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the person below me

"TPBM needs to cook dinner now! "

False, too busy playing with matches.

TPBM is having a blast posting at THP.

EDIT: I have to go too. I'm off of work now.
imaguitargod said:
"TPBM needs to cook dinner now! "

False, too busy playing with matches.

TPBM is having a blast posting at THP.

Dang shit is addicting.

The person below me is sad they have to go to work tomorrow.
nail on the head...

TPBM is getting ready to get off the computer for the night

TPBM is saying goodnight AJ
"The person below me hopes the bedbugs don't bite AJ "

True. Bedbugs are a seious infestation and are hard to get rid of.

TPBM is also signing off for the night.
imaguitargod said:
True. Goodnight.

TPBM will continue this thread.

But not for long. It's a shower and off to bed for me.

The person below me must not have to get up early for work.
The person below me must not have to get up early for work.

true, work is far & few right now in the winter :(

TPBM thinks everyone else a party pooper.
:oops: Sad but true

TPBM wishes they ahd taken off work today like I did...
nope, don't even want to imagine that....

TPBM wants to do what Omri suggested...
Omri said:

TPBM wants to tie Omri down to a bed and do some really weird stuff.

Well, no, I want you free so we can do really delightful things to each other.

The person below doesn't want to talk about sex this morning.
At my age talk is all I do anyway...

TPBM is nodding in agreement
Pam said:
Well, no, I want you free so we can do really delightful things to each other.
That's not really weird, but I'm in. ;)
imaguitargod said:
TPBM would whip Iggy like the tall midget he is.
That explains a lot...


TPBM is the tallest midget EVER!