The man that does it!

All you dudes that have been most hospitable to me so's what I'm gonna do. I am gonna submit some seriously "FINE" hot sauce to the powers at hand. I don't even want the first penny for it. But any of you that want a bottle
(1.5 oz.).... I'll send it your way. All my buds say it is a 10. I love the hobby... it is my duty to give the stuff away. So any of ya that want some seriously pure, rich habanero (carrib. Red) hot sauce...let the JIMSTER know...and ya has a bottle. This crap is the "smoothest" stuff I have ever encountered. I have encountered every major brand. I'm not out to take away from the big boys...I just want yalls opinion. To me... I've had nothing like it! Anyone that digs serious Oyster fedishes...I can tell ya... you have not had this experience!
Mr. Chilliman! Yep...even to the land of "Down Under"! I figure it can't cost me too much to send a guy like you a small bottle of nectar.:hell:
welcome to the boards! your sauce sounds tempting to me. :hell: haven't had oysters before though..not big on seafood. you should send some to TheHotPepper and have him post a review for you.
xgrafcorex said:
welcome to the boards! your sauce sounds tempting to me. :D haven't had oysters before though..not big on seafood. you should send some to TheHotPepper and have him post a review for you.

Oh yeah, I plan on that. Got to make a new batch around August 15th. And then I'll get bold enough to send some in.:hell::(:hot: