• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

the person below me

You might think so, since he doesn't really live all that far from me (maybe an hour), but no. I wonder the same thing from time to time.
TPBM has a hunch about what happened to Pepperfreak, and it doesn't have anything to do with cow bells!
No. There really is such a thing as too much of a good thing, and for some reason, the idea of a "permanent vacation" sounds more like a death wish to me.

TPBM will sleep an hour later in the morning than they usually do.
Not if work has any bloody say in it!

TPBM thinks we should put up "Pepperfreak come home" posters.

And maybe dedicate a song or something?

Johhny Pauly Come Home

You know, if you periodically pause that video and happen to land it just right, the looks on that guy's face are kind of scary.....

Posters? How about billboards? I know the general area where he lives, so if everyone is willing to pitch in, we can put up a billboard and he just might see it. Paypal accepted gladly!

TPBM thinks that is a great idea and will make the first donation.
Brilliant idea! If you promise to really do it, I will make first AND second donation. ;)

(The looks on his face are scary even without pausing it.)

TPBM thinks maybe if we call the cops to file a missing persons report, we might actually get PF. :think:
Well, that is truer than you might think, because he IS a cop.

[geeme calls the city's police department]: Hello? Yeah. So I'm a member of an online forum called The Hot Pepper.com, and one of our members is missing.

[dispatcher]: Is this a joke?

[geeme]: No, ma'am. See, our member is an officer in your police department, and we haven't heard from him in about a year, so we are getting concerned about him. His name is Paul, and many of us call him Pauly.

[dispatcher]: What is his last name?

[geeme]: Um. .... Er. .... Well, he likes hot peppers.

[dispatcher]: Ma'am, I have to have a last name.

[geeme]: Um. .... Er. ....

[dispatcher]: Is this a joke?

[geeme]: No, ma'am......

TPBM has a better idea.
Probably should've worded it better... but the cop thing was what I was getting at. ;)

And nope... I still like my idea. haha


TPBM will be Pepperfreak. (it's worth a shot?)