thoughts and condolences to his family, and his friends here and elsewhere.
So sad to hear about Andrew's passing. He was a great gardener and generous to everyone. I will always remember his saying "S.M.I.L.E." - See Miracles In Life Everyday. I took that saying to heart, knowing that we do miss the little things in life.
So Andrew, we will truly miss you. Go in Peace and know you made an impact on so many lives.
Absolutely shocked!

I knew GIP very well. We both traded every year and I’m growing some of his seeds this year. I JUST spoke to him 1-2 weeks ago. He said he had been in the hospital for a while. He had been trying to get in since COVID started and I was actually glad to hear he made it into a hospital.

This is awful.


We will truly miss you, Bruddah.

My heart is heavy today.
If there is ever a THP Hall of Flame... you know who the first inductee will be! Thank you GIP for all you brought to this community. You lifted us up and never let us down. I will miss you. RIP, my friend. 
Would like To offer my condolences as well. I honestly did not know him other than reading his posts. I enjoy reading the early morning post thread for the general positive feels it conveys. He definitely seems like he made connections with more than a few folks here. RIP
I can't say much beyond what has been already so eloquently said. He was cool to me since I came here and we communicated regularly. A stand up dude who, in spite of his own issues, was quick to offer warm words to me when I lamented my own. A truly selfless man. I deeply regret not having been able to look him in the eyes and shake his hand.
Godspeed brother Andrew "GIP."
Boss, this came up for P.Dreadie also...

Can something be added to their name/icon or whatever to indicate a valued member has gone to the great pepper patch in the beyond?

a border be put around the icon,,,a red or black band...

Red for love and peppers, black for loss? A tribute sign for those who have been such a wonderful part of our lives that will continue on with the forum. Something that future members will recognize.

Maybe add an icon like the TD crowns, wings crown, drama queen tiara????
No words , which i think the MemeLord would understand.

Thank you to all for the kind words for Andrew, he touched many people here over the years, and made many friendships. 
With the permission of Andrew's wife Nicci, I have decided to start a fundraiser to assist with what must be a difficult time for her. I will most likely post a new thread soon, any ideas are welcomed as you are all family as far as I am concerned. 
Thanks again, SR.