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the person below me

I'm so confused. I am sweet but unintentionally piss off people.
TPBM has a big work project that will require overtime and pays well.
Heh. No. I cut back my hours for sanity's sake (because of school), and don't get OT anyway.

TPBM would like to be petted like a kitty.
Oh, joy. Quantum decoherence! :woohoo: :dance: :onfire: :party:

Or maybe I should say: :high: :high: :high: :high:

TPBM thinks the only reality we should concern ourselves with is the one which we can and do actually experience (as a human body, not merely an isolated individual.)
my feet need freedom in the night!

TPBM thinks footed PJs are for baby and women to take strangely cute photos in. not for actually sleeping in.
I think footed PJ's only really work for babies, and then only when it's cool to cold.

TPBM is glad the weekend is here.
I'm thinking you said you would, but you didn't, so your "yes" actually meant "no."

TPBM will go to Pi's place and report back to us what she's so happy about and why she's being sneaky about it!