• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2016

Today launches The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2016, geared towards growers from this region. 
Northern California
British Columbia
I am from the Rogue Valley, in southern Oregon.  Here's the Rogue River in Winter.


It's only 12/15, but maybe you guys have your lists made up already.  Not me, yet.  All I know for sure this season is, no chinenses, and less of everything else.  Might go heavier on the New Mex varieties.   
ColdSmoke said:
Datils, Lemon Habs and Bonnets

BIg Jim:
Do you usually let them turn red?
Late getting here, but you guys have it goin'!

If I get anything good, I'll post up a pic or two.

PNW forever!
PaulG said:
Late getting here, but you guys have it goin'!
If I get anything good, I'll post up a pic or two.
PNW forever!
Thanks, Paul. But, I think it's evident this glog has about run its course, if the lack of posts is any indication. Have a great season!
ColdSmoke said:
that's my first one...should I not?
I'm growing them for the first time, too. I've been treating them like a green Hatch chile. Not much difference between the two, I don't think.
I'd post more pic if I could it directly from my phone, but I can't. I have to upload them to an image storage site, then transfer. Too much work for this guy...I'll still update every couple weeks though.
Oh, I wouldn't make a chore out of it. Most of the past members are just gone. It was a fun, busy glog the first couple of seasons. I don't grow very many pepper plants anymore, and have some new interests, as well. I won't be resurrecting this glog for 2017, but anyone certainly can.
I'm still growing a lot of peppers, but I didn't renew my extreme membership so posting photos isn't as easy.  Haven't spent the time to figure it out.
Harvest has been good for NuMex varieties, and the few others.  Poblanos are just starting to ripen, and reach a decent size.  I got lazy this season with the ground, and didn't really work it up with manures and meals like I've always done in the past.  I resorted to fish fert early on in the season, and Miracle Grow since then.  Terrible, I know.  But.......no aphids!!  First time.
Poblanos.  Stuff them with anything.

Green chile/Hatch variety.

Pimenta de Padron.  Plants is easily half the size of the one I grew 2 years ago.  But, pod production is good.

My Peruvian Serlano, for another Growdown humiliation.

Sugar Rush/Orange Rush, potted.  Seeds were sent to me from Germany.  Potted plant, and one in the ground are equal in size, so far.

Orange Rush, in ground.

I have no idea what the long, skinny red/green ones are, but, they are prolific.
ColdSmoke said:
I'd post more pic if I could it directly from my phone, but I can't. I have to upload them to an image storage site, then transfer. Too much work for this guy...I'll still update every couple weeks though.
Download Tapatalk. It let's you post pics directly from the app. Otherwise it is a bit of a pain trying to load pics from a phone.

One of my red Jolokia's blew over so I took a pic of all the pods before standing it back up. I'm still growing in coco


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Blister said:
Download Tapatalk. It let's you post pics directly from the app. Otherwise it is a bit of a pain trying to load pics from a phone.
NeilOne of my red Jolokia's blew over so I took a pic of all the pods before standing it back up. I'm still growing in coco

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk
Man, that beast is loaded.
Blister said:
Download Tapatalk. It let's you post pics directly from the app. Otherwise it is a bit of a pain trying to load pics from a phone.

One of my red Jolokia's blew over so I took a pic of all the pods before standing it back up. I'm still growing in coco


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Do you do anything to adjust your pH with the coco coir medium? I had a plant in coir last year that did great without doing anything special to change the pH. I have access to really good coir and always looking for new methods.
Thanks Scott. They seem to be doing well. I just picked 10 for a jerk chicken recipe that we're going to do tomorrow. Got them marinating as I type this.


It took a bit of trial and error, but I adjust the pH by adding enough ArmorSi to the water first. Then it balances at 5.7 after all nutes are added.

Just found an interesting cross. I grew Red Jolokia's and Carolina Reapers last year and didn't do anything to isolate seed. This year I've got two Jolokia's that are growing from seed I harvested last year.

One of the plants is growing true. The other plant is quite a bit larger. It is producing a decent amount of pods that have the standard Jolokia shape, but then I noticed these two.



I'm curious on how they'll turn out. I'm hoping they have reaper heat with Jolokia taste. Oh the hot wings of make...

Edit: upon further inspection I've noticed a few more reaper like Jolokia's


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I agree. It's difficult to get the superhots to grow in the PNW - at least in my neck of the woods. I've made some changes to the way I grow because of it.
