contest The Next Throwdown is...

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Been seeing lots of sandwiches posted lately, and a couple great soups/stews...
IMHO, it won't work well for the TD, because will be hard to tell visually if the filling is spot-on ... both light and yet still rich! ...
The hard part's the pastry wrapper part, though ... has to be light, crunchy, and at a point in time be bendable ...
There's parallels to quickly frying flour tortillas for like enchiladas, you could say, I guess ...
And then the ganache, if you are going to dip one or both ends ... a ganache that dried and has all of the appearance characteristics in terms of shinyness ...
There's def a reason great cannoli are usually only found at a few places in a town ...
#CannoliFreakFromWayBack #DessertCartFatty
Oh I thought it was just a cannoli.

The ganache makes perfect sense now. Ganoli. : )

Chelsea and I spent part of our honeymoon in Italy. One afternoon we walked by a cafe and saw a man filling cannoli shells with filling and dipping the ends in chocolate chips. I had to have one. We each got one and the man dusted them with powdered sugar and handed them to us. That first bite was sooooo magical.
I think it's pistachio in the filling, perhaps, yes? ...
I've never made one, but I've had quite a number of them in my lifetime, and from a lot of places ...
My favorite one's in town here have one end that's dipped in ganache, and the other end has very small chocolate chips ...
It's def not milk chocolate, or a very dark chocolate either ... maybe semi or a lighter form of dark chocolate ...
Man ... ffuuuu ... I want one badly now.
They're 5 mins from my house ... it could happen.
in the next town over there was this restaurant where the Italian music played, they had a fountain where the water droplets ran down on fishing line, and there was a cart that they rolled through after your meal where you could pick your dessert ...
used to have to go there a few times a year, was my 2nd fav spot ...
i was a real pita, in retrospect ... because my fav spot we had to go to by boat ... The Buccaneer ... they had the best ribs, and there was a treasure chest filled with toys like you'd get at the dentist or the bank teller ...
way back ...
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