the Nerd Farm - End of Summer.

Hey Bent, did you have any success with the Kapowie seeds? I've only been able to get one of the f4's to germinate:(
Hey Bent, did you have any success with the Kapowie seeds? I've only been able to get one of the f4's to germinate:(

I tried half of the seeds at the start of the season with 0 success. Put the other half into seed trays 3 weeks ago & 2 came up :) Be ready for planting out next w/end. maybe I'll stick it next to the 7's and send you the resulting seed :think:
bentalphanerd said:
Yeah - I seem to have really cracked it this year. I prepped the ground with too much N according to some, but I think our soil is poorer for the less rainfall (tap water just doesn't bring in the nutes).

If you're getting that kind of pod production, you can't have too much nitrogen.

I only water every 2 -3 days & every 2nd week I go around with a 5 L pump sprayer (from Bunnings for $10) in it I mix Neem & "Plant Care - Organic premium foliar treatment" (also from Bunnings). I spray top & under leaves & stems & they boost out new shoots & flowers within days.

What's in the foliar treatment? I've never been really sold on most of the ones I've seen, but obviously you're getting great results.

The victor :lol: has been 10 or 12 days I think....would need to be done every week but I got better things to get drunk on the veranda :cheers:

So, lawnmower, maybe?
Pam said:
If you're getting that kind of pod production, you can't have too much nitrogen.

There is a lot of Blood & Bone in with everything. I think I somehow managed to get it just right. leaf growth has been good, loads of flowers with maybe a 50% drop but thats still leaving a lot of pods on such bushy plants

What's in the foliar treatment? I've never been really sold on most of the ones I've seen, but obviously you're getting great results.

here Tis

Has the Typical Analysis on the bottle but its late, i'm old, my eyes are tired & well I just plain cant read it :P
imaguitargod said:
By the end of my season I'll be sending you Aussie people some seeds ;)

Looking great there!

Thanks IGG. Had a friend phone me this morning looking for seeds but I told him I'd never heard of 'northern lights' :scared:
Tch o.k I'm not going to sidestep that one :P

N - 2.16% (W/V)
P - 0.45% "
K - 0.45% "
S - 0.81% "
Ca- 0.45% "
Mg- 0.45% "
Cu- 45 PPM
B - 540 PPM
Zn- 450 PPM
Mn- 454 PPM
Fe- 54 PPM
Mo- 54 PPM

there you go you can have your goggles back lol
bentalphanerd said:
Tch o.k I'm not going to sidestep that one :P

N - 2.16% (W/V)
P - 0.45% "
K - 0.45% "
S - 0.81% "
Ca- 0.45% "
Mg- 0.45% "
Cu- 45 PPM
B - 540 PPM
Zn- 450 PPM
Mn- 454 PPM
Fe- 54 PPM
Mo- 54 PPM

there you go you can have your goggles back lol

*takes glasses back, puts them on, takes them off and rubs off thumb prints, puts them back on*

Ok, that's better.

So, it *doesn't* have the dreaded "natural growth stimulants"? Because that's just ad speak for plant hormones, isn't it?
It doesn't seem to have a list of ingredients on it - some kind of colonels secret recipe maybe :P

It is a BFA Registered product so must comply with very strict organic and environmental rules.

And hey, it seems to work a charm:cool:
moyboy said:
Plants are looking really good Bent.... Bring on the 7 pot 'Pain'

Thanks - 7-pot-pain is going to be a whole new world lol. I tried a bit of a ripe 7 few nights ago...savage little bastards :mouthonfire:
bentalphanerd said:
Thanks - 7-pot-pain is going to be a whole new world lol. I tried a bit of a ripe 7 few nights ago...savage little bastards :mouthonfire:

Yeah I had a small bit at tony05's place and I was walking around thinking I was shot in the face.....:lol:

Sign me up for a bottle of the 7 pot 'pain' when you get a batch going.....

Next you will need to make Scorpian 'pain'
moyboy said:
Yeah I had a small bit at tony05's place and I was walking around thinking I was shot in the face.....:lol:

Sign me up for a bottle of the 7 pot 'pain' when you get a batch going.....

Next you will need to make Scorpian 'pain'

These 7's are hotter than any Scorp I've tried. My mate ate half a scorpion a few months back & thought he saw god :lol: I gave him about 1 cm square piece of 7 few nights ago & he ended up lying on his face out in the yard muttering something insensible :twisted:
Plants look great Bent.

Mine have taken off on a second wind mow that temps have droped from the 40's to the low 30's. Ome small 7 Pod plant is becoming geave with chillis with over 50 setting in the last 2 weeks. I Ripped it our of the gargen where it was very miserable and potted it in potting mix, sand, peat moss and fire ash. Its light on the leaves and heavy on the chillis with about a 95% strike rate with pod set!

My other plants are doing the same and they always seem to stick pods when i give them a good feed of blood and bone. Once a month a spread a handfull of blood and bone over the top of the soil on the pot and it gets watered in slowly. The plants always start to set chillis after i do this.

They drop flowers for weeks and i give them a handfull of blood and bone and boom......... 30 chillis set!

Thats really good info tony.

yeah I chucked in a bag about every sq M & hoed it in. Has really changed the plants.

i have found they blow over easy though, have had to prop a lot up.

Would that be a deficiency in the roots or the extra foliage though...:think: